I've Made A Mistake...
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I've Made A Mistake...

Reputable Member

I've been chit chatting to people for the past 10 days and I didn't want to say anything cuz I didn't want to appear like I was showing off.


It's quite easy, you get over the initial greeting and say, 'How is the weather for you?'

They then inform you for 10 minutes how it is either to cold, to hot, to wet, to dry, to bright, to dim and so on and so on. 

Then they tell you how the weather has affected there, gardens, tea party's , daughters wedding, sons BBq, trip out to the zoo,  and everything else that's going wrong in there lives because it is all the weathers fault. lol


Then I bring the chit chat up a level and ask, 'have you watched anything good on the TV lately?' and the replies are really quite mesmerizing. Not only do I know the names of people in shows I have never heard of, but the excitement in there eyes as they relive the show whilst I'm standing there looking at them, this is all rather 'Gobsmacking' for choice of a better word. 


So I made a mistake with learning chit chat and this morning took Alice on a walk around the hedge lines, avoiding the paths and probably looking really shady and about to burgle or do someone over. 


I had successfully got 3 quarters of the way around on the walk when Alice saw the open door on the side of the church. It's a door located right at the back of the church and some bloke had just come out of it and then shot back inside quickly. But he never shut the door and she clocked it from a fair distance away.

Without warning she runs up and through this side door,  and all I hear are crowded shrieking noises, it was like in stereo as she run about everywhere inside, and with the reverb of the church it sounded  kind of weird, almost in key if this makes sense but still none the less 'shrieking', I put my head in the side door and the first thing I saw was a stone coffin with some bearded guy half sat up in it, my mind was kind of on the question, 'I wonder who turned him into stone?'  When I look to the left and the vicar and his customers are in a turmoil. Alice had decided to run over there laps/pews and everything else she could find to jump on, my first reaction to all of this was the word mayhem. 

So I quietly shut the side door and waited over by a tree until a few of them chased her out of the main door, and though they were obviously a little shook up, they called over and said she has just had the time of her life. 



I think I'm going to have to move soon! 




Topic starter Posted : 30/04/2023 3:44 pm
Octo liked
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Member Admin

Oh I love it! YAY  

I also love how you decided to venture into chit chatting! You did great! 

Life is so interesting, it's not a coincidence we're right here right now to witness this weirdness.

Posted : 30/04/2023 6:14 pm
Boomerang liked
Member Admin

And you made no mistake

Posted : 30/04/2023 6:25 pm
Boomerang liked

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