Back Roads Hobo Sty...
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Back Roads Hobo Style

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Jay Rodney
Member Admin

+1000 I was never very happy when I was a kid and actually worried about fitting in what others thought of me.

As I grew up I realized all I was really doing was mimicking my mothers strange behavior... and just no, no hell no to conformity.

And dropping acid just reinforced that realization. Chuckle  

Posted : 28/04/2022 7:31 pm
Prominent Member



Round Holes were not built to except anything but round Skulls

many claim to be free thinkers, meanwhile, they'll follow the influencer that talks the same hate that they hate.


heh heh,,


Take that One Mo-Fo that stands outside the circle watching the other beings play Mimic Mouse, that will be the free thinker.


Nothing of the Crowd is Sacred to the Free Thinker. They are the Misfit in any Puzzle.


They do not blend into a Paradigm, they are the Paradox laughing at the Paradigm.


You'll see them walk out of the Meeting where: Molding Minds to Mold a Perfect Society is planned.


They are the most difficult people to out think.  they are impossible to convince.


Their Mind never creates unrealistic issues to battle with, They are a living solution.


They spot an issue created by another person, they see the solution, but don't care to give it out.


the attitude they have about it is: F__k 'em, they did it to themselves. LOL  



Topic starter Posted : 28/04/2022 10:19 pm
Honorable Member

You are not alone, man.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 29/04/2022 3:13 am
Prominent Member

Rolling through Colorado, I stop at a friends little town back in "98


She's got these eyes that make a Man's third eye take notice.

Shes as crazy as I am, so, any time we're together, some fucking laughs are

going to fill ear-sight.


One Day during the visit, she wants me to sit and discuss us, and I don't get it, cause I didn't see where we were an us.

She begins with a list of questions


1. how do you feel about marriage?

2. how do you feel about having children?


It's a questionnaire to find out if I have the same feelings as Her on future Tense relationship with her.


took a while before it dawned on me,

I left town, never went back.



I worked really hard at not being attached to a freaking Anchor.


So much so, that not even my Boots am I concerned about.


not even the simplest things do I become attached to.


Being, is not a Hat Rack for other people to hang their Mind Problems on.


Being, is easy, it's all the shit created by people and things that can fuck it up for me.


Ergo, I find it very easy to ignore almost everything.


I live the least complicated life because of that Gift




Topic starter Posted : 29/04/2022 4:39 pm
Prominent Member

Spending College Money

on a Porsche 944


Daddy's head gonna hit the floor


I'd been Bad since birth


bad happens, people look at me first


Bad Habits to match a Bad Hairdoo


Bad Rabbits match my Bad Shoes


figure something new for this old Town


bet it ain't had a fire since I ain't been around


~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to the Pirate with Toothless Grin ~~~~~~~~~~

Topic starter Posted : 29/04/2022 6:25 pm
Prominent Member

You say I'm Trouble

I say you got no cause

to pop my Bubble


Over your shoulder

stands a Devil watching


Is his stare Colder

then ,,,,,


Yeah, ya got trouble my friend

and it ain't the last, nor is it pretend


Ya gotta run like the Wind

Devil Catch ya

all you are will come to an end


See this smile

yes, laugh at you I will


you caused it and you know that's true

so now the Devil's coming after you


Shouldn't have started what ya can't stop

should have learned from the trouble

ya already got


So, ya say I'm Trouble

Mischief my Forte'


enjoy that Dance with the Devil

as he hauls your worthless ass away


Maybe ya thought your Pranks

were fun


or maybe ya don't think at all


well I bet you're thinking you won


News for you my Son


You're a Born Loser

ya never win


Now ya can't escape your Sin,,,,,,,,,,


~~~The End ~~~


Traitors and snitches



Topic starter Posted : 29/04/2022 6:38 pm
Prominent Member

Lay on this Dirt Floor

Stay a Day or More


Lose your troubles

Let those worries fly away


Maybe Troubles

were never Troubles



Shining Morning Sun Comes

the dark slides into Gone


All those Bad memories

can fade with that Shining Light


Lay on this Dirt Floor

Stay a Day or More



work it out day by Day


Closet holds no ghost

empty under the Bed

no threats exist for most

Yes, it's all in the Head


~~~~~ On the Beards of my Fathers, I swear, it's only a Figment ~~~~~

home grown town 007
Topic starter Posted : 29/04/2022 11:03 pm
Prominent Member

Just as the Dust was about to settle

Something came a Calling


Like a China Shop Bull, upset the Kettle

and rising turn to falling


and we,, never meant to see

what was coming,

coming down that Dusty Road


Just as we found a way to Peace

Came that Evil sly grin, hair slicked in grease



Eye's of Fire,

Child Eater,

lover of Hell

Natural Born Liar


Knight of the White Stream

Mounts his Steed

Good Man comin'

Coming to ,, Kill those Evil Deeds


Knights in Rows



~~~~~~~~~~~~ How does a Ball Roll on a Flat Earth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Topic starter Posted : 29/04/2022 11:14 pm
Prominent Member

Christ in Dreads and a Hooka!


ya people don't have a need to see all the sweaty Fat People that are now coming out into Public.


Maybe that f__king Quarantine wasn't a Bad Idea.


F__king Liar Fauci calls off the Pandemic, and now all the Over Eater Cowards are back out of the House

and F__king up the Scenery with their Sweaty Fatness.


swear ta gawds is Silk Gowns, there's at least 40% more people out in this small town.


No wonder I saw so many Door Dash drivers, I and them were  the only people driving around out here.


NOT NOW!!!!!


Gawd Dammed mofo's staid indoors for two years, came out weighing 250Lbs more then when they locked

themselves into a self imprisonment.


MothF__kers weigh more, and are White like Cheap Chinese Dish Rags from Walmart from no Sun for two years.


Saw this one Woman driver get startled by a Car Horn, jerked her Head around and her 40 Chins flapped her

into a Comatose.


CHRIST in a Pickle Jar!


GROSS is Back.



Topic starter Posted : 30/04/2022 8:38 pm
Prominent Member

And Now on a Lighter Note


This just in

Amy Called, said I should come by, to check out her New Tat.


I asked where'd ya get it

she said my sweet spot, the one you like to,,, you know.


I replied: Not that, I mean which Tattoo Shop did the Tat.


Amy giggled, I knew what ya meant, I'm trying to get ya Horny, come make me climax so hard

my eyeballs switch sockets ,,,,,,,,,,,, again.


Told her I can't do that stuff no more.


of course she asked why not, but I dropped the Phone without answering.


Maybe this Evening I'll get a new phone,



Topic starter Posted : 30/04/2022 8:46 pm
Prominent Member

Flash Player sends me News Notices


Gonna put those in an email to Biden.


see if he emails a reply to 'em.


He'll Probably think the emails are from the National Security Board,


if I send him the one about Huge Tornado Tearing things up,,, He'll be back in His Basement wearing two Mask again.


Guess who I saw the other Day


Ya Know Eddy Van Halen from the Band Van Halen?

His Cousin is down seeing the sites around here, like the Grand Canyon


She's kinda Muggly Looking, Ruggedly Muggly like a Herpes on a Hemorrhoid

kinda makes ya wanna point at her face and ask: That thing Hurt?

Topic starter Posted : 30/04/2022 8:54 pm
Prominent Member

I might be going to New Orleans.


Maybe head up from there to Missouri too




I might go out to the Boat in Morro Bay Ca.




I might just drive to,,, somewhere else.

Topic starter Posted : 30/04/2022 8:57 pm
Prominent Member

Pointed at her Face just now, asked her,,,, You take Pain Pills for that thing?


she asked,,,,, for what thing?



Topic starter Posted : 30/04/2022 9:00 pm
Prominent Member

New Orleans!


But first, gonna stop in Corpus Christi, check a 27ft. Hunter Sail Boat there, for sale @ $2,500


I know People

they want to leave the U.S.


on a Sail Boat


they want to go to ,,,



somewhere else.

Topic starter Posted : 30/04/2022 9:03 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

@cynicalabsurdance Ya Know Eddy Van Halen from the Band Van Halen? His Cousin is down seeing the sites around here, like the Grand Canyon. She's kinda Muggly Looking, Ruggedly Muggly like a Herpes on a Hemorrhoid. kinda makes ya wanna point at her face and ask: That thing Hurt?


Chuckle Sounds painful to watch.

Does Eddie Van Halen's cousin have an uncle that works at NASA per chance? Bob  

Posted : 01/05/2022 4:02 pm
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