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Phil Schneider UFO Material ( Video inside thread )

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The forum was updated after this thread was started, it's possible the old attachments didn't make the jump Anonymous  

Posted : 30/03/2022 7:30 pm
Prominent Member
Posted by: @octo


The forum was updated after this thread was started, it's possible the old attachments didn't make the jump Anonymous  



Microsoft Updates do that too.


When I was a Kid, I updated from a stick to a Stone, man,,,,, did I get High


Topic starter Posted : 30/03/2022 8:37 pm
Prominent Member
Posted by: @strigoi

Reading Ta CA.

yeah, no shit, the File was released all the way back in 2013, and yes, some Twitter Bitch Weasel would post quotes out of it

to enhance their tiny weenie Ego at some point.


Mr. Moe?


some Dweeb calls himself Mr.?


Mr. Moe?




like he thought it up for himself, Mr. Moe the Wizard of all things Ancient.


Topic starter Posted : 01/04/2022 6:58 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin


like he thought it up for himself, Mr. Moe the Wizard of all things Ancient.


Dog Shopping GIF

 derp Chuckle  


Posted : 02/04/2022 3:34 pm
Prominent Member



Dufus People every where,


This laptop has touch screen, none of my other laptops have that, my thumb touches the touch pad, Poof, text on the screen

flies over to somewhere else.


Not use to touch stuff that vanishes things,


so, I thought at first, it was a hack, root kit even,


if I accidentally tap the screen, the laptop ,,,


you don't want to know

Topic starter Posted : 02/04/2022 4:55 pm
Prominent Member

The Cow




Face shot

I posted the Ass shot in this thread, photo went POOF during update tho'.


I watch the Craft take this Cow aboard, that is FACT.


Two days later, 2 1/2 miles away, I found her dead.


Buzzards and Coyotes would not touch her.


The Buzzards would circle her, but not land or even get lower than about 35ft. to her.


The pack of Coyotes waited and watched from at least 50 yards away, they would not approach.


on spotting the Buzzards hovering, I drove down to see what was Dead.

 The Coyotes all ran, I walked up close and the Buzzards left ( they do NOT do that, you have to threaten them to scare them away)


NO TRACKS! around the carcass .


Obvious Impact from above though.


NO, insects did not do that to her eyes, Zero Flies or Bugs around her.

Zero predator Signs


One or two spots of Buzzard Shit from them hovering over her, but no Bird Landing Marks.


Cored Ass, 3 sided Flap Cut.


the whole fekking Noodle Factory of Cow Abduction.


Cow Mutilation UFO site 001



Topic starter Posted : 06/04/2022 7:16 pm
Prominent Member

The Date Stamp on my photo says it,


this is how I started off my New Year for 2019.


first fekking day of the year, early morning, first fekking thing I encounter.


somehow, I don't think the "Bug" Aliens like me much.

Topic starter Posted : 06/04/2022 7:20 pm
Prominent Member

Found the Photo on pg6 or 7


The Ass Flap




18 Cow Mutilation UFO site 003


That, that right there, that for a fact, right there,,,,,,,,, UFO Deed.


No Blood?


why not?

Topic starter Posted : 06/04/2022 7:42 pm
Eminent Member

I would assume cut and cauterized in one fail swoop for the injury itself. I'm stumped on why there's no blood, how do they pull that off Cynical?

Posted : 07/04/2022 12:31 am
Prominent Member

I didn't watch the operation, just the before and the result as seen in photo.


There's other people acquainted with me, they have another story to add in regards to strange encounters in that area.


copy pasted from treasure forum....>>>---->


question quote : 4) [A bit OT, but have you ever seen any unusual wildlife in Sappo Canyon?]

Ahem , if you're referring to a Creature about 3.5ft. tall , with the torso of a Badger , covered in Hair like a Badger ,
Arms the shape of a Loggers covered in hair and a bit too long
for the Body , the Face of a Young Man , ears like a Cat ,,

Answer : Yes , he is my Helper while I am in there , he can dig a Cylindrical Vertical Shaft like no Machine can duplicate
nor match the speed of .

Do not be nervous about him , he's harmless , devoid of Self Realization , emotionless , yet willing to be at Service at all times .

He's a Bit Hard to look at , at first , but we were as well hard to look at for him when he first encountered our Species .

Watching for him when I'm not around is Fruitless , you'd be better served to watch the Skies .

This is another UFO Central for a Fact .
I would film those , but honestly , would it matter greatly to anyone who was not Present ?

I did in fact watch a Cattle Abduction in broad daylight by a Craft , I attempted to drive up to the Craft , after watching it for at least an Hour ,
as I made the Approach , it lifted off and slowly flew into a Canyon .

The Entities dropped off the Cow the Next Morning .

Sans it's Eyes and Rectum .

Linda Moulton Howe Style indeed.

I did take a few Pics of the Deposited Cow though .

Uh , just so the readers can understand my Brazen attempt to drive to the UFO , These so called Paranormal events
are more common to me than most people , I have a wealth of the experiences , and no fear of them .>>>><<<<<-----<<< end quote of myself.




read that


The Creature I described was real, a Hybrid Creature. While aboard the Craft back in 1996, Pilot/Controller, introduced this ,, creature? to me.


stated: when you come back to recover these deposits, if you need help, we'll provide him to help you dig it up.


TRUE FACT, that actually was the exchange between us.



now the Bird and the reason Steve asked me if I'd seen any strange wildlife in the area.


I also drew back on the Digger, I had to throw that out there to find out if Steve had run into him out there,

he hadn't, and to move forward with the dialogue and presentation, retract was made, otherwise, as you can read the replies

at that forum, I'd have to slap ass on people, which kills the presentation.


copy paste again with Steve's Big Bird sighting, keep in mind, I saw it,

as well as other people I know personally have seen it at other times have seen it, >>>---->


""""Well, I certainly wasn't expecting a response this radical.

Sure, many no-nonsence observers dating back at least a hundred years (including my exploring partner and myself, frankly)

have seen a so-called "thunderbird" on the west side of the Cookes Range -

a black "bird" with a 20'-plus wingspan. Similar sightings have been reported in the Radium Springs region. But this critter takes the cake.<----<<< end quote.


Steve is not shitting anyone, that Bird is a Throw Back, HUGE Black Bird, his Back is Shiny like a solar panel.


I believe it's called a Teratorn, an extinct Buzzard.


ok, if the reader clicks the link to that forum, I had to post under several different names.


you'll get it as your read,




The rest of the story is all over those Treasure Forums.


Ok, UFO's, Big Birds, Mutilated Cows, disembodied spirit meet-ups inside caves, all that sh_t was happening

around me at those Petroglyphs.




have a Nice Teratron Photo


Topic starter Posted : 07/04/2022 6:03 pm
Prominent Member

On meeting the "Badger Boy" on the Craft, conversation with Pilot.


Me: My gawd Man, you made him? how can you do that Cruel Shit, mixing Human DNA with Animal?

That's fucking Horrid!


He: He doesn't have any self awareness,  he's more like a Machine, made to do a Job, dig, not stare into a mirror.


Trip on that a while, Hybrids created aboard UFO's in a Lab?


Puts a face on those underground Bases and tunnels, eh?


do those sub-surface Bases exist?


How many people must tell you so?

Topic starter Posted : 07/04/2022 6:18 pm
Prominent Member
Posted by: @meh

I would assume cut and cauterized in one fail swoop for the injury itself. I'm stumped on why there's no blood, how do they pull that off Cynical?

I was thinking more like the Blood is Drained prior to the incisions.


Topic starter Posted : 07/04/2022 6:19 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

A black "bird" with a 20'-plus wingspan were the exact words of an older guy I knew in Reelsville IN describing to me what he had seen following the river.

I did not doubt the guy one bit... it's pretty woolly country.

Years ago, my GF's Dad had a summer cabin out that way on the river and we stayed out there one night.

We head whistling whoops and trees banging and cracking but there was nobody around for miles.

Not by any means saying it was Bigfoot, it was night and we saw nothing looking out the windows kinda' terrified of what we'd see, but years later that I discovered the "grass man" as they call it around that area, makes similar sounds.

Point being cryptids would and do seem to be everywhere and if you happen to spend a lot of time outdoors as I've done most of my life you're bound to run into something out of the ordinary and usually when you least expect it.

Posted : 07/04/2022 9:18 pm

Ahem , if you're referring to a Creature about 3.5ft. tall , with the torso of a Badger , covered in Hair like a Badger ,
Arms the shape of a Loggers covered in hair and a bit too long
for the Body , the Face of a Young Man , ears like a Cat ,,


I may have dated him in High School. Chuckle   That's trippy.

Posted : 07/04/2022 9:42 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Chuckle Pretty sure that's a different creature Sandy.

Oh lord.

Posted : 08/04/2022 4:34 pm
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