I asked one Ukrania...
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I asked one Ukranian and one Russian woman about the situation in Ukraine today.

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There are many Russians and Ukrainians living here and they're good people for the most part. I like working with them as they're hard working and have a grim sense of humor.

As news of Russian invasion came in this morning I asked a Ukrainian woman what was going on and about her family and parents. She went with her own family back to Ukraine just a few weeks ago to see her brother who just became a first time dad.

She was silent for a few seconds, as she tried to hold back the tears. She was with her son and obviously didn't want him to see how distressed she was.
She said "I can't talk about it" and left, literally with tears running down her face.

I have a coworker from Russia, also with her own family here and I asked her the same question. She was also distressed, felt like she had been in denial and her mom back in Russia feels the same way. Mom says their media says of course it's nothing, just a military operation thingy. But there are lines to gas stations, ATMs and such.

She said she feels ashamed to be Russsian. It's sad...

Topic starter Posted : 24/02/2022 5:39 pm
Honorable Member

There are Russian reports that Putin has changed greatly in his demeanor and seems to have shifted his ideology to going back 30 years and taking back annexed land that his predecessors returned. Strange happenings. Very sad and when will we ever progress?

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 24/02/2022 5:54 pm
Member Admin

Saw a poll today that said the majority of Russians are against war.

Posted : 24/02/2022 8:15 pm
Honorable Member

Russian stocks down 45%, Rubel plunging, G7 hitting Russian oligarchs where it hurts; finding their hidden/laundered money and holding it.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 24/02/2022 9:10 pm
Member Admin

[postquote quote=2858]

Of course they are! We all are!

Topic starter Posted : 24/02/2022 9:14 pm
Member Admin

85% of Americans were against joining WWII before earl Harbor was allowed.

Posted : 24/02/2022 9:20 pm
Prominent Member

~~~~~**** They asked, no reply satisfied **~~~~~

Questions filled the Air
seeking answers to our prayers

People looked to me, asked how it shall be

I could not understand
this was once a peaceful land

I'll try to help if I can
but I'm a solitary man

Questions repeat
answers never complete

Foul Wind this Day
the Soldiers a war game to play

Again the people look to me

I've no idea what will be

what shall come, I just don't know
Shall we run, or wait out this show

Questions gather strong
multitudes, miles long

Escape the Madman's Claws
or remain to Die in his Jaws

Ostracized, ridiculed
Socially Paralyzed

Until times as these

then they seek from me
answers to questions of which I don't agree

It;s finally world war three
and lord
it's no surprise to me

Just one in a Million repeats
we find in our History


must they even exist
when all we are
resides in our past,,,


Answers are easy
Just look into your past

Questions blown away
in the War Winds of yesterday

no reply satisfied

Ask the Souls who have died
they have answers that satisfy

Pushing the Envelope of War
when it burst, the answer will be
same as before,,,

War came and went
at the end, all reasons spent

War comes again
right on time

Right as our Vets have all past
no one left to recall the crime

A Reset for the next to come
shallow resistance from the crowd

Today, memory of past war unknown
to anyone,
War God dons his shroud

Season for War arrives
tearing again, into our lives

We sit 7 billion strong
we could stop this

but not with just this song`**~~~~~~~

In a Country where 20 year olds spent two years hiding
in their homes, locked away in fear of a Flu Bug, afraid to come outside

,,,,,, somehow, this time, I cannot see any Hero's in the future.**~~~~~***

Posted : 24/02/2022 10:02 pm
Member Admin

I don't think Putin asked for anyone's opinion on this

Topic starter Posted : 24/02/2022 10:03 pm
Prominent Member

Same with George Bush #2,

I think my Iraqi Friends have something to say about Invasions.

Bombed school yard in Iraq, full of children, that now reside in graves, can't speak to us
about the Horrors.

Posted : 24/02/2022 10:11 pm
Member Admin

Actually, he asked me and I said it sounded awesome. I should probably learn to speak Russian.

Posted : 24/02/2022 10:12 pm
Member Admin

I know some Russian and Ukrainian words and can pick them up in conversations

Topic starter Posted : 25/02/2022 12:28 am
Member Admin

I watched some bad driver videos that were mostly of Russian drivers and I used to drink vodka but that only helped me speak Slurman.

Posted : 25/02/2022 2:45 am
Honorable Member

[postquote quote=2872]

That's how Russia introduced the invasion, sending a mega bullet through a kindergarten classroom. We aren't paying attention. We may be too into our non-reality life.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 25/02/2022 7:29 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

When Octo came home last night and told me about this, we were both driven to tears.

Sucks when there are real people and faces involved here.

Posted : 25/02/2022 11:29 am
Member Admin

That made me well up. I've made arrangements to get out. Tanks planes and troops 200 km from here isn't giving me much comfort. Joining NATO was a shit daft idea. Kahlúa and a Valium are my lunch as I despise traveling passionately. Octo please check your messages.

Posted : 25/02/2022 2:21 pm
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