BLACKROCK! Owns the...
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BLACKROCK! Owns the World.

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Prominent Member

Housing Cost Kicking your Ass?


Inflation with no clue who or why?


Homeless Population growing faster than your Mind can Fathom?


Blame it all on Blackrock


Topic starter Posted : 20/03/2022 7:28 pm
Prominent Member

The Short of it,


Topic starter Posted : 20/03/2022 7:30 pm
Prominent Member

In discussion on Housing Prices and Homeless people.


I began the list the causes, I then stopped, said: GREED causes it.

Topic starter Posted : 20/03/2022 7:32 pm
Prominent Member

Vanguard, The Tool.


Topic starter Posted : 20/03/2022 7:36 pm
Member Admin

You beat me to it. I was reading about Blackrock earlier today and thought well fuck me running..

Posted : 20/03/2022 8:57 pm
Member Admin

Thank fkn lawd our landlord owns a bunch of properties and we pay €350 in rent including a warm garage muahahaha

Posted : 20/03/2022 9:09 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

I'm kinda' surprised by this.

I recall reading about BR a few years ago, about the time Enron took a giant crap... but I didn't realize how deep those tentacles extended into everything.

Posted : 21/03/2022 1:12 pm
Prominent Member

I like those Posters on Forums that Post Threads about this kind of CRAP, and the OP adds their own personal

life event in concerns with their Topic.


Two things that other posters point out to me about my dialogues 


1. Rog', you've been through a lot that gave you a Huge Bank of Knowledge.

2. Rog', I read loads of your post, you know what stands out in each of them?

no matter the subject, you never ever ask a single question.


Ok, let's do Rog' Life Event #1


James Watt:,28804,1858691_1858690_1858648,00.html


OK, My Dad and I both owned "Patented Mining Claims"


James Watt attempted to have all small Mining Claims ripped from their rightful owners, and sold to " Canadian Corporate Mining Company"


Ok that little Prank of Watt's was fought by My Dad and I and most other Miners.

He was removed from Office.


2. Same Shit, Different Secretary of the Interior.


Land Grab for Entities such as Blackrock.


BLM Auctioned off square miles of Land in Las Cruces New Mexico during a RARE building boom there.


I and several other people showed up to bid on the land, perhaps in 5 acre parcels.


BLM stated while we were at the Auction, that they did not have the personnel to break it down into acre parcels

that they land would be sold in "Sections" meaning 640 acre parcels, and the Bidders had to have cash on Hand for the whole section

if they won the Bid.

Land went for $1275 an acre, do the math,  That's $816,000 Cash in Hand to bid and buy.


The Corp. then put the Land up for sale in 1 acre lots, each Acre would cost the Buyer $36,000 a piece.


Now the SHIT


BLM does not OWN that Land, They MANAGE the Land for the U.S. Citizens.


So, after BLM scammed us out of OUR Land, sold it to Profiteers, WE, had to buy back OUR Land from the Profiteers for $36,000 an Acre.



BLM sold YOURS and MY Land to a Corp, never paid us, and That Corp. sells us back OUR Land for 34 times the price?




I have more to tell on shit like this, Later on perhaps, Like the Day that Los Angeles City Managers Attempted to "GIVE" China

Los Angeles Harbor,,,, GIVE? wait, who got paid off?  That little Scam ate shit when it was exposed.


next: The Bundy Ranch Scam.


A Screw named Sen. Oren Hatch, in a Deal with China, attempted to kick the Bundys off their Land, sell it to the Chinese,

The Chinese wanted the land for a Solar Farm.


U.S. Citizens with Big Brass Balls, showed up at the Bundy Ranch and backed up the Bundys, it then hit National News.


Hatch and the Chinese had to back down. WORD got out, Hatch was about to be exposed as a fucking Chi-Com Conspirator .


He dropped dead last Month, good fucking riddance.


Hatch was one of the Politicians who worked to get Ova Noss Family back into the Treasure of Victorio Peak.

what was his Cut? His Hopes to get a Cut?


I got some very good dope on that Treasure and many more.


Ok, above text is a "KNOWN"

why are those snakes mentioned above walking free?


They are a MENACE to Society , and the U.S. Citizens sit on their fucking ass and let these events slide on by.


get it?


Whom do we Blame for shit like this?


We better Blame ourselves, we let our Nation be sold.


Don't a fucking one person ever bitch in my face again, YOU did it to YOU.


Topic starter Posted : 21/03/2022 5:58 pm
Prominent Member

Note: Mentioned above was the "Chinese SOLAR FARM"


Solar Farm?


Green Energy on U.S. Soil owned by a Foreign Communist Government you say?


Is Pres. Biden Pimping Green Energy Policies? For how Much BRIBE Money? Enough to buy a Mansion in the Hamptons?


where are these bags of Puke getting the Money for Mansions?


what "Whore Stunts" are they performing to get that Money?


Let's get fucking real with ourselves Man, if Blind, maybe excuse your ass, wilful blindness, then NO Excuse.


How is it possible for the Vice President to Buy 3 Mansions all at once?


2 in Beverly Hills 90210, one of the Most expensive Zip Codes in the U.S.


Where'd that Bitch get that Cash?


Don't care?


ok then, get your snoot back a page on that Iphone .


Life will be normal for you that way.


fuck Normalcy .



Topic starter Posted : 21/03/2022 6:11 pm
Member Admin

Fuck normalcy indeed


'We Are At The End Days Here'... Coffeetime  


Posted : 21/03/2022 8:32 pm
Random German Guy
 Random German Guy
(@Random German Guy)

Fox Tv Popcorn GIF by The Four

Interesting reading, never heard of Blackrock.

Posted : 22/03/2022 8:49 am
Prominent Member
Posted by: @Random German Guy

Fox Tv Popcorn GIF by The Four

Interesting reading, never heard of Blackrock.

Yeah, There's this guy who works in I.T. and is way involved in the stock market, he posted about Blackrock and I searched the info



he's good for lots of good information, post some really informative links on Tech.


he ain't online so much anymore since Biden swiped the office, I THINK he's got the idea that this admin. is gong

to use the "Dissension Laws" to go after people of Conservative views, he's probably onto something.




Topic starter Posted : 22/03/2022 7:55 pm

BlackRock's Larry Fink, who oversees $10 trillion, says Russia-Ukraine war is ending globalization

Larry Fink, CEO and chairman of the world’s biggest asset manager, BlackRock, said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has upended the world order that had been in place since the end of the Cold War.

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades,” Fink said in his 2022 letter to shareholders. “It has left many communities and people feeling isolated and looking inward. I believe this has exacerbated the polarization and extremist behavior we are seeing across society today.”

Fink’s letter came a month into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with Moscow’s forces bombarding cities across the country and killing civilians unable to escape. The U.S. and its allies have imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia and provided military assistance to Ukraine. 


Larry Fink, chief executive officer of BlackRock Inc., in Zurich, Switzerland, on Thursday, March 7, 2019.


Larry Fink, chief executive officer of BlackRock Inc., in Zurich, Switzerland, on Thursday, March 7, 2019.

Stefan Wermuth | Bloomberg via Getty Images

Fink, whose firm oversees more than $10 trillion, said nations and governments have come together and launched an “economic war” against Russia. He said BlackRock has also taken steps to suspend the purchase of any Russian securities in its active or index portfolios.

“Over the past few weeks, I’ve spoken to countless stakeholders, including our clients and employees, who are all looking to understand what could be done to prevent capital from being deployed to Russia,” Fink said.

Back in the early 1990s when the world emerged from the Cold War, Russia was welcomed into the global financial system and given access to global capital markets, Fink wrote. The expansion of globalization accelerated international trade, grew global capital markets and increased economic growth, he said.

finish it here

Posted : 26/03/2022 1:00 am
Prominent Member

Hi Kat, WOOT! (Cyn here LOL) thank you for the Article.


How's things going?

no fall off wagon I hope.

good to see ya, love your Mind and Humor,  Photo is Big Sur Calif.


Carmel Big Sur stuff 006


Topic starter Posted : 26/03/2022 4:54 pm
Member Admin

Posted : 26/03/2022 5:26 pm
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