Winter predicted to...
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Winter predicted to be warmer than average

Member Admin

In Finland that is... Bob  

This is of course good news if you heat your home with electricity, but it's still gonna be cold af I assume.

According to the forecasts, the average temperature across most of the country will be 0.5-1 degrees Celsius above average between November and January. Meanwhile, the December-February period is forecast to be 0.5-2 degrees warmer than usual, IL writes.

The weather during these three-month periods can however vary widely, according to Foreca meteorologist Joanna Rinne.

Due to Finland's variable climate, although the three-month period is predicted to be warmer than usual, it can also include rain, sunshine and cool or warm days, Rinne noted.

October - December temperature deviation.



Topic starter Posted : 07/09/2022 2:01 pm
Reputable Member

It's an odd one. 

Hottest joint summer here since records begun in 1884

Joint hottest summer on record for England - Met Office


 Finding out what the winter was like following the 1976 heatwave is not so easy.


Still I have a very big warm coat just in case! Chuckle  

Posted : 07/09/2022 6:28 pm
Member Admin

I didn't know you were in England Anonymous  

We had a hot spell too, we usually do most summers, but not as extreme as over there. +23 - 26C is ideal for me

Topic starter Posted : 07/09/2022 6:59 pm
Reputable Member

Well I'm in England but never felt like I was from it. 

Was christened in this church which incidentally is built back to front according to the ley lines Chuckle  


Gets to -26 over there @Octo?



I watched this the other week, temps are unreal


Posted : 07/09/2022 9:25 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member

Minus 26 sounds warm.



Posted : 07/09/2022 10:53 pm
Estimable Member

Last year our weather was very mild during winter months. I predict the same this year, seeing temps still in mid 100's. Only very edge of the coast where youll find temps in low 50's to low 60's in late sept, thru february

Posted : 08/09/2022 2:32 am
Boomerang liked
Member Admin

@boomerang Looks like a very pretty area around that church. How old is it?

If it gets down to -26? Sure, we usually get a cold spell every winter. I think during my lifetime I can remember temps down towards -37ish.

1999)The highest temperature ever recorded is 37.2 °C (99.0 °F) (Liperi, July 29, 2010).[6] The lowest, −51.5 °C (−60.7 °F) (Kittilä, January 28, 1999)



Freezing to death is way more common in Spain than in Finland btw.


Topic starter Posted : 08/09/2022 1:57 pm
Reputable Member

@octo First mentioned in 1185 according to  this link. All Saints Church, Bow Brickhill - Wikipedia


I'm looking forward to some snow, I'm like a big kid when it snows. Out sliding down hills on polythene, building an igloo etc etc 

Posted : 08/09/2022 4:24 pm
Member Admin

Ok, that's old!! I'm sure it's been added to and rebuilt several times as they usually did, but still old.

I love snow too! It helps living up north to not hate it Chuckle Also love how it changes the outdoors acoustics, makes all the sounds so soft and quiet. And it's so pretty.

Topic starter Posted : 08/09/2022 5:36 pm
Boomerang liked
Estimable Member

Looks like here the weather is leveling off. Not too hot. I want the fall weather soon. Jacket weather, not tank top weather

Posted : 10/09/2022 12:11 am
Member Admin

There's been frost on the ground a couple of mornings here this past week damned  

It was -1 one morning. Then it climbs to around 15 in the afternoon so you need all types of clothes during the day Gaah!  

Topic starter Posted : 10/09/2022 6:29 pm

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