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Phil Schneider UFO Material ( Video inside thread )

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Prominent Member

write a song as I sit and ponder

fresh off my fingers to ya'all .

~~~ Song ~~~

Well , she was asking a Price
for all the Answers to life ,,

I replied , ain't a Charge for a True Seeker

all is free in this Reality

The other World you see , is so much Weaker

Profits for Prophets , and nothing there is Free ,,,

It's a Line I seldom use
a Verse sang in the Key of Smile

The Banter was deep with truths
a lovely way to spend the while ,,,

And she has those Visions still ,
just an Imprint from a Trigger of her Free Will ,,,

and I'm still on the Road
Talking that inner view with strangers wild and Loose

Freedom ain't all it's cracked up to be,,

it cost a lot for something so Free

But it's whatever a Child makes it out to be

We can look out for the answers
that lie deep within

But that ain't gonna get us Home

Inner View is the Sight to see

I mean child , if you ever expect to be
Free ,,,

Free of worry , confusion and Pain ,,

it's all within , waiting to come back to you again ,,,

In the Eve as the Sun Peeks through
Half Closed Eyes ,
The Child sits as she seeks ,
Truth through the words of the Wise ,,

I'm not that Wise , and not that well healed ,,
it's an Alter vision from my old tired eyes ,,
and a Bit of that Self Willed ,,

But she hangs on every word ,
as though they shine ,, helping her to see ,,
The Path to being free ,,,

She's got her own , I may touch it is all ,
Brings up from that " Inner View "
Yes she's her own , without the giving of Mine ,,

It's not a day Job you see ,
it's an alternate reality
a Perception from an Old Misfit ,,

and I say to her ,,
I can't be as free as we'd love to be ,,
But somehow she doesn't agree with it

~~~~~ We never seek within,, as much as we seek without ~~~~~

[attachment file="2054"]

Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2022 9:09 pm
Prominent Member

Ok Man

way past time to pop this Ancient UFO Repository Crap out of it's sleep.

Photo is of Glyphs from ancient Pre-Flood.

Note that these are far more worn than the ones I posted earlier,
The other Glyphs are close and around these.

Note as well, this is inside a shelter that was built over them, out of the elements
the others are in the open and should be Far More Worn then this one.

I cannot prove it as yet, but these I believe, are ancient Atlantean Symbols.

These I also believe, are not just pre Noah Flood, but date back Pre-Atlantean Destruction flood.

Ages Old, and If or when the other folks get their research on site, I think these will Match the symbols
in their area of Research.

[attachment file="2059"]

Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2022 1:47 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

That's wild, wish I could see a bit better.

There are remnants of pre flood civilization here but the authorities wont admit it.

Octo and I stumbled onto a pre ice age monument / fort with visable ramparts.

If you recall -you've seen pics of the area Rog'- had a later bronze age graveyard built on top of it... which were looted in the last 60 years or so.

Posted : 13/02/2022 12:15 pm
Member Admin

Beautiful petroglyphs CA, they are works of art.

Posted : 13/02/2022 3:15 pm
Prominent Member

He Climbs the Mount
Bends a Knee

Sends Supplication up
to One, only he can see

The Valley below
Ablaze with Sin

Back for another show
The Evil has snuck back in

His Eyes witness the Sign
to go back down
all will turn out fine

He's the Knight
Sworn to Protect

The Man of Right
Evil, his job to deflect

Down the Mount
through Obstacles Strong

Determined to Set Right
all that was set Wrong

Maiden Faire Watches
from below

He's easy on her Eyes
with his God given Glow

A Jar of Souls to save
He'll send all Evil to the Grave

~~~~~~ Ran out of finger Power, get 'em recharged and continue on later~~~~

Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2022 8:33 pm
Prominent Member

Yes, and those peaked my interest, wished I could walk that land and see what I might feel of the Area.

Plato: "Egyptia Priest to Plato's Uncle, Solon

"Because we secured our Recorded History from Catastrophe, We have Knowledge of Many Floods, You Greeks
lost your records and have Knowledge of but One Flood"
There have occurred many Floods"

Jay The Dimness of my Pic doesn't help, but if ever I get back, it's best for me to Wet the Panel with Water
which will turn the engravings darker then the facial of the Boulder.

Example is this Symbol on the Boulder, my first pics were of it dry
it was very faint i n the pic after I got it wet, the Symbol stood out fine.

The same with Picto-Graphs ( Painted instead of carved) wet them with water, they come back to life.

[attachment file="2116"]

Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2022 8:56 pm
Prominent Member

Note the Sprout extending out of the Stylized Man's head. That is the Symbol.

to read this glyph is the "Secret"

each body part is a separate item. to be read from top Symbol to bottom of glyph.

and if freaking History Channel/Disney Corp would stop stealing what I reveal, I'd give outline on it.

[attachment file="2121"]

Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2022 9:09 pm
Prominent Member

Above, the zig zag from the hand denotes a trail, and from this, it does zig zag to the site.

the Bird is the Falcon Glyph I posted earlier, if a person can find the Falcon, they can find the site.

On the Right top, what looks like a Sun Symbol to others, is a Symbol for Gold, Gold has a Few Symbols applied, but this
Culture used this one, many Cultures used this area over time, for the Game available, the all year Spring, others for
the Minerals.

Later times, The Apache liked it for the Huge Boulders for Protection against attacks, like a Fort.

Plus, the area offers many points that are perfect for Ambush, and the area is covered with Graves and Bones.

Most of the other Glyphs in the picture are Stone Monuments as guides to the sites.

The 3 rings, two with dots, those are hand set large Boulders , the dots denote small Rocks set to sight in on a site.

Wouldn't Rick Lagina of the Oak Island Fake History love to have this information?

He's been running that Fake show for years, based on my Material, but,,, in time,,, Fakes are Exposed
Fakers are Sued , and the Real Artifacts surface in the hand of the One Who has the right to those.

[attachment file="2124"]

Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2022 9:39 pm
Prominent Member

HA HAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa HA!

Cracks me up. any one can spot the Weasel in Lagina's Eyes.

Farce of Hoax Island creators, well, the farce got them a reputation now.

Scammers always trip themselves up.

lets do a Pic again

[attachment file="2193"]

Simple Sailboat, Guitar and Puppy to play it for. No need to run scams.

Stupid Scams, for what? to get on T.V.? Pfffft,,,, why? Insecurity Complex Maybe? Chuckle

Topic starter Posted : 14/02/2022 8:52 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Look what I found the other day going through old hard drives...

[attachment file="2222"]

She was formidable. Chuckle

Posted : 14/02/2022 11:02 pm

William Cooper - One World Order **A RARE find.

Posted : 15/02/2022 3:10 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Interesting, I seem to recall watching this a few years ago.
It was quite eye opening.

Posted : 15/02/2022 12:36 pm
Honorable Member

From vid above: first sentence - "...aliens come from demons..." end video at that point... sheesh - agenda much?

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 15/02/2022 5:56 pm
Prominent Member

you guys might recall, that I mentioned that Bill and I became friends in the early '80's. at a Gun Show where I was
the Pimp of really nice Hand Guns that I had collected.

Travis Walton's brother would a few years later introduce me to Travis at a weekend BBQ
they had up in Snowflake, their home town.

Trippy thing, Eager Bills home, and Snowflake are within a couple hours drive of each other. ( if you drive 55 that is)

I must have been on a Roll, for I visited both of them that weekend.

I made some statement to Travis ( forget what subject) and it startled him, he sat back, replied "I forgot that"

took him a few minutes to analyze his memory, then he asked: " How do they make us forget things like that, why?"

I took him into the pockets of the mind, that can be created to store memories,

explained the Azrael Memory Block set up to close the

door on the Pocket, and a "Trigger" for a key to dissolve and unlock the memory.

Next was the Why

Real simple, The Contacts aboard these Craft have little trust and even less Love
for the Power Controllers of this Planet.

They know well, that a Contactee is going to be grabbed and Interrogated by those War Brain Freaks.

You cannot give information that you cannot remember, right?

He replied yeah, but why don't they want anyone to find out?

Simple again, Look Trav, every time Man here on this planet, develops a New Tech, they first attempt to
weaponize it.

As in splitting the Atom, first thing they did was make a Bomb.

That is why they try very hard to keep anything you witnessed aboard, SAFE by blocking your memory.

It went on a while, discussing why we were picked up, what purpose or motive behind the contact,
why us and Not World leaders, The Time Travel aboard the Craft. other questions that it would take both of us to Answer.

Visit with Bill.

If ever you read the Heinous Criminal Data held within a Certain Class of Documents, and it doesn't Jade you,
then for a fact, you have No Soul.

Bill in his attempt to analyze and find some conclusive answer to what he witnessed
as well as what he read,,

He was to my perception, Subconsciously working to Help Humanity here through discovering a "Truth".

That Truth, He felt he might find and spread, could be used to Awaken us to the exact Evil that Controls us.

Very Simple explanation of Bill's intentions.

You, as a Human Being on a Planet, mostly view life as day to day find Comfort, promote Self, Breed, Mate
and ignore uncomfortable Knowledge, your Safe Zone can be dealt a serious blow if dark truth is Owned by your Mind.

Escapism? yes, a Zone of the Mental/Emotional production company in your being and Nature.

You as well, most, know situations are controlled and not in your Favor, and subconsciously you await a Savior to
come and get you free, and that stance to the human mind gives a Comfort Zone to fall into when sh_t gets a bit too real.

Given that, most lay down on themselves and ignore the task that they themselves should address.

Self Guilt is also avoided with externalizing the Fail onto other people, But really, we all are responsible for the
Conditions we endure.
~~~~~~End Script~~~~~~

again, the UFO Glyph, and yes, the Craft did visit while I was on site, many times it came.

[attachment file="2283"]

Topic starter Posted : 15/02/2022 10:56 pm
Prominent Member

Quote: " From vid above: first sentence – “…aliens come from demons…” end video at that point… sheesh – agenda much?"

I myself agenda very much

You do as well. perhaps far more then you should.

Bill's Terms that he expresses with, somehow are an insult to your staid parameters of the Mind.

Easy to tell, that at some point in your Youth, you were Ostracized Harshly by what you now perceive
and Label as Religious Right Attitudes.

That was probably some "Sinful" Indulgence that you enjoyed engaging in. and they made you feel small for it.

Relax, those are long in the past, avoid as it may be possible for you, Viewing people that have those beliefs, as your enemy.

Living in Mental Conflict with people that remind you of those who caused the Pain years ago,
is a Waste to a Living Loving Life.

Here's a Point

A Right Stated: "I voted for Trump, because he pisses off people that I can't stand"

A Left Stated: " I like Hillary because she hates everything I hate about America and wants to change it"

Ok, both statements reveal taking a "Side that is based in Hate"

Did I vote? pfft,,, given the knowledge I have of the Criminal Clown Show, should I as well
give License to it?

if you can, try to understand your motives and incentives, and then,
maybe Terms and people will not seem like Demons for you to attack.

We all have a more powerfull problem to address, we may help ourselves, each other, if we focus on that
instead of each other.

[attachment file="2287"]

Topic starter Posted : 15/02/2022 11:20 pm
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