Ta Da! Guess Who Ma...
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Ta Da! Guess Who Managed to Fall Asleep Standing Up and Mix Himself Up with Michelle Obama All at One Event

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Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Christ almighty...

And Nancy Pelosi has Covid the day after close contact with the *ahem* "Big Guy"

Happy Democratic Party GIF by The Democrats

 WTF is that woman even doing?

Topic starter Posted : 07/04/2022 5:59 pm

Just heard a bunch of those triple vaxxed morans have it. This is where Kamala takes the reigns. Popcorn


Posted : 08/04/2022 6:31 am

Biden Says He’s Was "In The Foothills Of Himalayas With Xi Jinping"? Blink Cut it with the tall tales old timer, it's time for your medicine and adult diaper change.

Posted : 09/04/2022 5:19 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

@sandy wrote: Cut it with the tall tales old timer, it's time for your medicine and adult diaper change.

happy spongebob squarepants GIF

Topic starter Posted : 09/04/2022 5:37 pm
Prominent Member

~~~~ Songing again~~~~


They Bounce him out on Holidays

it's a Puppet thing, display and put away


Show must go on

with or without a Curtain Rise


Show must go on

even if unwise


It's a Show,

not a Game


it's a Clown

on a string


it's a show

not just a thing


He's wore out, such a mess

they've made him perform

too many years


He's a Fail

way beyond use


The Clown can't retire

and can't get free


He's in it to the end

tied to the Stump for life


Politics, his only trick

handlers have had him

all his life


Make-up covers lines

melded long before now


Pressed Suit defines

his image for the Voting Cow


Can you see it

is it clear enough


He's over  done at being IT

lay him down in the rough


They use people as a Tool

easy enough to persuade the fools


Dance to the Music

or fall to the side


You belong to us, set aside your pride


Joe the Dancing Bear

Circus Clown


maybe it'd be fair

to let old Joe, just lay down


You've used him, groomed from birth

let the poor bastard rejoin the earth.


Rock on Joe

no longer can he try

gawd dam handlers


just won't let him die.




shine on Joe

get that fortune and fame


just remember next lifetime


best resist promoting your name.


See ya Joe

Hope hell treats ya better then this


ya wanted it Joe

ya had to have the Spot Light of Fortune and Fame.


~~~~~ Freaking River Flows slower the longer it's been on the move,,, but even rivers know when to come to an end~~~~~~~



Posted : 09/04/2022 9:17 pm
Honorable Member
Posted by: @jayrodney

"It's getting increasingly anxiety-inducing to watch President Joe Biden give these public addresses. This Saturday, the president and first lady spoke at the commissioning commemoration ceremony of the USS Delaware.

The remarks weren't exactly memorable because either of them said something groundbreaking. The president, however, did mix himself up with former First Lady Michelle Obama, with "Michelle Obama" trending on Twitter for Saturday night."

"It's no wonder the calls keep coming in to invoke the 25th Amendment, considering the 79-year-old president, the oldest we've had, doesn't seem to be all mentally there. Or, at the very least, he's far too old. 

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), who has also served as the White House physician, has consistently called on the need for the president to take a cognitive test. He also called on Biden to resign on Saturday, something he's predicted Biden will have to do, if he's not removed by the 25th Amendment."

more here:


This is not the best time in history to have the proverbial "head of the free world" asleep at the wheel.

At a time when the US should be projecting strength it instead projects cognitive decline.


He calls himself "Jill's husband, not the President." LOL

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 10/04/2022 12:10 am
Guest Towel
 Guest Towel
(@Guest Towel)

One last try

Posted : 12/04/2022 10:11 pm
strigoi liked
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Dunno what's up with rumble not embedding.

I'll look into it tomorrow.

Topic starter Posted : 12/04/2022 10:20 pm
Member Admin
Posted by: @Guest Towel

One last try


Found it on YouTele. That old tosser never misses the opportunity to drop a clanger. Huh!?  

Posted : 13/04/2022 4:58 pm
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