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What's for dinner? 🍽️

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Honorable Member

[postquote quote=2814]

Yes, the cuts are from the same area of the animal. Chefs suggest when cooking filet mignon to wrap it in bacon to add fat/taste, what could go wrong? Chuckle

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 23/02/2022 5:45 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Just a vegan salad. LoL

Bacon is a vegetable right?

[attachment file="2837"]

Topic starter Posted : 24/02/2022 12:26 am
Member Admin

Is that shrimp in there? Now I'm hungry.

Posted : 24/02/2022 12:26 pm
Member Admin

[postquote quote=2834]

Point of interest: Bacon is the food most responsible for saving vegans and vegetarians from a life of pain. I mean, it converts them back to meat eaters. Sorry about that. The thought of those misguided lifestyles causes me pain and distress.

Posted : 24/02/2022 4:45 pm
Honorable Member

I was a vegan for two years in the late 70s but I cooked mostly French style with creamy mushroom sauces for taste and garbage tasty. I had to go back to eating meat because my doc said I needed vitamin B12 and the supplements would not do the trick. Otherwise, I enjoyed the vegan lifestyle but it failed me on just that one vitamin which is needed for optimum health. I couldn't go back to being entirely vegan now, but I cook with a lot less meat these days.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 24/02/2022 5:05 pm
Random German Guy
 Random German Guy
(@Random German Guy)

I burned a grilled cheese and ate some of it. LOL

Posted : 02/03/2022 10:00 am
Member Admin
Posted by: @Random German Guy

I burned a grilled cheese and ate some of it. LOL

ha! Nothing here to eat and I'm starving. Need to get to the store soon. Oh goody.

Eyeroll Love GIF by The Bachelorette Australia
Posted : 02/03/2022 12:15 pm
Honorable Member

Meat loaf with chorizo sausage, spices and topped with left over tomato sauce/paste - with red mashed potatoes for hubby (carbs) and green beans.

I found a package of chorizo sausage reduced in price with only two in the package, so I'm spreading it around in multiple meals. This is the first time I am using chorizo sausage and it's really spicy for us but tasty, so I use very little and it's great. I thought I'd try it because the chefs on TV always use it when they are at a loss as to how to add flavour.

I also bought some Summer Savory seeds which I will plant outside when I can.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 02/03/2022 6:42 pm
Member Admin

Oh I love Chorizo sausage!!! ❤️ 

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:18 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Yeah we eat a lot of that... good with eggs, TexMex and lot o other stuff.

Topic starter Posted : 02/03/2022 10:50 pm

eggs and bacon

Posted : 03/03/2022 1:21 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

hmm... open to suggestions at this point.


Think Which One GIF
Topic starter Posted : 03/03/2022 4:09 pm
Member Admin

My daughter and her man and baby came back to town and I made a big batch of spaghetti. I had spaghetti reruns last night. Then I had reflux reruns. That's why it has been years since I made spaghetti. It sure was good, though.

Posted : 03/03/2022 4:22 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Spaghetti sauce always has me headed for the baking soda or Pepcid.

Wish I could eat like I did when I was 10 Crazy  

Topic starter Posted : 03/03/2022 5:16 pm
Member Admin

I don't know what's for dinner, I'll have JR surprise me... Love Kiss  

Posted : 03/03/2022 6:30 pm
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