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Further on Gordon Gray



As a footnote, in leaked documents Gray is alleged to have been part of the Majestic 12 (MJ-12). MJ-12 is a code name for a committee made up of scientists, military, political and industry leaders who were allegedly tasked in 1947, after the crash in Roswell, New Mexico of an alleged Unidentified Flying Object (UFO), with the recovery and study of alien spacecraft.

Gray passed away on November 26th, 1982."


1982? and I received my MJ12 documents right after his death?


did he say to me, after my demise, You'll be given all the info.


oh nose? it can't be true Mr. Bill.




Naval Intelligence was the Official Agency that was assigned the project to investigate UFO's in the beginning.


Gov.'t figured people would as the Airforce for any UFO Documents, so everything was over at Naval to thwart Investigators

with: " The Airforce doesn't have any Docs"


yeah, no shit, those are over at Naval.

Topic starter Posted : 21/03/2022 6:59 pm
Prominent Member

Connecting Dots.


William ( Bill ) Cooper's first Contact with an UFO event  was on Ship while in the Navy, His Commander instructed him

to read through some Classified Documents stored in a File Cab.


as he read through those files, all the Data was UFO related material.


Naval Intelligence? Not Air Force?




roll ahead a couple decades and Bill Cooper comes to my Table at a Gun Show in Orange County Calif.


we engage in a very captivating Conversation together, Later, we'd have other meet-ups. but the first was just  


" two Heads that coincidentally Bumped into each other,,, right? I don't think so,


why don't I think so?


it's not a Thought, it's a Knowledge, here's why>>>---->


Bill related that some guy said to him: That Man at that Table has the best deals on Guns at this show,


Bill then headed to my Table for a good deal.




I don't think so, Given that Intel had me covered with surveillance full time, in fact, The Federal Building at Marine Ave. and Aviation Blvd.

was straight down the road from my home two blocks off of Aviation Blvd. and Manhattan Beach Blvd.


I've pulled many a device from my homes and Vehicles, Tracking devices like the old "Bumper Beepers" on

the frame of my Vehicles.

Topic starter Posted : 21/03/2022 7:10 pm
Prominent Member

From a Friend in the C.I.A.


Scroll down a third of the page to: The story of Adam and Eve.


Topic starter Posted : 21/03/2022 7:28 pm
Random German Guy
 Random German Guy
(@Random German Guy)
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

From a Friend in the C.I.A.


Scroll down a third of the page to: The story of Adam and Eve.


Thanks for that Cheers  


Posted : 22/03/2022 9:10 am
Member Admin

Reading Ta CA.

Posted : 22/03/2022 2:07 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Thanks for that pdf link Rog', I downloaded it and skimmed through it.

Makes a lot of sense...

For instance Machu Picchu...would make mores sense as a port and now it's several thousands of feet in the air.

I noticed they brought up Teotihuacan in the PDF, but for me Pumapunku is the real enigma... that shit is crazy advanced construction techniques.

I have difficulty figuring out exactly what the heck they had going on.


Posted : 22/03/2022 3:28 pm
Prominent Member

A Poster from Peru in our Treasure Hunting Forum, is a Paleo Archaeologist, he's posted photos of that site.


We talked about the Door to no-where being representative of a sort of Wormhole to alternate dimensions.


The rescinding Portal denotes what we may think of as a Tunnel sorta like a Time Tunnel, or so, that was our assumption.




ok, that PDF Link has has been floating around Forums for a while now, a Friend, again, another Archy that does work

for the Gov.'t and sorta studies under me on The New Mexico   Treasure Glyphs,

Ken is the one that tipped me to the Link in 2019.


KenDog is his Field Handle. Ken had his mind blown when I took him on site to the Glyphs, I read those to him

as we scanned the area, I asked, see what these are saying now?


Heh heh,, should'a seen his Mug, He replied: Rog', it all makes sense now, but this is gonna take me days to absorb

it and come out of shock. "I've studied these types of Glyphs since Collage, we never did figure them out"


I'm a acquaintance of Ken's Professor, HA! I know what he was talking about.  (insert Bragging)


These type of Glyphs are as well believed to be attached to an Alien Connection ( that isn't a belief, it's a Knowledge for me)


As you read the PDF, he mentions a Glyph Carved in stone that relates the rib of Adam, two women, one Eve, the other her daughter

that was the actual or supposed by him, Wife of Adam.

Those type of Glyphs are of great interest to me, they are what I love to study, we call them "Picture Words" 

Symbols that the Contemporary People read as full sentences or even Paragraphs.


As that Glyph I posted of the ring of dots being the lights around the parameter of a Craft, the Man running away from it,

The Craft Glyph being set back inside a Niche to denote it was seen by the man inside a Cavern.


ok, Cyclic Catastrophes ,,,,,,


Something we watched when aboard the Craft in 1996, Yes, we time travel in those Craft, 2023 was a freaking mess.

2024 or 5 , can't recall exact year, ( Still attempting to regain full memory) As we attempted  Telecommunication or

extend into a Human Mind on Earth, NOTHING


Zip . Zero, Empty of consciousness to tap into.


There was "Life" still, but nothing Human, it was like a Video Game where you click "Restart"


Screen was Black.


Huge Whales were seen by us, but on Land, not much life.


ok, Alternate or Parallel dimensions, 


There are several alters for every reality, every timeline is like the ribbons of color in a Rainbow.


We visited 3 timelines to View the end results of choices made, it's a Trip to stand in the Craft looking down

and watching yourself.


3 separate choices were made by me at some point in each of those timelines, each had a different end result.


Also, for each timeline, World Leaders make varied choices that also create different results for those Worlds.


is it possible?


For me it's a Given Fact,















Topic starter Posted : 22/03/2022 6:35 pm
Honorable Member
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

well fudge and a pile of clippings, I was about to do a Bitchen ass reveal of some awesome ass shit.




guess what happened,,,


I gotta go,,,,, Pronto


Lisa and Roger

You threw away a good adventure in life there.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 23/03/2022 1:52 am
Prominent Member



We don't need no stinkin' Opinions

Topic starter Posted : 23/03/2022 6:07 pm
Prominent Member
Posted by: @Random German Guy
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

From a Friend in the C.I.A.


Scroll down a third of the page to: The story of Adam and Eve.


Thanks for that Cheers  


From Page 5 of the C.I.A. Page on Global Catastrophe.....>>>>>--------------->


"On the Seventh Day, the Horrendous Rampage is over

The Arctic Ice Age is ended,,,,


and a new stone age begins


The Oceans, the great Homogenizers ,,,,,




in the great plains

as exposed in the Grand Canyon, Painted Desert and Badlands of the Dakotas,,,,


~~~~~~~~~~~~ End Quote ~~~~~~~~~~~



Fresh Photo, I just snapped it right now,,, of the Strata Layers of the Mountains around Sedona Arizona, South of the Grand Canyon,

Southwest of the Painted Desert in Arizona.


As can be seen in this Strata Layer,,,, Many Floods have come over time.


Not a Single Flood, Many,


Question, in concerns of Ancient Civilizations that may have come and gone on Earth,,,,


How many, how many times?




Did each rise and Fall, Take their most Precious and Hide it in High Ground Caverns?


From my experience in finding many of the sites where Treasure was secreted during the Lost History Periods,,,


I say indeed YES!


IMG 0345






Topic starter Posted : 23/03/2022 8:05 pm
Prominent Member

Ok, how do all these pieces fit into the UFO Enigma?



Agents Mind Control


Ancient Monolithic Stone Structures


Time Travel


Earth Changes


All, to my knowledge and experiences, connect.


Sitchen's Lament about the Ancient Text stating Humans were used as Miners for Precious Metals

and other Minerals,,,, by,,,, an Off World Race of Beings.


Ya gotta store that Gold somewhere,,, ya ain't gonna fly off with that much weight,,, not very well that is.


The beginning for me and contact, was 1959, Taken aboard, flown east to the various Repositories of Ancient Treasure

and shown the sites.


On return, dropped right into the Hands of Naval Intelligence waiting at my Home, while a Team Hypnotized all the Witnesses

with a Memory Block and command to forget what they witnessed.


Again, refer to Gordon Gray's credentials,,,, Psychological Manipulation Operations,,,,, right?


That is one place he fits into my experiences, He was also MJ12.


I'd say for a Fact, that there is and has been, perhaps thousands of Ancient Gold Repositories created

by those ET's way back in time.


The Land of Ophir ( Old Testy story) is the Area of the S.W. United States, I know that for a fact.


King Solomon with King Hiram, sent Men to retrieve Gold Bars from the Land of Ophir, 3 year round trip over LAND and SEA.


No, King Solomons Mines are not, never were, on the Continent of Africa. PERIOD!!!!

Topic starter Posted : 23/03/2022 8:21 pm
Member Admin

Reading You keep me so busy catching up CA. As I recall, old KB had a wealth of Ophir discussions. Popcorn

Posted : 24/03/2022 2:43 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance


ok, Cyclic Catastrophes ,,,,,,


Something we watched when aboard the Craft in 1996, Yes, we time travel in those Craft, 2023 was a freaking mess.

2024 or 5 , can't recall exact year, ( Still attempting to regain full memory) As we attempted  Telecommunication or

extend into a Human Mind on Earth, NOTHING


Zip . Zero, Empty of consciousness to tap into.

It's only 2022 and it's already a freaking mess and from what I see, intelligent consciousness is running on fumes.

There's no real consciousness to speak of in any of our so called leaders.

Our brain dead soulless flip flopping health authorities that have the audacity and stupidity to call themselves science as if anybody would believe that dumb shit.

What's going on in the Ukraine could touch off some really bad events, I don't expect this to be handled well and the little fella in Russia is shaking his little baby fist and calling for using nukes... as if he's not dooming his entire huge shit hole country.

There's been several things that have gone on around me where I'm somewhat mystified by events...

Like how the hell did that happen all the sudden.

Like we've all jumped timelines a time or two and my consciousness still recalled remnants of the previous.

Certainly there can be many options as to outcome of all this but my gut says it's going down the shitter just based on the stupid of corrupt politicians that think of themselves as "leaders"


Posted : 24/03/2022 7:25 pm
Honorable Member
Posted by: @jayrodney
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance


ok, Cyclic Catastrophes ,,,,,,


Something we watched when aboard the Craft in 1996, Yes, we time travel in those Craft, 2023 was a freaking mess.

2024 or 5 , can't recall exact year, ( Still attempting to regain full memory) As we attempted  Telecommunication or

extend into a Human Mind on Earth, NOTHING


Zip . Zero, Empty of consciousness to tap into.

It's only 2022 and it's already a freaking mess and from what I see, intelligent consciousness is running on fumes.

There's no real consciousness to speak of in any of our so called leaders.

Our brain dead soulless flip flopping health authorities that have the audacity and stupidity to call themselves science as if anybody would believe that dumb shit.

What's going on in the Ukraine could touch off some really bad events, I don't expect this to be handled well and the little fella in Russia is shaking his little baby fist and calling for using nukes... as if he's not dooming his entire huge shit hole country.

There's been several things that have gone on around me where I'm somewhat mystified by events...

Like how the hell did that happen all the sudden.

Like we've all jumped timelines a time or two and my consciousness still recalled remnants of the previous.

Certainly there can be many options as to outcome of all this but my gut says it's going down the shitter just based on the stupid of corrupt politicians that think of themselves as "leaders"


It seems we will always be in 3D consciousness when ascending only requires good will towards each other and peaceful intentions.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 24/03/2022 7:40 pm
Prominent Member
Posted by: @strigoi

Reading You keep me so busy catching up CA. As I recall, old KB had a wealth of Ophir discussions. Popcorn

Thank you


yes, I was attempting to "Data Dump" all knowledge I had on the subject before check-out time.


it actually caused me some problems with snoopy so called Officials.


No worries, all their stunts are Old Routines I grew up with.


kinda boring really.



Those Photos I posted, there actually is ancient stored stuff in that area.


The Blurry Photo of that Sheltered Glyph, that Glyph is more weather worn than The exposed Glyphs

in the same site,,,,


and the Symbols are ,,, Atlantean perhaps?


the Star symbol for instance, same was found in Egypt, story line on Egypt is that One out of Five places

the Remnants of Atlantis went to, for to resettle and Create a new Civilization, was Egypt.


The  Paleo-Hebrew Glyphs in that site are way younger that that Sheltered Glyph panel.


after so much study and investigation, evidence and artifact handling,,, no doubt in my mind that King Hiram

was Atlantean Descended .


He, not Solomon, Had the Key to Ophir.


Knights Templar took the ancient site of King Hirams Palace at Tyre, they recovered the Celestial Guides to Ophir from

under those Ruins.


The Dead Sea Scrolls,, just like those, Scrolls were found here in New Mexico. Far more ancient that the D.S. Scrolls.


Cave was sealed. now opened. what was inside?




thumbnail Tree dreams
El Chato Script 029





Topic starter Posted : 24/03/2022 8:34 pm
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