Phil Schneider UFO ...
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Phil Schneider UFO Material ( Video inside thread )

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Prominent Member

I was directly over one of these Tunnels
while Traversing Nevada.

I parked right over it

about an Hour maybe, went by,,,, HUMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm roar underneath me.

so the Train and Tunnels are real for me.

The rest?

that too

Phil Schneider, his last Seminar. He died in 1996.

Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 3:08 am
Prominent Member


  • According to Schneider, by 1995 there were 131 active secret underground bases in the United States and about 1,477 underground bases worldwide.
  • Each base cost an average of $ 17-19 billion (in 1995 money) and took 1-2 years to build using advanced construction techniques, including vitrification and rock melting using lasers.
    Schneider stated that these bases are huge and contain thousands upon thousands of soldiers and service personnel.

  • Magnetic levitation trains connect all bases in the United States in a huge transportation system capable of incredibly high speeds.
  • He claims that there is a whole other world down there, filled with both humans and alien life forms.

  • Area 51 is actually a complex of 9 deep underground bases, home to more than 18,000 workers, whose lives are highly regulated and completely classified.
  • In 1954, the United States government signed an agreement with aliens giving them permission to conduct experiments on humans and animals in exchange for technology.
  • This agreement, known as the Treaty of Grenada, is a well-documented event.
    The original terms of this agreement stated that only a small number of people could be kidnapped, and they needed to be returned to where they were found, and their memory of the incident should be erased.
    The aliens also had to provide a list of the people they were abducting.
    However, after a few years, it became clear that the aliens took many more people than they initially agreed.

  • There are 11 different alien races on Earth.
  • Two of these species are benevolent.

  • “The new world order and alien plans are one and the same.”
  • Schneider describes the alien program as “a complete takeover of this planet, resulting in the death of 5/6 to 7/8 of the world’s population by 2029.”
    Obviously, the alien takeover will mean that a single world government will be created, and, in all likelihood, this will be the end of freedom as we know it.

  • At least 9 races of alien beings view humans as a food source.
  • However, this does not mean that they are all cannibals.
    Instead of actually ingesting human flesh, they use the secretions of the glands of humans and animals to prepare a mixture of vitamins added to their food, and some alien races can get a high, like drugs, from the adrenaline withdrawn from human bodies.

  • Sixteen days before his first public appearance, Schneider was attacked by someone he identified as an FBI agent.
  • This man wounded Schneider in the shoulder and in response Schneider shot and killed him.
    But when he reported this directly to the FBI, then Schneider was told that they did not know about anything like that.


    Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 3:09 am

    ty 4 that

    Posted : 11/02/2022 10:52 am
    Honorable Member

    Instead of technology the aliens should be giving us better brain function and genetic altering to wipe out our destructive and blood lust so instead of war we would have more people and incentive to advance technology ourselves.

    Power without abuse loses it's charm.

    Posted : 11/02/2022 5:37 pm
    Jay Rodney
    Member Admin

    Or we're the result of attempts at those corrections you just spoke of...

    Posted : 11/02/2022 6:02 pm
    Honorable Member

    Early steps, many corrections to make for us humans.

    Power without abuse loses it's charm.

    Posted : 11/02/2022 6:06 pm
    Prominent Member

    Always thought: "Why would any species of High Intellect even want to have contact here?"

    you know what I mean, right?

    just given the fact that we can't even interact with each other without Conflict.

    Thinking: Up there, and with their Tech, time travel inclusive, they surely know the Nature and habits of our Consciousness,

    Who would want to step into this mess that we are?

    Especially The Higher Consciousness.

    I know I'd be like " Time has come to be gone!"

    ( photo, me making a Fast escape)

    [attachment file="Lisa and Roger.jpg"]

    Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 8:17 pm
    Jay Rodney
    Member Admin

    [attachment file="k.png"]


    Posted : 11/02/2022 8:26 pm
    Honorable Member

    Exactly, they must have no choice - desperate.

    Power without abuse loses it's charm.

    Posted : 11/02/2022 8:37 pm
    Prominent Member

    [postquote quote=1916]

    yep, some kinda something broke? Chuckle

    On the paranormal thread, I got this: Page is not available right now, we are looking the page over, it will be back up soon.

    On that thread, I noticed that Treasurenet changed the code and name of my pics while I was away.

    I wonder, did they also attach a freaking bug to that file?

    Those asswipes have been reported many times as an attack site.

    Feds do nothing about it though.

    Test an Image upload now with this

    [attachment file="Song for Beepers Puppy.jpg"]

    Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 8:50 pm
    Prominent Member

    I'm getting a Word Press Critical Error message

    did you do a recent upgrade Enlil?

    Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 8:52 pm
    Jay Rodney
    Member Admin

    Yes I know what it is it's gonna take about 30-45 min to correct.

    Friggin content delivery network is fussy. I'm still tweaking things.

    Posted : 11/02/2022 8:57 pm
    Jay Rodney
    Member Admin

    [attachment file="1935"]

    test 2

    Posted : 11/02/2022 9:16 pm
    Jay Rodney
    Member Admin

    it works!!! yay Chuckle

    Posted : 11/02/2022 9:17 pm
    Prominent Member

    [postquote quote=1937]


    Put the curtain BACK!

    while back
    I partitioned a Hard Drive for Windows and Mint.

    scrubbed the NTFS right the hell off of it, then,,, wondered where Windows went,,,

    tried like hell to reload Windows on the drive,,, got the message: " NOT GONNA HAPPEN"
    I laughed

    said to self " GOOD I hate windows anyway, go burn in hell"

    testing pic upload

    and it works! yippie for the Hippies!!!!

    [attachment file="1942"]

    Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 9:36 pm
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