Nordic countries dr...
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Nordic countries dropping all restrictions 🇫🇮 🇸🇪 🇸🇯 🇩🇰

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Member Admin

The thing about masks and Covid is the tiny holes in the mask (hospital masks) are 60 microns and the Covid virus is only 5 microns. It's like throwing a handful of sand at a chain-link fence.

Posted : 10/02/2022 9:25 pm
Honorable Member

Those masks are three layers and so that would change its effectiveness. Anyway they are working for me, so far no flu, cold nor covid using hospital masks.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 10/02/2022 10:01 pm
Member Admin

If air can pass through the mask then so can Covid. Also, if you replace them frequently then you are doing more harm than good.

Posted : 10/02/2022 10:51 pm
Prominent Member

"It stands to reason
it stands on it's own

you give it power
when it stands on your Tongue

It Stands inside your Mind
it just won't leave you alone

Never let a Crisis go to Waste

Pimp it with the power
none can resist

Give the people a Taste

pimp it Hour unto Hour
until they absorb the Gist

This is the Monster they've waited for

The perfect Ghost in a perfect Host
Tell me Oh Wiseman the Great

if I pull your ignorant Cover

what would be my Fate?

Would it be, burn me at the stake
or shoot me down in the street

just for safety's sake?

Official to some I'm sure you are

a Nasty Slime Bag creating a social Scar

But to me you are nothing
Just another Puke in History

out to control Entire Humanity

Fear hits Global wide
Pimped heavily,,
tell me,,, are you now Satisfied?

You flip flop Dialogue to confuse

What if you gave a War

and nobody Came

What if Truth revealed your Death Loving Game

If I told you I'm an Angel in the Flesh
and that It's be proven,, I Influence with Terms
and with those
I scare you to Death,

Better think it out Mr. Power Pig

Heaven despises you
and will certainly send a Team

To ruin your plans and your scheme

Make sense Mr. Pig, can you see it now?

I didn't come in here
to just sit around,,,

I came to this world to fight you
and take you down.

A Band of Angels? You ask

Yes indeed, and we're up to the Task

We never lose, we always Win

Better pack bags, head back to your World of Sin.

Fair Warning, you've just received
if you have brains,,,
you realize, game up, time to leave

This World is not your Toy
the life here not for you to destroy

I've had you nailed since a little Boy
Your Evil you create, is your only Joy

Your Evil here
is coming to an End

You, the Devil
Hell no, I'm not your Friend.

It Stands to Reason
it Stands on it's own

Take your LIES now

Take them and be gone~~~~~~~~~~~~~<------------<<<<

" Do not be afraid of the Devil,,,, that is how he gets to you"

[attachment file="1827"]

Posted : 10/02/2022 11:47 pm

That's a very unique petroglyph. I've never seen anything like it.

Posted : 11/02/2022 1:17 am
Prominent Member

[postquote quote=1832]

That's a Knights Templar imagery from New Mexico

Can you cypher it?

I can, but Scott Wolter and History Channel Cannot. LoL


There is a Hand Dug Vertical Chamber at a presented distance from this Map Panel.

within the code is a Trail to it encoded with Celestial Navigation indicators.

A Depth of the Chamber is presented
The Shape of the Chamber is presented

The Banner of the Group that secreted it is presented.


a Protective Deathtrap to guard it, is as well presented.


Posted : 11/02/2022 1:52 am

way cool. i've missed kb.

Posted : 11/02/2022 10:57 am
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