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Group: Admin
Joined: 2022-01-17
Title: Member Admin
Mason left to be Daddy's dog

In forum General Discussion

3 weeks ago
Happy 4th of July

In forum General Discussion

3 weeks ago
Unfortunately not! Hi gf @white-ribbon, long time no see

In forum General Discussion

3 weeks ago
The longest legs

In forum General Discussion

3 months ago
I think we're at actual spring

In forum General Discussion

3 months ago
The Longest Winter

In forum General Discussion

3 months ago
Pussy willows with water droplets

In forum General Discussion

4 months ago
Happy Easter!! Thank you for posting Gumby Not had muc...

In forum General Discussion

4 months ago
Hi there US, Long time no see! There's no end to the amo...

In forum General Discussion

4 months ago
A lot of snow melted already, but still plenty of winter lef...

In forum General Discussion

5 months ago
There's a lot of shenanigans as of late. The Russians are me...

In forum General Discussion

5 months ago
It's raining right now and very slushy. Maybe a hint of s...

In forum General Discussion

5 months ago
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