👾Alien Implants Fre...
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👾Alien Implants Frequency Measured at 137.7 MHz… A Mystery Signal or Satellite 🛸⚠


[blockquote]The late, Dr. Roger Leir was a Californian surgeon who had removed what may be actual alien implants from two people brought to him by hypo-anesthesia therapist and abduction researcher Derrel Sims of Houston, Texas.
On August 19th, 1995, several alleged "implants" were surgically removed from two abductees who had been working with Sims. If preliminary findings are confirmed by further laboratory testing, these implants might provide hard evidence that the abduction phenomenon is a reality.[/blockquote]

Posted : 10/02/2022 2:55 am

Interesting video. Maybe something to this, that would explain repeated abductions.

Posted : 10/02/2022 11:51 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Interesting but, this has been floating around for years.

Posted : 10/02/2022 3:48 pm
Member Admin

Whatever those extracted objects may be, they aren't without interesting properties. Provided it's actually lab proven. Need to see the analysis, where and how these finds were tested.

Posted : 10/02/2022 5:22 pm
Prominent Member

It has always been so simple to see.

Does it make sense to work so hard to cover up anything, if it doesn't exist..?

~~~~> Granted, I can cause you to believe something exist, by throwing Cover-Up Theatrics at you<~~~~~

Simple Answer

If I want bad enough to control a Mass Population of People, it's best that they are driven ignorant first,
driven to fear next
Divided into opposing groups

Threatened constantly with the loss of their Comfort.

Basic rules for Control.

Roll back in History to the Sacking, Looting, Burning of the Library of Alexandria.

The primal reason for destroying the Ancient Knowledge there, was that the facts compiled within,
was deemed a Threat to the Lies created to Control the Population in the Hands of Established Power Structure.

I've referred to that Power Structure in this Way,,, Church and State equal Greed and Hate.

Roll now to when most of the Posters here were in Grade School.

After the Think Tank " Brookings Institute, released it's report of the perceived results on the population
if they were allowed the Facts on Visitations,,,

it would crumble the Fabric of Control held over them by the Power Mongers.

A Project/Operations venue was created by the Intel Community, to order the Public School system
to dissuade Children from learning of the Reality of Visits.

How it works

Teachers would bring up the subject, set the meme that anyone who believed was a Lunatic, and then

ask the kids that believed to raise their Hands ( I raised mine, I'd been aboard Craft )

The rest of the Kids in the class were persuaded to then Mock, make fun of, and laugh at the believers.

Humiliate a Child through Government instigated Programs, Operations, Projects?

"Oh please, don't tell me it's true,,,
I couldn't bare the thought of a Government tormenting the Minds of Children" <--<< safe Zone the Parents protected themselves with.

That's is some of why it worked, Parents seeking to maintain their Comfort Zone, next, after supporting the Program,

anything that "Proved" the reality, would evidence in their minds for their Guilt in supporting the Lies.

Oh NO! and I supported that Spoof on my Kids?"

see the manipulation, Once a Parent is Guilty, they attempt to externalize to protect their Id.

Are Implants real?

Point Blank Yes.

I received one aboard the Craft in 1959,

up through the Nostril and planted behind the area of the Third Eye.


Against my Will and far beyond my consent, I was implanted far more times by the U.S Government Intel Agents.

Believe it?


if not, do you see how well their Grade School Brainwashing worked on you?

UFO sightings

Let us take a Psyche examination of those who richly succumbed to the Brainwashing Project.

Here, conditioning is everything, a circumstance that arose just the other day, were a stranger and I engaged a conversation
on the subject of UFO sightings.

S for stranger
M for me

S " All bullshit, I've never seen a UFO in my life, it's all woo woo"

M " Excuse my prying, but how many Football games have you seen in your Life?"

S " Oh,, so many, probably thousands"

M " were you mostly indoors to watch those?"

S " Pfft,, of course, how else do you watch 'em?"

R " Ok, you see, I am outdoors probably 88% of my life, I love open spaces, and am constantly
viewing the sky above me"

S " So?"

M " well, ya see, How can you realistically expect to witness a UFO, if you've spent almost all
your Viewing time, watching a screen, displaying a Bunch of Sweaty Men in tight Spandex, bent over in front
of each other, chasing each other, Tackling each other,,,, over a small Hank of Pig Skin,,,,?

I mean Sir, You sit in a Recliner screaming and hooting over small images of sweaty men on a screen, and never
give situational awareness to the real world outside that Screen. Hooting Hollering at Men that cannot hear you,,,

and you believe yourself more Sane then I?

Can we agree, you Sir, Have Minimal experience outside that Screen, and the possibility of
witnessing anything in the "REAL" World, on or off this Earth, you have stunted by your own Design?"

Cloaking is a Real Tech, Those Ships are equipped with it, You see a Cloud above you,,,
is it real,,,
or is it Memmorex?

The Implants installed by so Called Aliens are purposed for Tracking the "Experiencer"

The Gov.'t Implants are for the exact same reason.

Why would the Gov.'t implant their own citizens that they are "Supposed" to be protecting
from Hostile activities such as Kidnapping an Experiencer and Implanting them?"

Look, let us not be getting funny about this

Simple answer to Power Hungry Mongers doing so, is they believe if they Track the Experiencer,
they may get a chance to shoot down a Craft
Take the advanced Tech, weaponize it, then use it against Humanity to control them.

Power Over Others, is what these War Head Mentality Jockstrap Creeps are all about.

Don't think so?

Posted : 10/02/2022 7:47 pm
Honorable Member

Just skimming the net about 137 MHz seems it can hide in amateur radio and satellite signal ranges, so yeah, cloaking is plausible.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 10/02/2022 8:43 pm

Interesting thread +1000

Posted : 11/02/2022 1:59 am

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