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Phil Schneider UFO Material ( Video inside thread )

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Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Jogged my memory.
I had spaced that you and Bill Cooper knew each other... in fact, I believe it was you who first put him on my radar.
The material he found on the Xerox machine... Interesting stuff.

Posted : 15/02/2022 11:36 pm
Honorable Member

My God is that beautiful country or what.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 15/02/2022 11:40 pm
Honorable Member

Travis Walton says aliens saved his life.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 16/02/2022 12:05 am
Prominent Member

~~~~~~~~ Can it be ~~~~~~~~~

Ancient Halo
Hangs listlessly
smiling a glow
only I can see

Tombs and treasures
Buried beneath the Sea

Reveal to us one day
How it used to be

Drive a spiral into our past
Find there, answers to questions asked

A time for everything
maybe time has come

for Earth's knowing

We're Older then Earth's Past

Can you see?

Can you believe?

Ancient Design
to create this Home

For us Refugees

Time rolls along
and memory slips away

So notes were left behind

for to one day
awaken our minds

Can you See?

Can you Believe?

can it be

could we be,, alien Refugees?

Maybe Mars was Home
and we torched her away

maybe some Planet unseen,
that we'd killed
with indulgence and Greed

Can you see
the messages in the Glyphs

Can you believe
can you catch the drift

These are your Notes
left behind to remind

You're not a Native here
yes I know,
that will trouble your mind

You see?

I've Traveled through scenes
of your history

From the Dawn of Eden
unto the twilight of time

Time has come for the reveal

Margin notes inclusive
to give texture to design

laid up and reclusive
within caverns and Mines

The Traveler, the poet
the chosen to reveal

is waking up now

Illustrating in terms
we all can feel.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Picture Words to open the mind ~~~~~~~~~~and awaken the reveal

[attachment file="2302"]

Topic starter Posted : 16/02/2022 12:35 am
Honorable Member

If we are alien refugees we certainly have earned the right to be native Earthers by now.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 16/02/2022 12:43 am
Prominent Member

Yes , Travis, just as I or any contactee question "Why" we were taken aboard, it leaves
us questing for perhaps decades of our lives for that answer.

With Trav, if I meet up with him, I'm 114 miles due West of Snowflake on hiway 260, so it's possible.

But, what I would try to convey to him is, These Carft don't just stop over you to take
a break and play Backgammon on their Break.

They are there because something or someone of their interest is in the area.

He was their interest and is the reason they were there, they had something for you, not something
they required from you.

He was the only person to leave the truck and approach the Craft, He approached it a bit too soon,
before it "Cooled Down' and was effected by the energy waves that require cooling before we can
safely come into contact with it.

So yes, they had to repair the effects that it had on him.

I will try to point out to him emphatically, that He, was the reason they were there in the first place
it was NOT a Random event. They had actually come for Him.

Further, just as with my experiences, I would say it wasn't his first contact, and not his last.

Further again: That they installed or passed information to him, and then set either a Time Stamp
or trigger to release the data at a certain epoch, with a purpose behind the Info passed.

That it is to be given when it can be accepted and believed.

Ok, I stated the Anthropologist and Archaeologist indulged a huge amount of time in studies of these Glyphs,
that they never found a conclusive answer, even with Native Elders attempting to decode them.

Juxtaposed, I walked up on these glyphs for the first time to my prefrontal memory, studied them for minutes,
and a Picture began to evolve for them

In testing the theorems I came up with, I as well, later had a friend Anthro along with me, as I described the meanings
and as we inspected the sites that these led us to by my Theorems, CLICK! it fit perfectly.

Stop, think it out, I must have an unnerving shock about that, as in " How the hell can I do this, why is it, I can read these
where other so called experts failed?"

NOT a Brag.

Several others would come, I would walk them through the Glyphs and the Process,
again, Shock, some said it'd take weeks for them to process the shock.

Ok, reliant on myself, as the only person to witness my interp's, I may have let it go on by.

so other's coming there was for me Conformation that I was on to something Tangible ,,

hell, onto something REAL in fact.

Then questions again arose, like, was I being instructed on these telepathically by
the Folks aboard the Craft?

or was this some Latent stored information in the DNA of my Soul?

or am I the reincarnated Soul of One of the Masters that created these Repositories?

a BUNCH of stuff runs through your mind after any thing you experience that you cannot explain with
known elements.

as I've wrote so much before, Paranormal events, were for all my life, more often then so called Normal events.

so, by that, I just have a little more open Mind to possibilities, and analyze paranormal with a bit calmer reaction.

and,,, when in presence of people as Paranormal events occur, Their reactions are greatly funny to me.

At one event, UFO over Campsite, I was explaining to the strangers what they were watching and why.

One guy, a street thug tuffie, shut up, then i budged him, whatta think man?

He went anger and scared at once, lashed out at me because he thought I called it to us, then turned
and left our peaceful gathering at the speed of Scaredy Cat. I laughed " What a Tuff guy, look at the Bully Run"

all done for today

Topic starter Posted : 16/02/2022 1:54 am
Member Admin

[postquote quote=2310]

Interesting insight as to how the M.O. of at least some of the visiting ET's /multidimensionals function.

Posted : 16/02/2022 3:23 pm
Honorable Member

How do you know that you didn't call the craft to the campsite, subconsciously?

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 16/02/2022 5:18 pm
Prominent Member

JR : "The material he found on the Xerox machine…"

wrong Man, wrong incident. That was handed over to Timothy Goode and Stanton Freeman to investigate
those were MJ12 files.

Bill while in the Navy, aboard Ship, on Night Watch, witnessed a UAP surface right off the Ship.

During his reporting of the incident to an Officer, The Officer walked Bill over to a set of file Cabinets
opened a drawer, removed a stack of files Labeled "EYES ONLY" , handed those to Bill with: " Here, when you get bored
read through these, these will explain what you witnessed"

Night Watch, nothing to do, Bored, Bill read through more "EYES ONLY" Naval Intelligence files.

Later, and this part is what I suspect, I did not witness it.

The Officer was scolded for allowing Bill access.

Bill was grabbed by Intel Goon Squad "Damage Control" Hypnotized, Memory blocks and Scrambled info installed.

He never knew he underwent that.

The Art of Conversation defined
"In Conversation, do you Listen,,,,,, or wait to speak"

I listened, subconsciously attempting to pick out indicators that Bill had been scrambled.

Later, in assimilating the various signs, small dots to connect, I concluded, he indeed had been scrambled.

Recovering blocked and segmented Memories

How it works

The Blocks will either dissolve , or a Trigger to unlock the Blocks one at a time, will be set
by the Hypnotist and over time, given co-vertly to the TI>>>---->Target Individual

These memory was in most cases Fragmented into Jig Saw Puzzle pieces.

The TI gets at first, One Piece, that may be out of anywhere in the Chronological sequence of the event or Events.

As time rolls, another piece will come forward and so it will go on for days or even years.

The TI has to struggle to find and fit where in the lineal that each Piece sits.

All the while, as the TI works to complete the Puzzle, He is as well stressing to figure out what was done to him
and why,

( I went through that exact condition, figured it out, began releasing the formula in MK Ultra Threads to help other survivors)

Bill, after his release of "Behold a Pale Horse"
would gain more pieces and through other Help, such as what is given by us experiencers when we type on the Net,
Bill gained the formula to reconnect the Dots,

Because of the Fragmentation process, Bill was ahead of his story before it was completed.
Given that, he had to retract, back track on his statements in the Book.

Switched out Terms like : " Demons" for say,,, Illuminati or Majestic 12 or other supposed entities of Control.

That's how it works.

Be Mindful, The MK Ultra experiments were directed at Small Children, such as myself at 5 years old.

There were indeed adults used as Lab Rats too, but fucking with the Minds of KIDS?!!!!!

Trust? Trust what exactly?

Children used in TRAUMA Based Mind fucking experiments?

and the Exposure gained Zero results.

Case point: My sister, 4 years older than I, was taken into the Bedroom, by the Sick Doctor, a Hemostat ( Locking surgical Pliers )
was snapped onto her Clitoris and twisted.

I was held on the Couch by force, while I heard her Screams. with no way to help her, no idea what was happening to her.

Futile and Helpless,

I look out the Window knowing people out there have NO Clue that China Has Bought D.C. straight across the Board.

Bundy Ranch Stand off

Senator Harry Reid ( just passed) agreed to accept a large Bribe from China, to kick the Bundy's off their Property
( Grazing lease as well)
So China could build a Solar Farm on it.

The leak came from a Whistle Blower, the Assault on the Bundys was slowly backed off.

Los Angeles Harbor.

so called "Officials" took a Bribe to sell China L.A. Harbor

the deal was almost completed, when a " Whistle Blower" contacted Medias outlets with Files and Documents
evidencing the Scam.

Roll back now
Branch Davidian Complex, Waco Texas.

Currently, and for a full decade or more, a Diagonal Drilling Project has been Pumping a HUGE Pool of Oil
from beneath the Branch Davidian Compound.

Did they BD owned the Mineral Rights to their property? YES! it was Granfathered Rights.

Satellite Tech can spot Subsurface Mineral deposits.

Through Multi Colored, Multi Layered Lenses.

That is a Tech discovered by a German Scientist back in 1971-1972.

He was hired at Sandia Labs.

The tech was perfected.

and is in use since, with updated

Topic starter Posted : 16/02/2022 9:29 pm
Prominent Member

Quote: "How do you know that you didn’t call the craft to the campsite, subconsciously?"

How do you know, that I won't call them down, and have them Command that your
Crowsfeet "Go Forth and Multiply" ?

Topic starter Posted : 16/02/2022 9:50 pm

Posted : 17/02/2022 12:04 am
Honorable Member

How do you know after you call them down that they don't have advanced Botox with them?

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 17/02/2022 12:57 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Okay then, boy look at the time...

Posted : 17/02/2022 1:58 am
Prominent Member

~~~~ How it Works ~~~~

Up a Level
Down a Step

Back in the City
while the people slept

Sneak in the Dark
with crime on his mind

Mugging in the park
leaves a Body behind

Witness to the Madness
runs home in Freight

Can't deal with the Sadness
Can't sleep at night.

I'm in a Canyon named
for a Spring

From here, no Cities
so I don't see a thing

Riots and protest
stop at the City Limit Sign

Nothing but Solace here
oh,,, and peace of mind

I saw tomorrow just the other day
I'd tell the scene, but I've nothing to say

Pillar of Crystal Haze
Rising higher
such is Man and his ways

Pliant and fluffy
Cold to the Touch

Defiant and a tuffy
gonna need a crutch

Out in the Street
another riot, maybe two

ain't got no effect on me

I'm not affected by
what I cannot see

I got Wild Roots and a free mind
the troubles humans make
sure ain't mine

Rolling along the Coast
Whales breach

Seals and Pelicans
use their Freedom to teach

Learning a brand new life

from the truly free

Run for your Money
Grab that Golden Ring

chase to the Death
the American Dream.

But Excuse me when I decline

You're still chasing
and I've already got Mine.

psst,,, is that a Spy on your Phone?

In the City
Cops and Robbers
never leave you alone.

~~~~~~ Chugga Chugga, Wet Panties improve ya ~~~~~~

[attachment file="2611"]

Topic starter Posted : 19/02/2022 11:01 pm
Member Admin

That's beautiful country CA.

Posted : 20/02/2022 4:24 pm
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