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🤷🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏻‍♂️ Guess who has reportedly told his former boss that he intends to seek re-election in 2024. 🙄

Jay Rodney
Member Admin

The Hill reported on Tuesday that two sources confirmed that Biden has told former President Barack Obama that he will run again while believing that he remains the only Democratic candidate to defeat former President Donald Trump, should he seek the GOP presidential nomination again.

“[Biden] wants to run and he’s clearly letting everyone know,” one of The Hill’s sources told the D.C.-based outlet.

“I believe he thinks he’s the only one who can beat Trump. I don’t think he thinks there’s anyone in the Democratic party who can beat Trump and that’s the biggest factor,” the source added.


netflix GIF by Stranger Things

There's actually someone who has not seen the polls or been to the gas station or grocery store and adores open borders.


Topic starter Posted : 19/04/2022 6:34 pm
Member Admin

Ffsi Rolling eyes  

Posted : 19/04/2022 7:20 pm

Huh!? Cognitive decline never sleeps.

Posted : 19/04/2022 7:52 pm
Prominent Member

Recall as a child, how much the Cartoons you watched made you Laugh?


well, Cartoons as this, make ya want to puke.


Times have changed indeed.


In 1960, JFK HQ and DNC Convention was held in L.A.


JFK came to my house to talk to me about his encounter with the Nordics I rode with the year before, he showed me a Half Dollar

they gave him, that was a Kennedy Half, they proved that they Time Travel.

the Kennedy half was created in 1968, 5 years after JFK's murder.


we spoke a long time, he gave me the Half. asked about the Treasure, and then, asked Robert McNamara to give me 5 100 dollar bills.


we had a pact going on.


1961, The Pentagon sent out a Team to raid the Bars of Gold from Victorio Peak on White Sands Missile Range.


JFK signed a Presidential executive order to have those Bars of Gold impounded for the Inheritor ( Me ) to receive when I turned 21 in 1971.


JFK Murder was an inside Job for a Fact.


The Bars never came to me, seems some High Ranks at the Pentagon, as well as Robert Mcnamara whom brought us

the Invasion of Vietnam, got very Rich there after.


These are TRUE FACTS I just penned.


In 1964, sitting in my Class Room, I blurted out:" Their going to kill the President (ESP kicked in)


The teacher said: don't say that, it's mean


I kept an eye on the clock, at exactly the Moment the first bullet hit JFK, I said to the girl in front of me: They just shot him.


a few minutes passed

the Teachers phone rang


She hung up, turned to the class: the president has just been shot.

the girl at the desk in front of me said: Roger just said that.


I knew they were going to Murder John, the Nordics as we watched in Oct. 1961, the Army stealing the Bars from Victorio Peak,

I had asked, Can't the President stop them?


The Lady Nordic replied: they're going to Murder the President over those Gold Bars.

when we dropped you at Home, have your Mother call the F.B.I.  and inform them to stop the Murder.


I asked who waas going to kill him

she said, the Generals stealing the Gold, and the Rockefeller family would finance the hit.


My Mother, owing to the fact she was OWNED by the C.I.A.,,,,, never made that call.


Our Teacher wanted to find out from my Mom, about my ESP, so she drove me Home, I told her

about my Mom refusing to call the F.B.I.

Teacher said she would, and did.


Agents arrived, I gave the info, they asked where evidence could be found, I told them: Officer Tippit who was also Murdered

by the same Hit Team, was mistakenly Trusted by the Team and brought into the plot.


He played along, all the while, at home, he wrote all of it out including names, from his Micro Recorder.


I told the F.B.I. that Tippit kept the documents behind the spare tire in his Patrol Unit while on duty.


L.A. F.B.I. called Dallas F.B.I. and those agents retrieved the Tippit files from the trunk of Tippits Patrol Unit.


a Grand Jury investigation was held, I testified ( I was 9 years old)

the Valise, Brief case if you wish, was present, lawyers argued, the case set aside, the culprits warned if they Murdered me, the

Case would again be indicted .


an attempt on my life as well as the teacher, my family and several other Witnesses was made

I and my Family survived the poisoning.


Let's do this fucking Trump dude now


Trump released some of the JFK files with a Promise to release the rest in Jan. 2020

Think of it this way, Voters with a desire to read the Files would Vote for his ass,,,, right?


well, Trumpy-poo lost, he had several weeks to release the final batch and he did not do that.


Telling, is it not?

For those Q-Anon freaks and Trumpie acolytes, You were SPOOFED and DUPED,,,,,,PERIOD!


My Name is all over that last batch of files as an Informant , when Trump failed, as I knew that fucker would,

we lost the chance at those last files.


I'd be pissed, but, I conditioned myself to the fail before the fail came.


Final Note on Political Manipulations


Both sides left and right are fed scripted bullshit by the same Think Tank, whether it's Brookings or Rand or both and several

other Institutes, it's all the same script delivered

by shill fucks.


say CNN on the left

Creeps like Joe Rogan on the right

both are operating for the same entities.


The Dialogue is exactly the same from both Mouth Pieces, just a few names are switched out, like

DemonRats for Trumpsters, per which side is delivering the Spiel on the the spoof.


Divide and Concur is exactly the practice.


For anyone that Believes in the spoof, supports either side because of the influencing the spoof has on them.


YOU are CONTROLLED, YOU are Brainwashed and OWNED by the Spoofing Dialogue,


break the fucking Spell People, get real with your World, get REAL about your Captivity.


Above statements are FACTS, and as I stated, there exist Compiled and highly Classified Files that outline every word I just Typed.


For a Fact







Posted : 19/04/2022 8:59 pm
strigoi liked
Prominent Member

The $500 that JFK instructed Robert McNamara to give me as a Present, what happen to that?


My fucked up Mother stole it and wasted it.


Why would she?


The Skank was programmed to destroy any Happiness that came my way, She was a Sadist in the highest degree

Posted : 20/04/2022 1:41 am
Prominent Member

if this Biden crap is true, that he will run in '24


Optimistic eh?


I got a lead on that,


Hiding in a Bunker is what he'll be doing.


talk talk talk about what they'll do in time, isn't worth your thoughts.


it's all Soap Opera.

Posted : 20/04/2022 1:45 am
Prominent Member


Posted : 20/04/2022 1:50 am
Member Admin

It's been rumored that JFK, as a senator, was involved with Project Bluebook and always had a fascination with the subject. Something about USO going in and out of the sea during a build-up to some multinational large scale naval exercise near Russian waters. I can't recall where I read this, and don't seem to find anything searching.

Posted : 20/04/2022 11:57 am

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