Back Roads Hobo Sty...
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Back Roads Hobo Style

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Prominent Member

Pretend is just a game

for minds limp and lame


Fakery is for losers

who never learn to be real


Fake tits

on Blvd. cruisers

look nice, but how about the Feel?


Vicious little Fiends

seeking to disrupt the serene


with Tactics born from the insane.


tell a story now.


I was sitting in my Astro, on the phone reading a forum

I made a reply

this inbred ignorant gutteral Fish Killer attempted to piss me off with his replies.


Hold it, ya see, about 30 years away were a Man and a Woman hiding behind an embankment ,, on their cell phones

while running a Parabolic Mic directed at my Van ( I can hear the frequency from those)


I read clownboys statement and busted out laughing at his weak pussyboy caustic reply


Hold again


From the two over there hiding

I heard the Male say into his phone: He's laughing at you, may as well give it up, he's no fool. he knows.


I replied to the post: Your friends hiding 30 yards away got it right Clownboy, give it up, meanwhile, I'm gonna jump your friends here, expect

empty air. The Pair jumped up exposing themselves and Ran like Weasels


The Member lives way up in Eastern Canada, the couple hiding are Gang Stalkers that track me.


I was in extreme So. Colorado at that moment, Trust Forums? Who, me?


ok, camped the other night, brand new travel trailer, no one visible around for hours, Truck parked right next to it.


My Back began Burning, I looked over at the Trailer and spotted a D.E.W. Device pointed directly at me, causing me to suffer the heat wave

it was transmitting.


I said outloud: There's the device in the window of that Trailer, the motherfuckers are Micro my ass


two seconds and the Light on the device went out. no burning after that.


so we hear everyday about gangstalking  of other people, right?


Here's the sitch

That is a D.A.R.P.A. developed weapon , I'm Talking U.S. Pentagon Black Ops Funds paid for it.


Does D.A.R.P.A. Condone this use of that Human Torturing Device to be used on U.S. Citizens?


think so?


The Trailer was brand new, the truck the same, brand new, the people inside ?


ok, when people post shit about how fucked up the government and world is getting, I just sigh,

like the fuck it wasn't obvious for 200 years, ya citizens just caught on?


nutter point


ya ever notice a poster at a CT forum, and wonder what they are even doing in a CT forum, like, the poster never

states anything that's connected to CT. ?


ever what wonder?


like, they attach to just one Member of that forum, and ride their back, stalk every post that member makes,

never adds any useful material that's on point about the subjects discussed, but always has a fucked up opinion to express every time.




posting nothing but opinions


That, that right there, in certain circumstances, is the stand out of a stalker fucking with a T.I.





Topic starter Posted : 26/04/2022 5:38 pm
Prominent Member

ok, so this is a Hobo Road Story from long ago.


Long before this current time frame, I mean way back,
There was this here Pink Hippo I stole from a,,, um,,, Circus maybe?

So, it's in the back of the Van just Chillin like a Pink Villian,, sleeping as it farts ,, wheeew the stench

anyway, or someway, or anyhow,
I hear Sirens blaring

I think, jeesh,,, they're on me already? ya know?


I whip a left up a logging road,,, and top out on the Mountain and look down to the hiway below

and so,,,,

there's this here old shed afire down in the Valley and sirens were for that, not me,,, ya know?

I'm feelin' stupid,,, and beginning to wonder why I even would steal a Pink Hippo,,, ya know?

I mean, it ain't to eat or nuttin' like that ya know?


I get to thinking maybe if I wait on the Mountain long enough, the Circus will offer a reward
over the Van's Radio News,,,,

ya know?

so,, um,,,, maybe two days go by and like the Hippo done had two nervous breakdowns and a Stroke in the back of the Van,,,, ya know?


know why?

well, neither do I.

but ya see,,,
I can't get the Hippo back on it's feet now,,, it had a stroke,,,,,,,,,, ya know,,,?

and so,, it sh_t like a Moose all over inside my van and stuff,,,,, ya know?

and like,,, I can't even drive the Van it got to stinking so bad,,, ya know?

so,,, Radio announced a Hippo was missin' ya know?

and like it said something like: "If ya find that Hippo, ya gotta feed it "

Ya know?

and like,,, I was a thinkin' to my self,, and said to my self,,, Self, what about a reee ward for the Hippo,
ain't they gonna offer nuttin' for it's return?...........ya know?

and like I waited more, 15 minutes even, till the next news broadcast came on. ,,,,,,ya know?

Dude on the Radio said,,,,

Circus left town and all, and left this public notice

Finder of Hippo, it's name is Eustice

it eats 165Lbs of Rubarb a Day at $3.75 a Lb.

Eustice likes Bubble Baths and Chocolate Covered Cherries while she soaks.

if Eustice doesn't get her Chocolate Covered Cherries each day,,,,,,,

she will sh_t all over the inside of that Van you stole her with. Good Luck.,,,,,,, ya know?

well, that was my first drive from the City into the Mountains.,,,,,, ya know?

Topic starter Posted : 26/04/2022 7:22 pm
Prominent Member

and then once there was this here other road trip I took,,,,, ya know?


but nothin' good happened,,,,,,,,,, ya know?

Topic starter Posted : 26/04/2022 7:37 pm
Prominent Member

don't ya know

or do ya know

ya know?

Topic starter Posted : 26/04/2022 8:29 pm
Prominent Member

~~~~ Lost our Treasure, Earth ~~~~

Sage Lands burning
High Wind turning

and we can't slow down

Small Mound with a History

Cracking just another strange Mystery

Oh can't you tell
many a flood come and gone

rise of heaven, then fall to hell
changes of the World we're on

just keep rolling up and on

Scars seen from above
Ya can tell it's all been done before

Sometimes a shift, sometimes a shove
tell me, do you believe, can it take any more

Just changes in the Moon
Changes in the Sky

never changes in you or I

Can't you see, what you're doing to her
Breaking her down
Destroy your Home
poison you own

tell me,, do you at times
just want to break down and cry,,,

is it a Home or a your Dump

with the way you treat her

ya deserve to lose her to the next Jump

Time will tell, but we won't know

there'll be no one left to hear
at the Neutron Glow.

~~~ Just a Poem ~~~
maybe something will one day wake us up, Maybe,,, just Maybe

Topic starter Posted : 27/04/2022 12:20 am
Prominent Member

Cooking instant Bosco

in a yellow pan


I'll be half way to Roscoe

by the time

they discover my Plan


Driving in scribbles

to throw trackers off my Back


As Fiends and Demons Dribble

on each other's back


Left town 26 years ago

I thought I slipped the net

and nobody would know


But, what I didn't know that Night

that they track my ass by Satellite,,,


~~~~~~ gotta eat someday soon ~~~~~~

Topic starter Posted : 27/04/2022 12:35 am
Honorable Member
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance


your psych problem is that you hate men,

you've bounced all over forums seeking men to piss off.


Everywhere you land, the Lady Members have run you off.


Even here, the ladies have scorned and scolded you about your Man Hating attacks.

they had to do something about

your Feminist Attacks, so they made you a thread and said: deleted your threads and post.


I've held back for 11 years about pointing this out to you or revealing to you that we ignore you.


I know you cackle every time you read a pissed reply, it's your Orgasm to piss men off.


ergo the reason I ignore you, hell, everyone ignores you because they all know your Feminist agenda

to get your kicks.


You haven't the power to piss us off, and you know that, the sickest pert of that is, you

just can't stop yourself from trying.


The cause of your Psychosis probably stems from a Hard Liner Father who rode your ass all the time.


Therapy cannot fix that for you, there is no cure, and you understand that, which also gives you

increased Hate for men and angst to attack Men.


you have a lot to learn about your Psychosis, though learning more won't cure your problem.


you are stuck with what you are.


We, all of here us at Kritterbox and all other members of other forums,

do not deserve your attacks, we did nothing to you.


As I said, I ignored you for 11 years, I did so because you are totally Irrelevant to me.


I give you this kindness of revealing your inner workings to help you stop entering our Atmosphere.


I suggest you back out, delete your account here and stay off the Internet, simply, you need to, because

it just makes you sicker.


At first I felt sorry for you, so I let 11 years blow away, but this is a New Forum, we thought you wouldn't find it.

Now you're back and on the attack again fucking with every thread and every head here.



Back to ignoring you until you give up and leave for good.



the Creep Within






You are replying to me with your hate of women, it's textbook.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 27/04/2022 4:33 am
Honorable Member

Spritually Cyn, we are all hobos and monkey brains, it appears. 

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 27/04/2022 4:35 am
Member Admin

pills andrea wagner GIF by Real Revenue Wives of GIPHY
Posted : 27/04/2022 1:35 pm
Prominent Member
Posted by: @strigoi

pills andrea wagner GIF by Real Revenue Wives of GIPHY



you cannot drive a Monster away while you feed it.


Ignore it please, it'll find a different playground elsewhere.


Topic starter Posted : 27/04/2022 8:08 pm
Prominent Member

Chasing Rain drops through my mind

lifting Wind drives them far behind


out of reasons, now unto better things

down the road a chime of Church Bell rings


Seasons changing, warmer comes

goodbye raining, hello Brightness of the Sun


This small Island provides my Home

Shipwreck didn't really cause much Harm


I watch as the sparking glints dance on the wake

I've slowed down quite a bit, watching Waves break


Could have effected a change, a change in me

all this Paradise  surrounding, calming scenery


Shipwrecked, more  stroke of Luck

less a Catastrophe


Pretty damned lucky for this Sailor at sea


Wind is high, the water fine

getting by easy at the waterline


Surf slides easy to shore

not so lonely anymore


I'd say I missed home if I could only

agree with me,

But it's Hard to miss anything

from this Palm Tree Canopy


Island, wades soft through the Foam

This old Island as my new found Home


Nothing back there at the Homestead

that I would miss more instead,,,,

~~~~~~~~ Lost at Sea, turned a curse into a Blessing ~~~~~~~~



Topic starter Posted : 27/04/2022 10:20 pm
Prominent Member

Running as fast as I can

running, I'd tell, but you'd never

ever understand


She's in waiting

and something strong

pulls tightly against my will


She's in Waiting

probably somewhere in this Song

probably forever, or at least until?


Sand Shifting through this old Dune

I couldn't make3 it home

couldn't make it home, none too soon


Baby suffers Visions

She sees into the Beyond

Suffers Visions of behind


She Taps the Visions of my ragged Mind


Baby loves those Visions she sees

Loves the Love between her and me


Sleep comes so easily, and Her Dreams

take us both through Alter Realities


I like the weather in her dreams

I love us together

when she dreams us flying over the Sea


Running as fast as I can

running, I'd tell you why,

but you'd never

ever understand,,,


Baby's Arms waiting, to hold me

and never ever let me go


We're dreaming together now

Mirror each other's Desires


Dreaming , dreaming,,,,

Nothing will ever stop the Fires


Fires of our Souls,,,

and don't ever,,, let your dreams go,,,,,


~~~~ The melding of Two into One , it doesn't happen to everyone ~~~~



Topic starter Posted : 28/04/2022 12:06 am
Prominent Member

What wakes me

when I lay listening

to her breathing


In this whole life

I'd of never thought

I'd get this right


When she rises from sleep

I want to ask what she dreamed

last night


It's that Raw Feel

that you'll never know

the Unknown



what life is False

which is real


Tearing down this Wall

of Confusion


I just want to rip back the Curtain

and reveal that it's all been Illusion


and no one questions what and how I see


but that's fine

just fine you see


cause I've got my Lines

drawn perfectly


I know those old rules

Built out of Power

ruling over the fools


It's a Figment in a serious way

Born Eons ago

still lives on into today


And no one Tells me anything

I suppose I'll get it some old day


Until then, I'll make my way

having faith in others words

never helped us anyway


In this whole life

I'd of never thought

I'd get this right


Try as Hard as I can

Try with all my Mite,,


I'll stumble by I'm sure


maybe make it too

if I keep it real

Keep it Pure


Windows behind this Mind

Reveal Answers I need to find


If I can keep it Pure


My answers will arrive

in all good time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Driving with all the Windows Down,, praying for answers to rush in to me ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Topic starter Posted : 28/04/2022 2:01 am
Prominent Member

Well,,,,, the Slide Hammer just Fell

Wrecking Ball has swung

We left it out in the Rain

rusted all to hell...

has the Toll rung

Can you hear that Death Nell?


I am not a Preacher

Not a spiritual leader

or a God


Just a salesman,

Humble and Dry


Though we push for Peace

though we sing of Love Faith and Charity


we fall apart from duty

Give lip service and then move on


Yes, we pray for Peace

seeking Solutions through venues

that seem always to be wrong


Little Voices

sing little songs

about little things

in little places

where they all belong


Large Voices sing of Desire

sing about Issues set afire

Sing for Money

pray for Sin to Die


but never give a True loving Life

a decent Try


Wrecking Ball has Swung


Wrecking Crew smashes out the Lights

on the Sun


When all this over

all done and through


Will we still question existence

like small voices always do?


Tell me if you please

Salvation comes only to those

down on their Knees?


What about the Man Standing Strong

is he intimidating to the Controllers of Sheep?


Questions,,, number one through Eternity

and beyond


Ain't it a shame, not worthy of answers

so none shall ever come


Brick and Mortar seals away the Books

Secrets hidden behind lies


Rapist, Robbers, con-men, and Crooks

rule the Street,,,


if we're that good, then why not just admit defeat,,,,


Fear is the First reaction when we think of who we are

Solutions don't come from fearful reactions,,.,

Solutions reside inside, not out there

on some Distant Star,,,


Yes Fear is the First reaction

with the Unknown


If I stand to face it

I know I'll be Standing Alone,,,,,,,


Yes, Standing against it on my own~~~~~~~~~~~~


~~~~ The Pride caused us to drop our Guard, The Greed drove us apart, Now, we Stand apart, and all alone ~~~~




Topic starter Posted : 28/04/2022 2:41 am
Prominent Member

Just a Thought

Me on a string
Topic starter Posted : 28/04/2022 5:48 pm
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