Has your electric b...
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Has your electric bill gone up yet?

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Estimable Member

With our bldg installed solar panels, should make the utility bills a bit lighter. Used to pay 200 a month, slowly that figure goes down week by week. Sometimes we get a discount from california climate program

Posted : 03/09/2022 6:21 pm
Member Admin

Last month's electricity bill was 39 euros, lol. That's about the same amount in US dollars.

Topic starter Posted : 03/09/2022 6:25 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member


my sister-in-law says she gets really hot at night sleeping, I said stop wearing clothes to bed, only children wear PJs, grow up. They think I’m some weirdo because I sleep naked.



Posted : 03/09/2022 11:16 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member
Posted by: @boomerang

@white-ribbon None.

But occasionally I would light a fire right outside, this caused the timber in the shed to become extremely hot. I would sleep well on those nights. 

Yet people would stand in there garden and say this is the night he burns to death lol.





But I was never that lucky! 


Sounds cold. I lived in the mountains in a little, wooden cottage that only had a wood fire, the electric heaters I had did nothing, it was that cold. Not very good wall insulation. Burning wood was so expensive too, so half the time I froze. 

Posted : 03/09/2022 11:37 pm
Reputable Member


Wow, utmost respect living in the mountains like that. 

Feeling the cold certainly changed me completely. I sleep now with the window open on the coldest of days, and have a fan pointing at my feat on full blast. If my feat are icy cold then the rest of me feels warm. 



Posted : 04/09/2022 12:29 am
White Ribbon
Honorable Member

This is Australia, so it didn’t snow up there, maybe once every two years it’s snows once or twice. The coldest it got was minus 1 overnight. 4C daytime temp. 

Posted : 04/09/2022 1:00 am
Boomerang liked
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