POS liar faded back into the obscurity from which he emerged. No longer useful to scare people into taking the gene therapy as the president of Bayer called it. They were not vaccines, they didn't prevent ANY disease.
Funny how they vanish when it becomes a political liability...
By midterms they will deny they ever had mask mandates and wanted vax mandates..
That was those damn Republicans.
his 15 minutes of Fame run out?
He hit the snooze bar on his fifteen minutes for about five years...
That lying dirtbag is the poster child of the swamp, no wonder they're retiring him before midterms. The GOP is taking over and they'll have some investigations involving that little butt slug.
I can't imagine, from Fauci to poo... seems about right as that was what he was full of.
Power Over Others.
Thanks to Rog' for coining that lil ho ho.