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A Midsummer night's dream: Why Finns go wild for the summer solstice

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In the days leading up to Finland's public Midsummer holiday Finnish cities become eerily quiet. By Friday many will have packed their bags, loaded their cars, and driven out to the countryside for a long weekend. That's because Finns take midsummer very seriously.


Until the 1300s Midsummer was a celebration that took place after the spring sowing and was dedicated to Ukko, the pagan god of weather. "It was all about guaranteeing a good harvest and fertility," Nirkko explained.

"People toasted Ukko with homemade wine and beer. They turned their old grains into alcohol, which they then drank, in the hope of bringing about a good crop."

Nirkko added that Midsummer was an especially potent time for folk magic.



Topic starter Posted : 24/06/2022 11:59 am
dajavoo liked
White Ribbon
Honorable Member

How cool!



Posted : 24/06/2022 12:00 pm
Member Admin

Now is the best time to visit Finland, it's party weekend of the year! Weather is fantastic and everyone is out at their summer cottages.

This town is mostly very quiet, but right now it's almost deserted.

So... I had some leftover salmon and decided to make a spread for my crispy rye.

IMG 20220624 160737 510

I added some shrimp, salmon roe, dill, lemon, creme fraiche and mayo and some other stuff and spices. It was delicious!

Topic starter Posted : 24/06/2022 5:21 pm
dajavoo liked
White Ribbon
Honorable Member

I knew you would eat that rye crisp bread. I have a Russian friend who only eats that it seems.. Anonymous  


i tried it but find it too dry. 

Posted : 25/06/2022 12:41 am
Member Admin

Too dry... Pfft. You need to slather it with butter and other goodness.

These are my favorites:

The original thin crispbread baked since 1955 made of whole meal rye, is a unique Finnish product "hapankorppu" in Finnish), baked in the traditional way using sourdough. The result is a crisp bread full of unique aroma and meets modern requirements for health with 23 % fiber. Crushed Rye crisps can be used in many recipes to add extra crunchiness into dishes.

Topic starter Posted : 25/06/2022 10:33 am
White Ribbon
Honorable Member

She does eat a product called Finn Crisp. Lol.

she is from Saint Petersburg originally. A Buddhist now. Nice lady. Goes on meditation retreats and that kind of thing. 

Posted : 25/06/2022 10:47 am
Member Admin
Posted by: @white-ribbon

She does eat a product called Finn Crisp. Lol.

she is from Saint Petersburg originally. A Buddhist now. Nice lady. Goes on meditation retreats and that kind of thing. 

It's the same thing as my favorite. Chuckle



Topic starter Posted : 25/06/2022 4:29 pm
Reputable Member,_Minnesota people there celebrate too..

Posted : 25/06/2022 4:41 pm
Octo liked
Member Admin

Cool! They should party, all 195 of them!

Topic starter Posted : 25/06/2022 4:55 pm
Reputable Member

..they just might be.. in the finland forest (shown at first link)

as an aside:59 state forests were established by the Minnesota Legislature in order to conserve and manage the forest resources

Posted : 25/06/2022 5:16 pm
Member Admin

Yeah I read that. Looks like Finland too. No wonder they settled there

Topic starter Posted : 25/06/2022 5:26 pm
Reputable Member
Posted by: @octo

Cool! They should party, all 195 of them!

there's finns throughout mn

apparently they wanted to be more anonymous compared to the created town called finland..heh

bet many have checked out the finland named forest tho

Posted : 25/06/2022 6:41 pm
Member Admin

I bet it's wild and woolly

Topic starter Posted : 25/06/2022 7:11 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member

This is what we grow up on, which is a similar thing, except ours are firm and don’t break apart easily. We would put the same things on them that you would a Finn crisp. Butter and Vegemite would be the most popular thing tho. 


Posted : 26/06/2022 12:38 am
Reputable Member

some here like butter on graham crackers/i do occasionally

Posted : 26/06/2022 6:24 pm
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