Today's gas prices
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Today's gas prices

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Honorable Member
Posted by: @octo

Shit is grim. It's a big county and many rely on driving to work. We have some big employers out in the sticks

Employers should rent an electric van or microbus and carpool everyone into work because workers are what's important to business.

Meet the new VW hippie bus.

Return of the Microbus? Volkswagen unveils electric 'hippie bus' (

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 14/03/2022 4:54 pm
Member Admin

Oil prices fall, continuing downward trend from last week. Do you think you'll see that at the pump? ROFL

Posted : 16/03/2022 11:35 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin
Posted by: @uniquestranger
Posted by: @octo

Shit is grim. It's a big county and many rely on driving to work. We have some big employers out in the sticks

Employers should rent an electric van or microbus and carpool everyone into work because workers are what's important to business.

Meet the new VW hippie bus.

Return of the Microbus? Volkswagen unveils electric 'hippie bus' (


It's retro cool

Posted : 16/03/2022 5:32 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin
Posted by: @strigoi

Oil prices fall, continuing downward trend from last week. Do you think you'll see that at the pump? ROFL

LOL, not a chance.


Posted : 16/03/2022 5:33 pm
Prominent Member



You mean Biden was voted for because people believed in his all encompassing beautiful Plan to cure the Worlds Problems?


Look Man, it's simple, this isn't a Sane World,


For every Issue Solved, another Issue is raised to nul the solution.


How it works;

U.S. History Lesson 1860-1879

1. Move the Indians out of the way, ok, sign a Treaty, they move to Black Hills, all done.

next, Gold is discovered in the Black Hills, oh shit, we just made that an Indian Res.

no problem, break the treaty by attacking them, they'll defend themselves, and justify our lies that they started it.


Ok, we got the indians rounded up at Wounded Knee and ready to move them again.

Let's avoid future problems with those Red Skins, Gattling Guns in the Morning, wipe all DEAD.


Ok, we did that, now what?

There's more indians in the southwest too.

ok, solution?


Kill them too.


ok, all Indians left are deposited on a Res, now what?


Start a War with Spain, take Cuba too.



history lesson 1961


The Russians are putting Missiles on Cuban Islands,


Ok. make em take them away.


Missiles removed, now what?


Ok. South East Asia, tell folks we have to stop Communism.


wow, 10 year war in Vietnam, and did we win, did we stop the Red Spread?


Nope, but Cambodia is now Killing Fields.


do we stop them?



Ok, now what?


Well,,, let's see,,,, anyplace that we haven't f__ked up yet?


Well, 1973, lets create a FAKE Oil Shortage.


( I was there in the Oil Fields when they held that Meeting to Fake a Shortage)


Ahem,,, Gas Prices are because of What?


Look again, Humanity on this Planet is Bullied, the Bullies are Known to Humanity,

Humanity can either put a stop to the Bullies, or keep on eating big balls of shit for another 30,000 years or so.



Pfft, I seriously do not care a twit about shit, this ain't my World.



Posted : 16/03/2022 6:22 pm
Prominent Member

oh, just to point out to the fucking Electric Car Idiots.


It takes Fossil Fuel to create the energy, to create the Batteries, which are made of Minerals that require Fuel to Mine those.


The Technology does not exist on this Planet yet, maybe never, to create a Mystical Magical Green Powered universal Energy Source

that can Handle the fucking mess.


DREAM the fuck on. Meanwhile, you Greenies owe me Gas Money, you dumb fucks put that Clown in Office, you can pay my Bills

while he fucks you into Poverty.



Posted : 16/03/2022 6:30 pm
Honorable Member
Posted by: @jayrodney
Posted by: @uniquestranger
Posted by: @octo

Shit is grim. It's a big county and many rely on driving to work. We have some big employers out in the sticks

Employers should rent an electric van or microbus and carpool everyone into work because workers are what's important to business.

Meet the new VW hippie bus.

Return of the Microbus? Volkswagen unveils electric 'hippie bus' (


It's retro cool

Yeah, I want one to travel around North America with hubby. Problem is that the electric charging system is not up to par...yet.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 16/03/2022 6:32 pm
Member Admin

I want a spaceship

Topic starter Posted : 16/03/2022 7:00 pm
Posted by: @octo

I want a spaceship

yes get me off this rock

Posted : 16/03/2022 10:54 pm
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