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It's Crazy!

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Prominent Member


On this Video, you're on your own in figuring out what the f__k is on that persons Head

and wtf the two of them are trying to do about it.

Topic starter Posted : 11/05/2022 6:06 pm
Prominent Member

Baaa waaa haaa haaa!


Actor, super glue. and this Dude Votes?


It's Crazy!

Topic starter Posted : 11/05/2022 6:11 pm
Prominent Member

Pick out a Nut in this. Gotta ask, is Obesity a Trending Fad in the U.S.?

swear ta gawd, this country has gotten so Fat so quick.


watch the Booties . how the hell do they get out of a Car Seat with those asses?


It's Crazy!

Topic starter Posted : 11/05/2022 6:18 pm
Prominent Member

Skank shows up at a McDonalds, prepared to expose ????


and jumps in the drive through window to get her point across.



Topic starter Posted : 11/05/2022 6:23 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

damned   Cat fight at the drive thru.

That's Murica.

Posted : 11/05/2022 9:51 pm
Prominent Member

person filming missed the money shot


they cut off the camera just before the Weave came off flying


love those Mall Brawls where


afterward,,, 6 to 10 Weaves are spread across the floor looking like a Family of Porcupines got ran over.



Topic starter Posted : 11/05/2022 10:15 pm
Prominent Member

One Small Star sees into my Future

Wonders why I don't Fly anymore


Where are we now, in a Mystery?

are we Rocking our Souls, or just Dancing

to empty Notes played by invisible strings?


What was Preacher even thinking

when he asked for the Title to my Soul


I told him your Baptism is like sinking

in Shit coating inside a cracked up Bowl


So stand and deliver

let's see what ya got Preacher Man


If you're closer to God, or an empty Quiver

sans arrows and broken Bow for at Hand


We're all looking for Salvation

We're all Stranded in a World confused

and hard to understand


But you haven't the Answer any better than I

I can smell that on your Breath

I can see it in your Eyes


Fakers are Fallers in the end

Cry out Callers that never rise again

I'll stick to my Knowledge

stick to instinct and what I see is True


I Remember, each September

I'd enter another season of School


And Join the Crowd in education

of how to become a Total Fool


Every where I look is a sign

telling me how to be

telling me what I should think


Every where,


another Meme to control my Mind

Telling me, bad for a Mind to be free

yeah, forcing that Mind to flounder and Sink




I'm breaking the Mold

You can force Minds to Obey


Don't touch me, I've grown Cold

Have a way to cause you to blow away~~~~~~~~~>>>~~~~~~ Crayola World, wash you clean, put my Sofa where I can watch you shrivel into Dust~~~~~~>>>~~~~~~



Topic starter Posted : 12/05/2022 8:57 pm
Prominent Member

Love that Poem I wrote up there.


Watch this Total Waste of Great Beer.

Suds spread out like a Wave of ,,,,

Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 5:36 pm
Prominent Member

Folks in Calif. telling citizens to buy Electric Cars, some want Auto-Pilot, some just thankful to ride a Bus.


It's Crazy!!!!

Dude says "F" to finding a Parking Spot, Plants his Tesla right in the Lobby.


I ain't buying nothing with Auto-Pilot in it.

Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 5:45 pm
Prominent Member

This is at 3rd and hope street downtown Los Angeles, I built this place back in the 1980's


Back then, there was one person on my Job that was Hefty, watch this Crowd Run and the Fat Jiggle.

what is causing all the over weight in America?


I carried my Gun on me while I Built this Place, No one was ever robbed while we walked to our Vehicles.



well watch the vid, today, Fat Security Guards run like hell.


pfft,,,,,,,, Toto,,, I ain't in America no more.

Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 5:59 pm
Prominent Member

^^^^^^ Watch at 37 second mark, The Cook makes an exit, customer yells: " Hey! What about my Fries?!!!!"


so hard to get good help nowadays.

Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 6:05 pm
Prominent Member

watch to the end, fucking Timothy Leary attempts to control the crime scene LOL!!!!!


fucking classic, Old Turd dudes the only ones whom didn't run away,

chicken shit generation is what the next Gen will be.


If the U.S.A. is invaded, Those folks in the Vid share your foxhole with you LOL

oh gawd,,, sure am glad that I never had children.


the future?


I don't even need any more laughs this morning,


Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 6:19 pm
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