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The sound of ice

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The first time I heard it I was out on the frozen sea between Finland and Sweden, it's a common and popular winter activity if you live on the coast.

There was no snow cover on the ice and heard these bangs and sounds traveling through it, like thick metal cables snapping. It's hard to describe, it's almost like the ice singing. It was eerie and scary damned It still is.

I was walking by the river the other evening and heard the ice making different sounds. It had been raining for a few days so the snow was gone, making the ice shift and move.

If the ice is snow covered the sounds are very muffled if even audible. Snow is a great insulator and nature is full of wonders.

I actually found a video on it

Topic starter Posted : 18/01/2023 9:33 pm
Boomerang liked
Reputable Member

..being on a frozen lake that crackes & splinters out from weight on it is threatening if too far out

Posted : 23/01/2023 7:57 pm
Reputable Member

..posting this just for visuals:

Posted : 23/01/2023 8:02 pm
Member Admin
Posted by: @nightmare

..being on a frozen lake that crackes & splinters out from weight on it is threatening if too far out

Yes you need to know your ice. These waters are littered with little islands and it's fairly shallow waters, the ice is around a half meter thick within the archipelago. But you'll find open waters just a bit south in our own county.

Topic starter Posted : 23/01/2023 9:14 pm
Member Admin
Member Admin

There it is

Topic starter Posted : 18/03/2023 10:09 pm
Reputable Member

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