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Smells like mutiny in here Huh!?  


Topic starter Posted : 02/07/2022 10:48 am
Member Admin


Posted : 02/07/2022 1:12 pm
Member Admin

Is this a hostile makeover?

Topic starter Posted : 02/07/2022 1:49 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member

Posted : 02/07/2022 10:49 pm
Prominent Member

just spent 11 days in the Hospital, i was found DEAD on the Beach, they took me to ICU,

brought me back somehow. this is not a shit post, it's a fact, some fucker dosed something I ate or drank, with phentenol.



I was parked at the beach, found dead sitting in my drivers seat with a Pizza.


last i knew is: I was eating the pizza, no memory until 3 days later, I came to with a nurse removing oxy hose from my throat.



I don't drive 55 and never write 5 word anything.



I'm out now as of hour ago, found my car still parked at the beach. Half the Pizza still sitting in the box on passenger seat <----<<< possible item they dosed


drove it here, still no idea or memory of what happened. just blank, until the nurse woke me up.


you see shit like that in movies, let me tell you, when you live it, it's freaky as f,


you wake up to a face inches from yours and tubes being pulled out of your throat,


they said i was incubated when I was brought in, what does that mean? "Incubated" I didn't ask, just blinked and wondered.


oh, and they confirmed i have skin cancer on my back shoulder too.



Posted : 09/07/2022 1:21 am
Member Admin

Oh wow, Rog!! I wondered what happened. Holy crap! So glad they were able to bring you back! Sweet baby Jesus Blink  

Oh and they probably said intubated. Tbh, I'm surprised you're still on this planet Hug  

Topic starter Posted : 09/07/2022 8:16 am
Prominent Member
Posted by: @octo

Oh wow, Rog!! I wondered what happened. Holy crap! So glad they were able to bring you back! Sweet baby Jesus Blink  

Oh and they probably said intubated. Tbh, I'm surprised you're still on this planet Hug  

Thank you Octo


now i got to look up the word "intubated,,,,,,heh heh


but yeah, how many times did the U.S. Agents kidnap me and I awoke strapped down and being tortured for treasure locations?


at least this event wasn't a hostile snatch, but it probably was agent connected.


who knows?


I'm out and free now, they actually held me there against my will, I was ready to walk the moment I awoke and the tubes were removed.


this world is psycho shit storm, even being helped back to consciousness can turn rough on ya.


before they would release me, they sent in a psyche to evaluate me, I flipped her on all of her questions, she went from trying to figure out my mind

into trying to figure out her own processing, I actually pointed out concisely how she could not verify her own sanity with 100% assurance.


I had turned down a second surgery, which befuddled them, My choice to deny access to my being blew them away I suppose.


asked her to name one single person in history that she could consider perfectly sane, and I'd illustrate why that person was batshit nutz.


no one is perfectly sane, not a single soul in the flesh, outside the flesh? maybe, but not in the flesh ever.


She asked why, I replied: NOT GONNA ANSWER THAT, WANT TO PLAY 5150 WITH ME?


She said : No

I replied: I'll answer your questions with questions, blow smoke up your keister until you'll doubt your own existence, easier to let this boy get on with his life


or choose to complicate a simple solution, your choice lady,  sign me out, we're done, proceed to probe, suffer regrets, again, your choice this time


she chose wisely, signed me out, all done, game over, everybody back to their routine, simple solution to a stupid invasive intrusive probe

at my psyche.


I never seen so many pills and shots in my life, like I got 100 years worth in 11 days, f__K!




Posted : 09/07/2022 10:13 am
Member Admin

That's freakin' crazy shit! I'm glad you woke up.

Intubation, that's when they put that tube down your throat

Topic starter Posted : 09/07/2022 10:31 am
Prominent Member

Ha! I looked it up, tube down the throat, yeah, weird strange life I've lived for a fact.


it's all in how ya internalize or externalize the traumas tossed at ya, make you strong, or break you down,

the intent is to break ya down, power up, spit in their face, smile at them, laugh at their antics, believe in this, the tools to fight them

we have within us, we tap into those, we'll survive.

Posted : 09/07/2022 10:57 am
Octo and Boomerang liked
Member Admin

That seems about right

Topic starter Posted : 09/07/2022 3:11 pm
Prominent Member

collected some more details, it was a set up for a robbery.

some woman dosed my coffee, 3 or 4 guys followed me to the beach, waited until the Phentenol took effect, robbed my wallet.


I began to remember things last night and this morning.


I even lost a Brand new T-Shirt in the struggle, and about $300.


oh well,


at first, when I came to in the Hospital, I thought it might be an Agency Hit on my ass, wouldn't be the first attempt they made.


back story soon. when I have the strength to write it out.



Posted : 12/07/2022 1:27 am

Harvested the final Garlic rows.

Posted : 13/07/2022 1:03 pm
Member Admin

Just replaced my work table

Topic starter Posted : 13/07/2022 7:09 pm
Reputable Member

I'm not very good at counting!

Posted : 13/07/2022 10:34 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member

Just did a big poo.



Posted : 14/07/2022 8:20 am
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