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Eyes are Windows


just took a peek inside a set of eyes,,


whats behind those windows?




and it's a Mom too.


man oh man, thank god I have a different world to go home to.


Makes me think the Vax is eating up Minds.



Topic starter Posted : 11/03/2022 8:05 pm
Honorable Member
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

there's a beginning for some who read and post on Conspiracy sites.


Some, are as I am, seeking an answer to what the hell was biting them in their ass for most of their lives.


Those I write of specifically, are we who underwent the MK Ultra Experiments as Children and into our adult lives.


My personal search began with a phrase: MK Ultra


It was the only term that I could recover from a Hypnotic memory block that I underwent after reading through my Files

Over time, the more intense my seeking on the net as well as scanning my memory for the pieces missing from

the overall puzzle that were blocked, I began to gain info and pieces, the dots as they come out of blocked Memory,

required me to reconstruct chronologically the dots to bring the picture to completion for each event experienced.


As I prodded through that process, and completed each picture of each life event, I'd post the answers on line with

hopes and intentions that other Lab Rats and I could solve the Puzzle together.


I recall the first online trigger phrase I encountered on line, where I was, and what day.


those are time elapsed triggers, meaning, you get one, and a certain amount of time passes before the Memory

comes into view, after you have it pegged, another trigger will be applied by whatever Agency is "Control"


This is done in this way, as I discovered, so as not to over flood your Psyche which can cause you a breakdown.


Early on in the Forums, a few Lab Rats surfaced, as we exchanged with each other, the known pieces, we were actually

filling in blanks for one another and it was working GREAT for us.


There's a thing about posting on the Web in this Venue, Other agencies of other countries, read these forums as well.


and here's the hack on this Post.


At some point during the delivery of the Memory Triggers, it began to become obvious that it wasn't just the

C.I.A. that set the blocks and triggers, that were delivering those triggers.


at that realization, I had to get to work on who and how this alternate entity got the info out of my Files.



that's one way, but also, what about an inside person of one of the U.S. Agencies?


Ok, one night, a missive crossed my screen, the next day, I found that this missive was a trigger.


it then came to mind: A Dedicated N.S.A. Server had been compromised from  the only place

it could have been, inside.


Azrael Blocks began to dissolve like Cheap Made Ice Cubes in hell.


I was flooded with memories as fast as my synapses could process them.


I had to go back and edit some of my prior postings, at the time I posted those, I didn't have enough of the Data,

Plus, some of my data had been scrambled with formulated disinformation by the People who set the blocks/triggers.


so I had to once again, gain clarity.


In time, most of the fellow Rats would fade off the forums.


I stopped working the formulas and posting those when they left. No one left to help, why bother?


All of the "Future Tense Data" in my files from my remote viewing early days, has come to pass.


I did not view beyond this year.


But who is the outside agency that is still sending the Triggers?


that question comes to me more often now, probably important for me to know, but I think it Matters Greater to

people who shared the Torment of MK Ultra.


Final Page in my Files, the date is 2022, my absolute final year here.


in those files, as I traveled the stream, I gave the date and age of death for the agents around me and my Mother.


each, have passed right on time and exactly as I saw in the stream.


My own Death is at 67 years of age, that's now.


I had to weed out the disinfo crap, to see and read the files again and find the age and year.


but this ain't about dead people or files.


This is about people reaching out to people and together helping each other fight Monsters.

and that is why we came on line in the first place.


we were here to help, not sell a freaking Book or Film Production.


we came to find answers, we staid to post answers, we left when we felt we had given all we had to give.


If asked for suggestions on this time line


It's stated above, Find the Answers and help each other, do that now. you don't have any access easement left.


That brother and sister on the other side of that Line/Border/Ocean have a need to help you, "You" have a need to help them.


Work that, work it together, work like your World depends on you.


Because your World does depend on you, now more than ever before.











My alien friends protected me from the lesser folk here, not sure what happened to you.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 12/03/2022 4:31 am
Prominent Member

Enigma= something that escapes the Grasp of those who abuse the Truth.

Topic starter Posted : 12/03/2022 6:53 pm
Member Admin
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

Eyes are Windows


just took a peek inside a set of eyes,,


whats behind those windows?




and it's a Mom too.


man oh man, thank god I have a different world to go home to.


Makes me think the Vax is eating up Minds.



I have a friend back home that's a mortician, he said business is very good. Of course, "no one knows why". damned  

Posted : 13/03/2022 10:00 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Animated GIF

 uh huh.

Posted : 13/03/2022 11:31 am
Prominent Member

Ok, so why the Tunnels?


Why the Abduction of Citizens by U.S. Gov. Agents of people that experience UFO events?


Why the Secrets?


What is going on Subsurface?


Why the designer Virus?


Billions spent a year on Black-Ops, why?


let's roll on Majestic 12


The general public should not have been told anything about it. Cooper states that in 1972, aliens were already in five US Underground bases: New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Dulce (New Mexico).
For the same purpose, the government would have made dozens of underground cities located deep underground. The first revealing documents on Majestic 12 date back to 1980 when Stanton T. Friedman, Bill More, and ufologist Jaime Shandera designed a UFO movie. The film was not made, but on December 11, 1984, Shandera received a 35mm white/black film roll, un-developed, by mail from an unknown sender in Albuquerque, New Mexico. After the development, it was seen that the film contained photocopies of an eight-page document classified as “Top Secret / Majic”.

The document was made on 18 November 1952 by Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (former Director of the CIA) and was intended for General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the new US President-elect. In March 1985, Jaime Shandera and Bill Moore took possession of another document, sent to General Twining on July 14, 1954, by Robert Cutler, Special Assistant to President Eisenhower, referring to the MJ-12 Special Study Project. Subsequently, many other writings and papers will appear in which the Majestic-12 group bears the names Majic-12, MJ-12, Majority-12, Majesty-12, etc. Copies of the papers were also sent to other well-known ufologists, including Jenny Randles, Whitley Strieber, and Timothy Good. This, a renowned British UFO investigator, introduced the papers in his book Above Top Secret (1988).

The 12 members

1.  Dr.Vannevar Bush

Majestic 12
Dr.Vannevar Bush

Dr.Vannevar Bush: considered the leader of the group, former director of the Joint Research and Development Board after World War II; Previously he held leading positions at the National Research Council and the Office of Scientific Research and Development (where Manhattan Project research was conducted at Alamogordo, New Mexico)

2.  Roscoe Hillenkoetter

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2876 size-full" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="480" height="360" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 480w,


220w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Roscoe Hillenkoetter

Roscoe Hillenkoetter (vice-admiral): First Director of the CIA; After his resignation, became a member of the NICAP (National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena)

3.  Dr Detlev Wulf Bronk

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2877" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="468" height="583" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 823w,






928w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 468px) 100vw, 468px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Dr Detlev Wulf Bronk

Dr. Detlev Wulf Bronk: Scientist, former president of the National Research Council, an adviser to the Atomic Energy Commission; Was the head of the alien autopsy team that was found near the UFO

4.  James Forrestal

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2878 size-full" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="440" height="419" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 440w,


220w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 440px) 100vw, 440px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

James V. Forrestal at his desk, 1947

James Forrestal:  Secretary of the U.S.Navy, secretary of the Ministry of Defense

5. Gordon Gray

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2879" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="441" height="576" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 346w,


220w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 441px) 100vw, 441px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Gordon Gray (May 30, 1909 – November 26, 1982) was an official in the government of the United States during the administrations of Harry Truman (1945–53) and Dwight Eisenhower (1953–61) associated with defence and national security.

Gordon Gray: Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy; President Truman’s Special Assistant for National Security Issues; National security director of the CIA’s Psychological Strategies Committee

6.  Dr Jerome Hunsaker

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2881" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="488" height="692" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 514w,



220w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 488px) 100vw, 488px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Jerome C. Hunsaker and the Development of Aviation in America. Was an American airman born in Creston, Iowa, and educated at the Naval Academy and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Dr Jerome Hunsaker: Chief of Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics

7.  Dr Donald Menzel

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2882" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="499" height="749" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 682w,







1296w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 499px) 100vw, 499px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Donald Howard Menzel (April 11, 1901 – December 14, 1976) was one of the first theoretical astronomers and astrophysicists in the US. He discovered the physical properties of the solar chromosphere, the chemistry of stars, the atmosphere of Mars, and the nature of gaseous nebulae.

Dr Donald Menzel: astronomy specialist

8.  Gen. Robert Montague

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2883" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="501" height="711" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 214w,

211w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 501px) 100vw, 501px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Robert Miller Montague (August 7, 1899 – February 20, 1958) was a Lieutenant General in the United States Army. He achieved prominence as the deputy commander of Fort Bliss, Texas and commander of the Sandia Missile Base in New Mexico during the start of modern ufology and head of the U.S. Caribbean Command.

Gen. Robert Montague: Commander of Sandia Air Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico

9.  Sidney Souers

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2884" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="501" height="761" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 216w,

198w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 501px) 100vw, 501px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Sidney William Souers (March 30, 1892 – January 14, 1973) was an American admiral and intelligence expert. He held the posts of:
* Director of Central Intelligence, Central Intelligence Group, 1946
* Executive Secretary, National Security Council, 1947–1950
* Special Consultant to the President on military and foreign affairs, 1950–1953

Sidney Souers: former CIA director and executive secretary of the National Security Council (NSA)

10.  Gen.Nathan Twining

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2885" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="474" height="602" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 761w,




697w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 474px) 100vw, 474px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Nathan Farragut Twining was a United States Air Force general, born in Monroe, Wisconsin.[1] He was Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force from 1953 until 1957, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1957 to 1960. He was the first member of the Air Force to serve as Chairman.

Gen.Nathan Twining: Commander of Air Material Command Headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Base

11. Doctor Lloyd Berkner

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2886" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="467" height="609" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 786w,






900w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 467px) 100vw, 467px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Lloyd Viel Berkner: was an American physicist and engineer. He was one of the inventors of the measuring device that since has become standard at ionospheric stations because it measures the height and electron density of the ionosphere.
* He was also a member of the President’s Scientific Advisory Committee in 1958 while he was president of Associated Universities Inc.
* In 1961, Berkner was president of the Institute of Radio Engineers.

Doctor Lloyd Berkner: Executive Secretary at the Joint Research and Development Board

12. Hoyt Sanford Vandenberg

<img class="zeen-lazy-load-base zeen-lazy-load wp-image-2887" title="Majestic 12" src="data:;base64," alt="Majestic 12" width="458" height="582" data-lazy-src="" data-lazy-srcset=" 806w,






900w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 458px) 100vw, 458px" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Hoyt S. Vandenberg: was a U.S. Air Force general, its second Chief of Staff, and second Director of Central Intelligence.
*He was appointed the Assistant Chief of Air Staff at the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) headquarters in July 1945. In January 1946, he became director of Intelligence on the War Department general staff where he served until his appointment in June 1946, as Director of Central Intelligence, a position he held until May 1947.

Hoyt Vandenberg: former CIA director; In 1948 he served as Chief of Staff of the United States Airforce (USAF).




>>>>>>>---------> all dead.

Currently, all of these 12 members are deceased.


Ok the original 12 who decided the Psy-Ops cover up was good for the people, are all Dead


question, why are we still paying for the Ruse?


I mean, they are DEAD, we can't indict and prosecute them now, right?


In 1983, I held my own MJ12 eyes only files, MY files.


'83 '84 period seems to be a Time Stamp for those files being in public hands.


I have this thing, The info will be released upon my demise.


I'm thinking that ONE of the 12 died real close to '83, and,,, as directed, a few agents saw to it that

their files made it into the hands of people the files were compiled on.


it doesn't stop there for me, it goes on everyday of my life, the spoofs, the harassment, the tracking, the theatrics.


What do I own that creates FEAR in the Hearts of those who run these f__ked up programs on U.S. Citizens?


Answer, I own KNOWLEDGE.


It could have been simple, very easy in fact, to just let the World know that it's being visited.


Billions of Dollars a Year is spent in SECRET, lives lost, Minds Tormented, all on Tax Payer Money.


Lies, Brainwashing, Torture, and for what exactly?


12 Turds and a defunct President made the choice for Billions of Lives Lived and Lost.




that's all it took.


think about it.

Topic starter Posted : 13/03/2022 7:58 pm
Prominent Member

I'm thinking that ONE of the 12 died real close to '83, and,,, as directed, a few agents saw to it that

their files made it into the hands of people the files were compiled on.


ANSWER:>>>-----> Gordon Gray: Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy; President Truman’s Special Assistant for National Security Issues; National security director of the CIA’s Psychological Strategies Committee



Quote;" Psychological Strategies Committee<<<<----------<<<<< FITS PERFECTLY


Date of Death Oct. 1982


Date I received my Majestic 12 files?


1983, less that a year after Gordon Gray's Death


btw, I cannot edit above post, I tried, it timed out, why so many copies of the Photos? answer: My Netstat shows I have 23 IP addys hacked

into my laptop right now.

Topic starter Posted : 13/03/2022 8:35 pm
Prominent Member

Well, seems I solved who it was that Ordered my Files to be delivered to me back in 1983.


Top secret/eyes only files?


why are they a "Secret"?

Topic starter Posted : 16/03/2022 6:34 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

Well, seems I solved who it was that Ordered my Files to be delivered to me back in 1983.


Top secret/eyes only files?


why are they a "Secret"?



I know for a fact the Govt. overclassifies the living shit outta' stuff.

So much that when it does see the light of day via FOIA or however they surface, it's often a collective head scratcher as to why.

But we're not talking mundane stuff here... Velcro etc... 2Blinks  


Posted : 16/03/2022 7:05 pm
Prominent Member

Gordon Gray, he sent me the files that I own.


2 people said it to me " I'll get the info to you upon my demise"


Ok, at this Moment, checking my tcp/udp, I have over 75 established Connections into this laptop.


with exception of the one I am using, all are 72.0.0 connections<------<<<< Washington D.C. Massachusetts


WHAT THE F__K! is that about?


Every single one of those Connections are a Satellite Stream connection.


I exposed the Hack of my Laptop by Carnegie Mellon Institute back in 2017, in several Forums, they were after my passwords.


I even posted their secured website addy, hey, they were hacked into me, not me into them.They were breaking the law

I just clicked and opened their page they had the apps booted on.


the instruction was: Get only the Passwords for Cynicalabsurdance,,, and their app had 10 million stolen passwords in it's data bank.


This is an Institute of Higher Learning?

Engaged in Federal Hacking Crimes?


Yes indeed.


at the time of their hack into me, they had their goon squad all around me inside and out of my Friends Coffee house.


Again, some one tell me, Who high in Government, is scared so shitless of my Knowledge, that I have Agents in Mass quantities

attached to watch my ass that closely?


Flow back to my Readings of the 1960's, those are done outside the Body, time travel is NO problem.


what did I view about this timeline right here and now?


I can say, you ain't seen nothin' yet.


Prep for it?


NOPE, do not prep for shit, why bother.

Topic starter Posted : 16/03/2022 8:27 pm
Prominent Member

Brains do indeed Fart.


Biden just cut loose a Huge Stinky.

Topic starter Posted : 16/03/2022 8:47 pm

Called Poutine a war criminal Protest Tank and shuffled it back because lord knows he doesn't walk back anything at all with that animated corpse gate of his.

Posted : 16/03/2022 9:15 pm
Prominent Member

Putin, he's the Star of his own Movie.


f__ked up thing about his Movie is,,, he wrote the rest of us into his Script.


Those Tunnels under the U.S. Southwest are becoming more intriguing now.


Sub Surface Sanctuary for those whom create these little Freight Night B Grade Movies that the rest of us

get to suffer in.


This Time around, Those Maestros as well, will face what they create.


No subsurface Orifice is going to hold back Fate.

Topic starter Posted : 16/03/2022 9:38 pm
Prominent Member

~~~~~~~ Mister Meaner with Ms. Dee Meaner ~~~~~~~



She Shoots for the Sky

Rainbows out there caught

in her eyes


Life is beyond her Town


it must be the Grass again, always greener


City Limit sign in the background

some where else, any where in betweener

She's got her dreams

Yeah, Got her Dreams to hold onto to..


Bag out the window at 2:15

Escape now,,,,


Run like the Wind

Far away from ,,,,


She's got her Dreams,,,, chase them


The evening Call, Roadside Bed

always a step behind

always some more miles ahead


She's got her dreams

To remember, flee those scenes of Mister Meaner


Fly, Run as the Wind,,, Dreams are just ahead


Run to Fly,,, move,,, Grass is always Greener


She's in the Dream

Escaped so easily


In the Dreams,,, no pain here

no Violence, no spill of Blood


Escaped so easily


Free,,, living the Dreams,,, freee,,,,,


Brutal Gone

Sadist back at that Farm


In the Dream, she carries on

Mr. Meaner can't touch her with his Harm



Some I may never get to be

as her lover,,,

but here now as her friend


we can make it True


the Sadist I've put to an end,,,,,



She Shot for the Sky

Those Rainbows caught in her eyes


~~~~~~To the Children that never made it out~~~~~



Topic starter Posted : 16/03/2022 10:36 pm
Prominent Member

well fudge and a pile of clippings, I was about to do a Bitchen ass reveal of some awesome ass shit.




guess what happened,,,


I gotta go,,,,, Pronto


Lisa and Roger
Topic starter Posted : 19/03/2022 7:36 pm
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