Phil Schneider UFO ...
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Phil Schneider UFO Material ( Video inside thread )

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Prominent Member

~~~~~ Hobo's Refrain ~~~~~

I used to know my name
even called me on the phone

when I was sane

Drove off, and left me behind
Cash deposit no return

Miss a payment right on time
had a lesson to learn

forgot the answers
forgot to make that turn

Train wreck at two fifteen
under the wheels or in between

I wonder, did I leave a stain? ~~~~~~~ End.

it was Dollars to Donuts, back in the day.

ya made a Dollar a Day
Board and Found

Now it's bitcoin to buy a ride
cost of a house?

Get ready Betty, you're about to accept the Chains.

[attachment file="2667"]

Topic starter Posted : 20/02/2022 6:47 pm
Prominent Member

let's kick some ass

from 2008, ATS Forum post of mine, describing Faux UFO's and abductions, MK Ultra Mind control experiments.


Faux Abductions and Holographic UFO imaging>>>~~~~~~>

It was used on me back in 1996, north of Phoenix , out on the carefree hiway
while camping,

The second time it was used, i investigated how it was done
the third time, i found how it was done,

Incidentally, here i have to tell you that it does not have to be a case of laying down chem-trails .

It can as well be a mist sprayed from a chopper.
For an onsite shorter duration display.
How i discovered it:
In my case, Military intel set up a Faux abduction of me.

Replete with their operatives wearing latex alien mask and the suits to go with them and the Glowing craft floating nearby ( Holographic Craft )

Many cases of Abduction can be properly placed on these operations and Projects.
Some are straight out of the MK Ultra Brainwashing files.
I want to inform readers that these so called abductees are usually
People with a back ground of the MK Ultra Trauma Based Brainwashing and mind control experiments that were conducted on over 40,000 people of my generation here in the U.S.

After the theatrics, i received some classified documents on their operations and experiments in this arena.
The agents that brought them said they were directed to do so, but, can you believe really anything in the black-ops?

On the question of Latex over-suits and other props as well as Technology used
on civilians they Target with a Mock abduction, that should be over viewed in
an abduction thread, should it not?

Also Jack, those who witnessed the Phoenix lights, have seen the proof ( evidence) of the Holography, they may not have known how it was done,
none the less, they saw the proof.
I think my over view on this subject is pretty much completed.
I will begin a thread on the Technology used for Orchestrated Theatrical abduction scenarios as a Brainwashing Project .


Research material is hugely available web wide.
seek, you shall find.
However, this thread i will attempt to keep on direct topic of Laser based holographic Technology.

A Sinclair, you exude greatly in your admonishments the stunted consciousness
that is basically a result of the Western Civilized Lineal thought consciousness
that are results of the instituted programmed parameters set in motion Aeons ago when a Church and state deemed such to be conducive to the control of masses of Living beings, and profitable to their self aggrandizing agendas.
That established and propounded upon control modulation is directly responsible
for a large portion of the destructive to life thought pattern that makes Mind Control possible in this world, if by no other means then by the destruction of faith in others and care of each other, as well as concern over abuse directed at our fellow beings.

Again, if the text was unclear as to staying on topic, i will attempt to concisely verbally illustrate in a context in which the focus of such may not be misconstrued.
I am a witness to the technology
revelations on the technology is direct focus of thread.
I am "NOT" an insider of anything, and have never stated such.

Intent and motivation in my creating and posting the thread, is "NOT" to open a door for argument, but more as a didactic educational discourse of this technology as witnessed by myself during its use upon myself.
As well as to bring it to attention to others who may be also influenced by its use on them.

Digression of thread.
Sorry people

Obviously the wrong choice on my part for a venue to expound upon this material. Goodbye

Topic starter Posted : 23/02/2022 8:14 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

I recall reading this, there was a lot more as well.

I've never quite figured out ATS... not sure who's running the show.

Once I saw an Air Force Employee (or so they claimed) post a pic of what was apparent a top secret craft of some kind.

That thread was gone in less than 10 seconds... that's some mighty fast moderation.

Posted : 23/02/2022 8:46 pm
Prominent Member

Quote from my statement above:

" you exude greatly in your admonishments

the stunted consciousness that is basically a result of the Western Civilized Lineal thought consciousness

that are results of the instituted programmed parameters set in motion Aeons ago,
when a Church and state, deemed such to be conducive to the control of masses of Living beings,

and profitable to their self aggrandizing agendas.<<<<~~~~<<<<<< end quote.

Stunted Consciousness, Wilful Ignorance. The Comfort Zone.

Power Mongers get away with their crimes against Humanity, by exploiting those Human Traits listed above.

"Stunted Consciousness"

As insult as it may be to anyone, we suffer it for a fact.


Easy answer: It was planned.
real simple, Want to control a mass of people?

all you have to be, is just a little bit more knowledgeable than they.

Set a Meme, promote it as fact, set punishments for those who go against the Mind Control,
and the people will fear to rebel against your Programmed Cultural Norms.

in time, a few generations or so, Your "Program" becomes the "Reality" of those people you control.

With draw Knowledge from them, ( Burning of the Library of Alexandria for example)
Keep them Dumbed Down, Promote your authority over them, and your set for a couple thousand years
of ruling over them.

"Wilful Ignorance"

Believe it or not, wilful ignorance is a REAL Mental Disorder.

"What I don't know, can't hurt me" as well as "Wrong Choices I make, cause harm" <---<<< the afflicted actually FEED on disrupting
serenity and peace. ( Wars, we could have stopped them, we set on our ass and let SICK leaders to cause them)

There is a Guilt Button that almost all humans have, when bad results occur from bad decisions, Guilt can be passed
to some one else by convincing yourself that you were too dumb to know the results.

"Comfort Zone"

No matter how Chaotic and WRONG that things around us are, we adapt and end up supporting the Heinous Actions
because we fear CONFRONTING our own culpability in the crimes against us.

again the guilt we are, must be passed through externalization unto anywhere or who, but ourselves.

Humans are "Comfort Bunnies" , very fragile and fear change, they will allow almost anything to be done to them,
if they think that it could be worse, and given a Hole for refuge.

Example is the last two years of fears of a Manufactured Monster for FEAR Traumatizing Humanity across the Earth.

I witnessed people destroying themselves with FEAR.


ok, what would be my suggestion to cure the problems that are created for us to suffer?

again I say: You can change Humanity's Diaper, you cannot change Human Nature"

Topic starter Posted : 23/02/2022 8:53 pm
Prominent Member

[postquote quote=2828]

link to ATS thread.

lot of rumors about ATS, like, it was/is just another Intel generated spy-op data collection site.

You can note the poster: "Jack Hill" focused right on "Classified Documents" attempting to drag out of me, whether I had those
or where those may be hidden.

it's against the law to posses C-Files, so I took it that JACK was an ASS Shill.

Topic starter Posted : 23/02/2022 9:02 pm
Prominent Member

The Role we attempt to convince ourselves and other people with, is as fake as any fiction.

quote myself: " The Blood on the Hands of another, is by extension, yours my Brother"

For a fact, if we witness heinous evil and do not speak out against it, or even put our lives at risk to stop it,

"We" give it power.

"We" as in each of us, so many times attempt to escape our own culpability.

yeah I know, INSULTING isn't it?

it's always an interesting study to watch people become offended when their "Truth" is presented to their Face.

amazing how offended they become, plays into that statement of being a Fake.

exposing a fake to their face, is never popular, I don't seek popularity, if I seek at all, it's expressing truth
to fakes and their manipulations.

Even my own culpability inclusive.

case: Last night, on the radio news, I heard Putin was using the "Hitler Excuse" of Russian speaking people
live in certain parts of Ukraine,

Hitler stated his reason for invading Chech territory was that "German People" in Czechoslovakia,
were not being represented by Chech Government,,,

ergo, if the Chech Government didn't step down, allow German representation, Hitler would invade.

That is History Repeat.

7 Billion Voices on this Planet Man, all speak up and condemn this shit, and we may avoid what will
for a fact come to bite us all in the Ass,,,, HARD.

7 Billion Comfort Bunnies however, will NOT!

Blame game doesn't work in this, we cannot brush our guilt aside.

Think in this a minute

I'm aboard a Craft, I am reminded to detach myself from all connections to this World before we
watch events here.

We're watching Wars.

Slaughter of Life.

I am ashamed of what I'm watching, and am again reminded: " you are not them" let go of guilt, you do not
own the guilt.

if you can, place yourself right there in my shoes.

you are watching events here from way above and detached from this World.

if you can do it, what do you see and what do you feel about it?

it's a hard exercise no doubt, but try anyway.

Ok, hint, BLM-Antifa_SJW are all trained, brainwashed by U.S. Gov.'t Intell agencies, believe it?


Covid is a created Monster to instill fear in global population and thin out the herd.

Believe it?

On the activist, ask: How do they get away with this shit? this is against the law, Never in my life have
criminals been able to blatantly get away with shit as this.

Backing from "Where"?

These goons have tracking and surveillance tech that No Citizen Group ever had, and I mean Gov.'t spy tech.

that too is against the law.

How is it so?

no one questions because to question it, is stepping out of the "Comfort Zone".

They wonder, but do not confront the question, Wilful Ignorance.

Same on UFO's

in grade school during the integration of induced Meme application, Staff was promoting the: " Believing UFO's are real, means you are NUTZ"

People my age can think back, they'll recall the indoctrination they under went.

Topic starter Posted : 23/02/2022 9:49 pm
Honorable Member

Cyn, we are them, we are human...just not in power. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's what we are seeing.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 25/02/2022 8:23 am
Honorable Member

These quotes and sayings from philosophers from our past have stuck around for a reason.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 25/02/2022 8:24 am
Prominent Member



I taking a,,naaaaaaaaaap


I sleepy

so I nap




















chin hit table,

Topic starter Posted : 28/02/2022 8:29 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

The dude started questioning where your info came from about eight posts in. Deceitful

That's pretty damn quick.

That thread brought back a flood of memories for me.


Jack Hill Wrote: So, how do you OP know all this? Are you a researcher, or you got information from some inside source?

Posted : 01/03/2022 12:27 am
Anonymous Kritter
 Anonymous Kritter
(@Anonymous Kritter)

Haven't been to ATS is some time. Can't say I miss it. 

Posted : 01/03/2022 1:34 pm
Prominent Member



Memories, those shadow stains that infest our brains, do they really exist, or are they set in stone

to remind us to be aware of past experiences in which we use to smooth out the road in front of us?


Quote: Intent and motivation in my creating and posting the thread, is "NOT" to open a door for argument, but more as a didactic educational discourse of this technology as witnessed by myself during its use upon myself.
As well as to bring it to attention to others who may be also influenced by its use on them.>>>><<<<<----<<<< end quote


My intent? My intent was as stated, to HELP other people who were damaged by the Programming of their Minds.


Snake Oil Salesmen always activate when a person reveals the clown work going on behind the Curtain.


Interestingly, that thread and several others like it, is now promoted in so called investigator's Book and Media offerings.


Like, not thanks for helping people Rog', thanks for exposing who and what is f__king up peoples minds and lives,,,


Nope, more like: Thanks for the Material I can now SELL!


should I be bitter toward pimps?


I ain't got that type of sh_t in me man, I got it on the Net, those who need it to help them, perhaps they got it and it helped.


Carmel Big Sur stuff 006



Topic starter Posted : 01/03/2022 8:18 pm
Prominent Member

there's a beginning for some who read and post on Conspiracy sites.


Some, are as I am, seeking an answer to what the hell was biting them in their ass for most of their lives.


Those I write of specifically, are we who underwent the MK Ultra Experiments as Children and into our adult lives.


My personal search began with a phrase: MK Ultra


It was the only term that I could recover from a Hypnotic memory block that I underwent after reading through my Files

Over time, the more intense my seeking on the net as well as scanning my memory for the pieces missing from

the overall puzzle that were blocked, I began to gain info and pieces, the dots as they come out of blocked Memory,

required me to reconstruct chronologically the dots to bring the picture to completion for each event experienced.


As I prodded through that process, and completed each picture of each life event, I'd post the answers on line with

hopes and intentions that other Lab Rats and I could solve the Puzzle together.


I recall the first online trigger phrase I encountered on line, where I was, and what day.


those are time elapsed triggers, meaning, you get one, and a certain amount of time passes before the Memory

comes into view, after you have it pegged, another trigger will be applied by whatever Agency is "Control"


This is done in this way, as I discovered, so as not to over flood your Psyche which can cause you a breakdown.


Early on in the Forums, a few Lab Rats surfaced, as we exchanged with each other, the known pieces, we were actually

filling in blanks for one another and it was working GREAT for us.


There's a thing about posting on the Web in this Venue, Other agencies of other countries, read these forums as well.


and here's the hack on this Post.


At some point during the delivery of the Memory Triggers, it began to become obvious that it wasn't just the

C.I.A. that set the blocks and triggers, that were delivering those triggers.


at that realization, I had to get to work on who and how this alternate entity got the info out of my Files.



that's one way, but also, what about an inside person of one of the U.S. Agencies?


Ok, one night, a missive crossed my screen, the next day, I found that this missive was a trigger.


it then came to mind: A Dedicated N.S.A. Server had been compromised from  the only place

it could have been, inside.


Azrael Blocks began to dissolve like Cheap Made Ice Cubes in hell.


I was flooded with memories as fast as my synapses could process them.


I had to go back and edit some of my prior postings, at the time I posted those, I didn't have enough of the Data,

Plus, some of my data had been scrambled with formulated disinformation by the People who set the blocks/triggers.


so I had to once again, gain clarity.


In time, most of the fellow Rats would fade off the forums.


I stopped working the formulas and posting those when they left. No one left to help, why bother?


All of the "Future Tense Data" in my files from my remote viewing early days, has come to pass.


I did not view beyond this year.


But who is the outside agency that is still sending the Triggers?


that question comes to me more often now, probably important for me to know, but I think it Matters Greater to

people who shared the Torment of MK Ultra.


Final Page in my Files, the date is 2022, my absolute final year here.


in those files, as I traveled the stream, I gave the date and age of death for the agents around me and my Mother.


each, have passed right on time and exactly as I saw in the stream.


My own Death is at 67 years of age, that's now.


I had to weed out the disinfo crap, to see and read the files again and find the age and year.


but this ain't about dead people or files.


This is about people reaching out to people and together helping each other fight Monsters.

and that is why we came on line in the first place.


we were here to help, not sell a freaking Book or Film Production.


we came to find answers, we staid to post answers, we left when we felt we had given all we had to give.


If asked for suggestions on this time line


It's stated above, Find the Answers and help each other, do that now. you don't have any access easement left.


That brother and sister on the other side of that Line/Border/Ocean have a need to help you, "You" have a need to help them.


Work that, work it together, work like your World depends on you.


Because your World does depend on you, now more than ever before.











Topic starter Posted : 01/03/2022 10:24 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Sadly, the way things are headed... we may all go out at once.

Posted : 01/03/2022 11:57 pm
Prominent Member

That Plan is not off the Table.


it's not in the Works yet, but it's a sealed and done Plan, whether it will be implemented or not is of course

still to be experienced, right?


Yeah, there's a lot of "Sadly" running amok currently, always has been actually. 


if we're watching close, we can see all this shit as a Planned Theatrical plot.


It's a plan to create one monster after another to keep humanity off Balance.


911 came and went ( TSA check your Bung Hole at the Airport)


then it's war in several countries ( Iraq ever cough up those Weapons of Mass Destruction while we Bombed them with ours?)


Enter " Virus Buddy" The programmed Monster that was the perfect Ghost, couldn't prove it real, couldn't prove it wasn't.




Since when does Putin go full Tilt Hitler? He lost some of his checkers and now hes a Nutzoid Hitler?


get the F out of here, this is Global Trauma Based Mind Control, they didn't experiment on us Kids just to watch us squirm Man,


They sought Psych Impact results to learn the way to impose it Globally.


Those MK Ultra crimes were covered up far too well and far too quick, why?







Topic starter Posted : 02/03/2022 6:46 pm
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