Back Roads Hobo Sty...
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Back Roads Hobo Style

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Prominent Member

you're not going to believe it, guess what happen now,,


Hint, it broke my Nuckles


515030749158d8fec2a046543ce933d3  funny texts lol funny
Topic starter Posted : 20/04/2022 11:52 pm
Member Admin

LOL   Betting that wasn't the outcome you'd hoped for at the time. 2Blinks  

Posted : 21/04/2022 12:33 pm
Honorable Member
Posted by: @jayrodney

There's so much more good stuff you can't buy!

True but on the other hand there are so many adventures, new learning experiences, and great new and lasting memories that money can help to manifest into reality.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 21/04/2022 2:11 pm
Prominent Member

Money ain't shit, I spend less than $900 a month, travel on $4.50 a Gal Gas,

Laugh and make others Laugh at everything, every where and I go.


The Magic isn't in the places we visit, We are the Magic and make those places Magical,

Sharing our Magic with the World, can make experiences with total strangers, magical for all of us.


I think of it as "Tuning" yourself into your Happy Inner Child.

Lot's of Money spending in order to be happy,


is a Temp fix for Shallow People.

a False Happy that fades quick,


Perma Happy is an inner child that is tuned 

Money doesn't buy that, shallow people believe it will,


but, I don't lie to me like they lie to themselves.


so Happy Bee, be me. heh heh 


Topic starter Posted : 21/04/2022 5:31 pm
Prominent Member

Strapped by the Times

a captive of the Master of Crimes


World takes on the Guise of a Scrapyard

of forgotten debris


Another Junk Yard Dog

scarred and Mangled

diggin my way to get free


just a small man, without a Voice


Just another Child seeking his source

Like a walking Dead, a faded Doll


Stuck in the Pull of an out of control wheel

it's a wonder I can think

a wonder I can feel


I've been used and abused to dust

rolled over backwards

like steel wheel turn to rust



just a Captive in a Body that doesn't fit



without a hope of getting out it


Captive of the Master of Crimes


strapped to a wheel out of control

fighting to get free

but the pull just won't

let this captive go


pull surrounds all I'll ever be


Digging a Hole in the ground

under this Scrapyard fence


Digging a way to freedom I've never found

dying to live free, from a world that makes no sense


Captive of the Master of Crimes


Frozen still in the worst of times,,,,,,,,,~~~~~~~~~~~<<<>>>


digging through the pile others toss away,

trying to find the hole to effect my getaway.






Topic starter Posted : 22/04/2022 1:20 am
Honorable Member

Money is a tool to effect happiness in others by charity via donations - money can make wishes come true and save lives. Sometimes inner happiness comes from helping others and for the more dire of us - that takes money.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 22/04/2022 1:24 pm
Prominent Member

fuck your opinions

if I ever have a need to be confronted with fucking "WOKE" bullshit

I'll head for fucking Portland Oregon.


now leave my fucking atmosphere.

Topic starter Posted : 22/04/2022 4:38 pm
Member Admin
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

Perma Happy is an inner child that is tuned

That there is the key. 

Posted : 22/04/2022 7:15 pm
Honorable Member
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

fuck your opinions

if I ever have a need to be confronted with fucking "WOKE" bullshit

I'll head for fucking Portland Oregon.


now leave my fucking atmosphere.

You have a lot to learn about letting go of hate.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 22/04/2022 7:29 pm
Prominent Member


your psych problem is that you hate men,

you've bounced all over forums seeking men to piss off.


Everywhere you land, the Lady Members have run you off.


Even here, the ladies have scorned and scolded you about your Man Hating attacks.

they had to do something about

your Feminist Attacks, so they made you a thread and said: deleted your threads and post.


I've held back for 11 years about pointing this out to you or revealing to you that we ignore you.


I know you cackle every time you read a pissed reply, it's your Orgasm to piss men off.


ergo the reason I ignore you, hell, everyone ignores you because they all know your Feminist agenda

to get your kicks.


You haven't the power to piss us off, and you know that, the sickest pert of that is, you

just can't stop yourself from trying.


The cause of your Psychosis probably stems from a Hard Liner Father who rode your ass all the time.


Therapy cannot fix that for you, there is no cure, and you understand that, which also gives you

increased Hate for men and angst to attack Men.


you have a lot to learn about your Psychosis, though learning more won't cure your problem.


you are stuck with what you are.


We, all of here us at Kritterbox and all other members of other forums,

do not deserve your attacks, we did nothing to you.


As I said, I ignored you for 11 years, I did so because you are totally Irrelevant to me.


I give you this kindness of revealing your inner workings to help you stop entering our Atmosphere.


I suggest you back out, delete your account here and stay off the Internet, simply, you need to, because

it just makes you sicker.


At first I felt sorry for you, so I let 11 years blow away, but this is a New Forum, we thought you wouldn't find it.

Now you're back and on the attack again fucking with every thread and every head here.



Back to ignoring you until you give up and leave for good.



the Creep Within






Topic starter Posted : 22/04/2022 11:03 pm
Prominent Member

went to the bandit loot site

removed the rocks covering the burial.


my friend wasn't there to do the digging, and I can't dig, so I have to wait for him.


something is for sure buried there, except for the stacked rocks over the spot, no rocks are in the soil.


that means it was a dig at one time.


the clues were,


paraphrasing here from the book by one of the bandits.


some where out in the desert ten miles east of Camp Verde Az. on a dirt road 2 miles long

we buried some of the Bags of loot, stacked a dozen rocks over it to keep the Coyotes

from digging it up.


20 yards back toward the road we came in on, we set 3 big rocks in a Triangle to mark the site.


Each of us have gone back and looked for the Cash, but, it was night and no land marks could we see,

so we lost that portion of the loot.


none of us have found it,


it's out there in the desert waiting, 10 miles east of Camp Verde, sits over a Million Dollars in Cash, still in the Bank Bags.




He gave several more hints that I just followed again, all signs he gave are here, if what I'm on isn't the Loot,

it'd be a coincidence that I'd never believe.


Bags of loot

million dollars in Bags,,, yes,,, bags of loot, lots o loot,,,



Topic starter Posted : 24/04/2022 5:47 pm
Prominent Member

Maybe gonna try again today to get that friend to dig up the loot,

He'll love his new expense account.


This thing reminds me of the 1.3 million dollars I dug up back in 2003, but that stash was Cartel Drug Money.

This stash is Bankster Cartel Money.


I still haven't found that Book the Bandit wrote, if we do this, My friend will owe the Bandit a Thanks.


I got  50 cents that say's it's gonna be Mind Blowing.

Topic starter Posted : 24/04/2022 5:51 pm
Prominent Member



Gawd DAMN!


old bitch about 75 just walked in dressed like she's 19, Face lift test subject from the ugly looks of her.


I couldn't help myself, she freaked me so much


I blurted out: " One more Face Lift and your Mustache will be your Ass Hat Tat, gawd, at what point do you

accept the fact that your body hit the wall at 25 ya skank-a-toid Reptile bitch?!!!!!!!!


DISGUSTING GROSS obese FAT as F__K Duet of Dykes walked in right behind her too.


WTF is going on with people in the U.S.A.?!


So many Face lifts on that Skank, you could see into the Marrow of her cheek bones

through that last layer of thin skin she had left on her face man.


if I was filming live stream right now, you would PUKE till ya starved to Death.


FAT so thick that ya can't pick them out in a Room full of Jaba the huts.


and which Salon is convincing Clients that a Copy of a Dumpster Fire, is a becoming Hair Style?


4 colors in their hair, none their natural color, I've seen weed wacker hair-doos come out better.


CHRIST in a Corner Pocket, I gotta get to my Boat and split the U.S.


any tips on where an Island of Skinny People might be?



Topic starter Posted : 24/04/2022 7:46 pm
Prominent Member

Baby got Talent

Baby got talent like a Musical


Baby Paints Stars

with a Neutron Glow


Baby Paint me into your dream

Baby Paint us just a single scene


Paint us Melting into one

Painting a world with a single Sun


Baby paints a song we can feel

Paints so well,, every verse comes alive

The scenes seem,,, they seem so real

Baby's got talent, to paint the path

for the World to survive


Talent like a Train left the Track

Talent, to paint us away from home

and back


Paints Constellations into being

from a single brush,


Baby, take my hand, paint us into,,,,

the Magic, by your hand



~~~~~~~~ The Artist, born filled within, the Talent, to keep this World in a Spin ~~~~~~~


Topic starter Posted : 25/04/2022 12:00 am
Member Admin
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance



Gawd DAMN!


old bitch about 75 just walked in dressed like she's 19, Face lift test subject from the ugly looks of her.


I couldn't help myself, she freaked me so much


I blurted out: " One more Face Lift and your Mustache will be your Ass Hat Tat, gawd, at what point do you

accept the fact that your body hit the wall at 25 ya skank-a-toid Reptile bitch?!!!!!!!!


DISGUSTING GROSS obese FAT as F__K Duet of Dykes walked in right behind her too.


WTF is going on with people in the U.S.A.?!


So many Face lifts on that Skank, you could see into the Marrow of her cheek bones

through that last layer of thin skin she had left on her face man.


if I was filming live stream right now, you would PUKE till ya starved to Death.


FAT so thick that ya can't pick them out in a Room full of Jaba the huts.


and which Salon is convincing Clients that a Copy of a Dumpster Fire, is a becoming Hair Style?


4 colors in their hair, none their natural color, I've seen weed wacker hair-doos come out better.


CHRIST in a Corner Pocket, I gotta get to my Boat and split the U.S.


any tips on where an Island of Skinny People might be?



LOL Europeans are steadily putting on more weight. They are fattening us all up like cattle for the alien invasion. Chuckle  

Posted : 25/04/2022 1:18 pm
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