Another reason not to vacation in Australia.
You've got to have a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock to live there.
Aw hells to the no!
The people seem amazingly calm in this video They probably fired up the barbie right after...
OMFG f#@k anything that resembles shit like that.
Thanks for the nightmares... like some alien movie.
Know what they need?
This. Lots of this.
I didn't really look at it like an Aussie buffet, but its an interesting perspective.
[postquote quote=1215]
Well maybe if it had been an invasion of spoiled herring...
Oh stop it with your herring hate!!
[attachment file="1263"]
[postquote quote=1258]
As close as you can get to herring without the bones.
I'll ban both of you if this herring hate is allowed to go on!!
[attachment file="1292"]
But I don't hat herring.
[postquote quote=1314]
I'll do that just once.
get me out of this thread
Who cares watch me dance