Back Roads Hobo Sty...
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Back Roads Hobo Style

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I have an image to impose, kinda a reverse of the People who spend $1,500 a Night for a so called Posh Hotel Room

in a Tourist area, take photos of inside their Room, post those to impress friends and Family.


as though,,, Look at me,, ain't I cool, I stay at this Hotel!!!!


and,,, I Took the "Pink Jeep Tour" for only $1400!!!


My image is so special,,,, I actually ate this $365 Meal at this Cafe, also drank this $210 Bottle of Wine,,,


are you impressed with me?


Human Nature, suffers the worse in California People ( I grew up there, it's all about Image)


com'on people, what causes "Self Image Enhancement Syndrome"? 


Facebook is a must for those of that Mentality, instagram, many social platforms.


I have a friend from childhood who became one of those affected with "Self Image Promotion"


He was here in Sedona a while back, took Photos of everything that wasted his money, even pics of his

Restaurant Meals, and posted those to FB 


H eprompted me to stay at a Hotel, bragging it up,,, $1'500 a Night,,,, yeah, kiss my flexable Noddle.


so, I sent him a photo of the Bowl of Stars that make my ceiling each night and replied: My View.

beat that if you can. LOL


Photos are of Oak Creek Canyon near Sedona Az.


Topic starter Posted : 28/03/2022 8:35 pm
strigoi liked
Prominent Member

nice place, as long as the Tourist are vacated


Topic starter Posted : 28/03/2022 8:38 pm
strigoi liked
Prominent Member

I've no idea when exactly the so called "Van Life" Trend began, I can say, the amount of people living it has

increased like,,, ( think of something plentiful, insert here)


At sites I have visited many times in the past, where maybe a few people would be camped, have now

become an infestation of Hundreds of people.


People out living traveling the Roads is gaining population density like those States that Californians

are making an exit to.


The Backroads of America here in the West, are now crawling with Travelers on permanent Travel Status.


What's happening?


can't explain each individuals reasons for escaping "House Entrapment Life"


Can say, that most who talk with me, reply ,,,, f__k it,


They escaped paying Property Tax, many taxes in fact, they gave up on Society as a Nesting Module,

most despise what Americans at large have become, they feel a disconnect from it, Sell out, hit the roads

and as I do, feel the freedom of Travel until death do us part.


F--k Tour Packages,


F__K impressing the Neighbors with Home Videos of Tourist Traps you wasted your Money at.


These that I address in this Thread, are the New Road Dogs of current society.


Sprinter Vans seem the most chosen, but actually, I've seen solo travelers in small cars, using Tents.


this site in Photo, just two years ago at this time of year, I was the only Camper here.

this year, 19 Vehicles were crowded around the area.


 Photo of preferred Van by "Van Life" folks

Topic starter Posted : 28/03/2022 8:56 pm
strigoi liked
Active Member

must be in the dna -- i cringe; where's the water?  where's the forest?  too much feeling like a bug on a plate


Posted : 29/03/2022 12:26 pm
strigoi liked
Member Admin

It's a bit easier to have that lifestyle stateside with those beautiful wide open spaces and lower gas prices. A van would cost me a small fortune to run here. Gaah!  

Posted : 29/03/2022 12:49 pm
Prominent Member

For every Jump that we Mentally provide ourselves that will stop us,

there exist from that same Mind, the ability to smooth a way past that Jump.


Mental Prisons are common, a developed Human safety construct.


Those arise from the self preservation modes of Human Nature.


Just as Natural within the Human Being, is the desire and dream to travel unto venues unseen.


We can believe in ourselves easier when we fight and defeat our inner fears.


I say look around you

assess the value of your non essential possessions, Must those always provide for you

the reasons to maintain that Prison?


a simple yard sale can so easily free you of those, it's amazing how small the amount

of possessions you require to live Happy.


Scaled down, specialized, and ,,, well,,, first steps to get out of the Trap is to understand what

you have in your life that is actually a Ball and Chain that you tied to your Mind. 

Topic starter Posted : 29/03/2022 4:46 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

I got rid of all personal possessions except some suitcases of clothes when I moved here.

It was actually liberating AF.

Only thing I was worried about were my guitars and basses... how could I ever replace 'em...


LOL That worked itself out pretty well.

Posted : 29/03/2022 7:23 pm
Prominent Member





I know where you stole those Guitars


I'm ratting you out

Topic starter Posted : 29/03/2022 8:40 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Chuckle I did get 'em a very good prices.

Covid helped, musicians outta' work letting their used stuff go for pennies on the dollar.

Picked up the Japanese Fernandes Vertigo for less that 200€ and they go for a min of 600 to 1800.

That 61 tele is the identical specs to the tele that Page used on Zeppelin I and it plays like a dream. Open box 400!

The ESP LTD was last piece retail was 500 I paid half.

Yeah... I sorta' stole 'em.

Finland has an interesting guitar market.

Posted : 29/03/2022 9:29 pm

Do you play them all at the same time JR? Chuckle  

Posted : 29/03/2022 10:46 pm
Reputable Member
Posted by: @nolomolistari

must be in the dna -- i cringe; where's the water?  where's the forest?  too much feeling like a bug on a plate



Posted : 30/03/2022 12:06 am
Random German Guy
 Random German Guy
(@Random German Guy)

The desert is a big scary place where everything is out to get you Chuckle  Give me some hiking boots and let me explore.

Posted : 30/03/2022 8:34 am

Sparkle Omg GIF by Jin

 Beautymous photo RGG.

Posted : 30/03/2022 11:59 am
Member Admin

Haven't been in that area since I was a child but that's in the alps. I can attest that is gorgeous country. Positively breathtaking in the spring. The shade of green hurts the eyes it's so strong.

Posted : 30/03/2022 1:33 pm
Prominent Member

Cool site, Alps and a Stein, full of course,


I awoke in ,,, a sleeping bag?


yeah, maybe it was a sleeping bag, I ran her off, I have no idea how she got in my


vehicle, hope I didn't catch something

from her.


anyway, I looked out and about 5 or 6 Hot air Balloons were hovering less than 100 ft. above me,


Photo is of California Coast, Between Carmel and Big Sur.


I think some one griped about no Beach or Ocean?


Neener neener neener,



Carmel Big Sur stuff 006





Topic starter Posted : 30/03/2022 7:32 pm
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