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CIA Document Claims Soviet Union Was Developing Cybernetic Telepathy

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"Three newly released CIA reports from 1963 and 1964 investigate the Soviet Union’s apparent use of extrasensory perception (ESP) and attempted development of “cybernetic telepathy.” 

The documents detail conversations an agent had with Soviet scientists and a student about the USSR’s interest in developing ESP. Guided by these second hand accounts, it sounds like the Soviet Union’s plans of developing telepathy went as well as America’s well-documented efforts. “At the moment, he does not have a clear detailed language program for this,” one report said. “Rather, he has an overall goal for the future of finding out about ESP generally.”

The documents come courtesy of a Freedom of Information Act via the transparency site the Government Attic. They’re three reports to the CIA about conversations an agent had with a Soviet cybernetics researcher and a visiting foreign exchange student."

"Some in the U.S. and Soviet Union believed it might be possible to cut out the middleware of a language entirely and set up direct communication between humans and machines via telepathy. According to the CIA agent’s conversations with the Soviets, it wasn’t working out well in the USSR."

"The U.S. military and the CIA both attempted to explore the outer reaches of human ability in their own ESP and telepathy programs. All the programs generated thousands of pages of documents and fascinating stories, but produced no psychic warriors or methods of direct communication between man and machine."

The Soviets were nutters and this program seems preposterous but I'd bet the CIA and other governmental institutions worldwide were looking into the same thing.

Topic starter Posted : 03/04/2022 1:15 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin



It's flaky AF... I mean WTF is ESP anyway?

I have it and think everyone does to one degree or another, but to get a computer to pick up on something that's more than zero's and ones is a pretty tall order.

We're getting into consciousness and streams of consciousness itself and that's a tricky topic to say the least.

Posted : 03/04/2022 4:07 pm
Prominent Member

Quote: " but I'd bet the CIA  were looking into the same thing."


You'd Win that bet if the C.I.A. released my Files in full, without redaction, with full complimentary and supplicant files

out of the N.S.A. and D.I.A. Files.


Add the German Files of the 1920's through 1945, Files that the U.S. War Department collected at the end of WW II, and we may find,,, ESP is a fact

and has been studied, practiced, engaged, and works well with fringe benefits that have made certain  U.S. Gov.'t  Officials

Multi-Millionaires dating back to the Robert Jones Treasure at Ft. Huachuca 1961.


I worked that Project in '61

The Treasure was Transferred to a Private Bank Vault in the Cayman Islands.



Posted : 03/04/2022 8:56 pm
Prominent Member


click, then scroll to the right to the hand drawn picture that Robert Jones made of the inside of the

sub surface ancient Vault


you will see he drew a Throne sitting in the Vault. the Treasure and Throne went to the Caymans.


I was flown to this Project by a C.I.A. contract pilot: Fred Drolte.


then read this next:


Chapter 3 18b Document   Sworn Affidavit by Dick Moyle Re Drolte and F. Lee Bailey March 15, 2..
Posted : 03/04/2022 9:31 pm
Prominent Member

The Chair that Drolte asked about, was the throne


next page where he states it is in Cayman


Chapter 3 18d Document   Sworn Affidavit by Dick Moyle Re Drolte and F. Lee Bailey March 15, 2..
Posted : 03/04/2022 9:35 pm
Prominent Member

or,,,,,,, just read it here


This was "Project 6"


each treasure project was given a Number sequence.


Project 1, was Victorio Peak Treasure

Posted : 03/04/2022 9:40 pm


Posted : 04/04/2022 7:19 am
Random German Guy
 Random German Guy
(@Random German Guy)

Bookmarked for later. Interesting thread strigoi.

Posted : 04/04/2022 11:31 am
Prominent Member

Telepathy is all around you, you use it at times, during an intense situation, you are transmitting and receiving thought energy

sometimes in overload quantity without realizing that.


"I was just thinking about you"


is a common result and statement, we let it pass on by, but, if we tuned in on why it just happened and

really focused on what we were experiencing at that moment, we might learn to tap in at choice and use it


The Timeline on that C.I.A. Document is interesting to me for the fact that just prior to it's compilation, I was being

used in the projects for my ESP and other Abilities.


Maybe, owing to the savage mentality of intel agencies, when I performed, the agencies desired to know

if any Russians could do it, and they began to investigate ( Put their Noses up some asses)


As in: " What if the Russians can use this ESP and see what we are doing to f__k with the World and them?"


Case: The Russian Nuclear Sub that sank in 1964, 10 years later retrieved by Howard Huges Glomar Explorer Ship.


The N.S.A. sent agents to my hometo work on that as well.


Knock at the Door, Ma opens it, I'm behind her, Badges backed up with I.D.'s


Agent to Ma: " We need to borrow the Boy again ( I'm that Boy, 9 years old)


Ma: " go ahead, take him, you don't have to bring him back this time" and that SKANK meant it.


I was paid $200 for the reading, my so called Ma, stole the money, think about it.


The Target was the Captain's Mind, to get the Geo-Cords from him of the Sub as it sunk.


The Cap't thoughts were all in Russian, and he wrote in Cyrillic, so the agents brought in a Soldier

from the Language institute up in Monterey Calif.


Together, as I drew the letters out in Cyrillic, he trans those.


THEN! I got pissed off, they were not interested in find the Sub to save the Sailors Lives.


they only wanted to study the Tech of the Sub.


I was in the Mind of that Cap't. and a couple others, those Men were stranded facing suffocation to death,

Their Thoughts were tearing into me, I wanted them saved, saved right NOW!


I caught on to what the f__k was up with the U.S. Agents, and Blasted them with: You lied, you want the Sub, you're not interested

in saving those people, they're suffering badly,,,


The translator bent over me ( I was seated at table) screamed: They're RUSSIANS, the enemy,,


I shoved back with: They are Humans, what are you, a special human, they are suffering, they need help,

are you a HUMAN? if it was YOU, would you accept rescue from a Russian?"


At that point, I informed them that no help would I give them again.


They had revealed their true colors.


True Story.







Posted : 04/04/2022 6:20 pm
strigoi liked
Prominent Member

Bio on Fred Drolte


Fred was a Munitions Expert, as well as a Pilot, he flew Arms to the Rebels, was arrested in Mexico, deal struck, released.


Fred in the above book pages I posted, was working on a Treasure in the Caballos Mountains when he was contacted and asked

to Work on a Project to remove treasure over at "Bloody Hands" site near Victorio Peak. ( Bloody Hands was a Mural painted on an Overhang, it was thought

to mark a Treasure deposit right below it, in the Pictograph, a HUGE glowing UFO is depicted, hovering over a Battle Scene)


Photo is one portion of the Mural at Bloody Hands.


Fred and I at 6yo, flew out of Torrance Municipal Airport in Calif. Landed at Ft. Huachuca, rode a Jeep up to the sites

in Huachuca Canyon, where I tapped into Robert Jones mind back in the past tense.


He thoughts were a scramble, I explained that he saw things in reverse.




That his directions were a reverse of the actual


Fred, hardly ever spoke, most silent man I ever been around,


We transversed Roberts directions, I walked up to a low set of boulders and told them to dig there.


We hit paydirt, they never told Robert Jones and he never received a dime from them.


The Hole and cave was scouted for snakes and death traps, once cleared, I was lowered into the Shaft


in the second room set the Throne

as the flashlight hit it, I pointed to it and said: That's my portion, you can have all the rest.


Flight Home in a Private owned Plane ( actually, a lot of planes at Municipal Airports are owned by Intel)

flown by Fred, he informed me that all the Treasure would be flown to the Cayman Islands, and he would be the Pilot.


I was six, asked a lot of questions, Fred never hardly spoke, he never ever showed emotion either,


as we flew, I asked a couple questions, he also asked about my life events, he then admonished: " You talk a lot, too much, from now on,

never talk about these operations.


Gotta break our Deal Fred, this sh_t needs some air.



Bloody Hands Mural


yes, I can read the Glyphs





Posted : 04/04/2022 7:29 pm
strigoi liked
Prominent Member

ok, the Mural above is about a fifth of what was originally there, the rest of the Mural Collapsed when Fred blew the Soil below it out.


Fred was good with those TNT Sticks, the soil blew out and over to a side and piled there,


Try that with your M80


Photos from prior, are around, I can't find them yet.


what the Mural Showed,


as stated, a UFO watching a Battle between two factions, one Native, the other was not Spanish nor Calvary of the U.S.


The panel was added to later on in History.


Now the Dope on Roswell and other UFO Crashes around that area of New Mexico.


4, over a few years, 4,,,, again,,, FOUR UFO's Crashed leaving the area of Victorio Peak.


Roswell ( which was actually in the foothills of the Jicarillias, not Roswell) and as well, the Manny Samorra Craft of Socorro,

both left Victorio Peak when they went down.


all four were traveling away from Victorio Peak when the Craft experienced a Fail.


Mu initial ride on UFO's, began with a Trip to that area of New Mexico, so figure it this way, I was shown many Treasure Deposits

and the purpose of taking me aboard was to reveal those sites to me.


UFO's interested in Treasure Sites? F__k Yeah, what did Sitchen tell you about Humans

being slaves in Mines for so called Gods of the Air?


Now Telepathy and ESP


Casey, some of Casey's readings were off, do you know why?


I'll outline that


The only readings that come up short or false, are those when individuals involved are seeking Selfishly.


Casey's Clients held a few of those type of people.


When a Person Taps into the Akashic Records, there are Entities in care of those and they communicate with

the Person streaming in.


On one Gov.'t Project, I was informed by those Holders of the Keys, to mislead the Agents.


Later, as they kept coming back for more, I would give that Team totally false info until they got it through their

thick stupid ignorant skulls that Defunct Consciousness receives what it deserves and that only.


One of you wise people spell that word Akashic for me, I don't use that word often.


Treasure in Photo?







Posted : 04/04/2022 8:20 pm
strigoi liked
Prominent Member

Dead Center of the Panel above, is a Symbol that represents the Phoenician Goddess " Tanit"

 There is a Stone Pillar with a Round stone set atop it, That is one of the Images used for Tanit.


that's right, Phoenician/Hebrew Contact 2900 years ago during the Reign of the Two Kings : Solomon/Hiram.



Posted : 04/04/2022 8:34 pm
Member Admin

No Way Reaction GIF by Sarah Squirm

Fantastic reading. Reading  

Topic starter Posted : 05/04/2022 12:08 pm
Prominent Member

it was an Interesting study for sure, living Life being co-vertly instructed without realizing it was happening.


King II and Chronicles II, old testament , 3 year round trip to the land of Ophir, by LAND and Sea.

Posted : 05/04/2022 5:00 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

it was an Interesting study for sure, living Life being co-vertly instructed without realizing it was happening.


King II and Chronicles II, old testament , 3 year round trip to the land of Ophir, by LAND and Sea.

And they insisted the cultures never made contact.

Tobacco and cocaine were found in the bodies of mummified Egyptian elites - not to mention similar pyramids all over the planet.


Posted : 05/04/2022 5:45 pm
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