Back Roads Hobo Sty...
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Back Roads Hobo Style

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Prominent Member

scroll to 1:48 to see the script, then compare that script to the Panel in my photo,

the panel is in New Mexico.





the panel, I found my other photos of this Panel and they are much more clear, post em later

gotta grab em for this Laptop, those are on one of my OTHER,,, heh hee,,, laptops.


Topic starter Posted : 05/04/2022 6:50 pm
Prominent Member

A Quote:


It must be noted that just recently a Minoan ship was found in the Baltic Sea with a cargo of copper,

which came from the mines near Michigan.

For years scientists have wondered where did the copper come from that fueled the Bronze age.

Those Michigan mines have pollution dating back some 6,000 years.

The mining ended about 1,600 years ago.


This is the same time that the Santorini volcano went off devastating the ancient world.


The ancient Egyptians went to S. America. An Egyptian mummy had traces of tobacco in it as well as Cocaine.

Tobacco and Cocaine only grew in S. America.


The DNA results from the famous elongated skulls from Paracus, Peru showed that they originally came from near the Baltic Sea area.

The ancient world were a sea faring peoples.


~~~~~~~~~~~End Quote~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Ok, gonna cut loose a little known fact.


In the Archives in Seville Spain, reside the Documents compiled by the Spanish Explorers.


One of those was Coronado, who in 1520 met up with the Tribe in Taos New Mexico.


His Chronicler was a Spanish Hebrew ( Jewish )

That Man noticed many words of the Tribe were also Ancient Hebrew terms.


but here's the special Sauce.


The Tribe's Shaman had a perfectly sculpted Round Ball about the size of a soft ball.


suspended on rope, when the shaman spun the Ball in complete darkness,


it emanated a Bright Green Hue of Light.


I came across the same type in a Treasure Cave in the "Organ Mountains" New Mexico.


Yes, while in there, we did spin it, it lit up the entire Cavern.


Pre-Columbian Contact was just as contact is now, Our People had Open Ocean Sea Faring Ships





Topic starter Posted : 05/04/2022 7:06 pm
Prominent Member

Quote Columbus to his Chronicler on arrival here


" I have no Doubt in my being, that I have finally reached the Land of Ophir"


Columbus had received from his Father-in-law, a Map of this Hemisphere


His F-i-L was descended down from the Italian Faction of the Knights Templar.


the map was over 200 years old


Yes the Knights Templar did arrive here.


The Map contained the sea route to Ophir.



Topic starter Posted : 05/04/2022 7:15 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

@cynicalabsurdance said: The DNA results from the famous elongated skulls from Paracus, Peru showed that they originally came from near the Baltic Sea area.

The ancient world were a sea faring peoples.

For certain, and why do archeologists and historians cover that fact up like shit in a litter box.

Also, those elongated skull folks have DNA such that they couldn't even breed with us humans.

The bible is pretty clear that "There were giants in the earth in those days".

There are structures here in Finland that, though archeologists refuse to entertain the idea, must predate the last ice age.

Does that look familiar Rog'?

You may recall the structure Octo and I stumbled upon.

Posted : 06/04/2022 2:39 pm
Prominent Member

if ya had to climb a Tree to escape a Bear


you'd be fekked

Topic starter Posted : 06/04/2022 6:27 pm
Prominent Member

gonna say the stones in your photo were set as Walls.


and that appears to be High Ground. Nope, wind didn't knock those Walls down.

and simple erosion wouldn't leave a spread like that.


Large Wave maybe, like a Tidal Wave.



Topic starter Posted : 06/04/2022 6:41 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Could well be a wall of water that knocked 'em all down.

Similar looking to this famous site but the site we found is unidentified by archeologists.

I was looking for our pics as our site actually showed huge stone blocks a capstone and I believe is larger than the one in the photo.

The damn thing has a cut entrance and ramparts on either side... it's insane in scale.

In the ruins of the walls on top they buried bronze age warriors... those graves were robbed in the last 60-70 years.

Still hunting for those pics... Rolling eyes   so much to go through, but I'm sure you kinda' recall them.


Posted : 06/04/2022 8:05 pm
Prominent Member

Who put the Fashion

in the Fashion Cart


When did we crash

and when did that start


Stone Cold Fever

I got none today


Back washing memories in silk

through filtered mist bending light


Out of the Box into the Frame

comes the picture of Rocks aflame


Notes carved in stone

these mysteries

just won't leave us alone


answers don't come on a Label

nor out of Liars Mouth


Answers hide under the Table

when the Dark comes out.


Glad to be here

Glad ya got me in


glad to be of service

hope to see y'all again


maybe we can reverse

this mystery of lost refrain


or,,, perhaps we'll just knit one

and pearl two


sewing circle, bring out the Girls

let's gab and gossip, make a Shawl


Circle for Jerks, yeah all the same

gossip never touches lips that love to brawl


Ok bye

I'm on my way


tripping again, long distance t that far shore.


Knit one, Pearl Two


be sure to do what you do

be aware as you do

some one's watching you too.


~~~~ Bent Waters need no rules~~~



Topic starter Posted : 09/04/2022 9:36 pm
Honorable Member
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

Who put the Fashion

in the Fashion Cart

Designers and fashion leaders...I have found more fabulous finds in bargain bins than anywhere else


When did we crash

and when did that start

 I haven't come down yet...?? you??


Stone Cold Fever

I got none today

I got none today either. That's good.


Back washing memories in silk

through filtered mist bending light

 That sounds very artistic and scientific at the same time.


Out of the Box into the Frame

comes the picture of Rocks aflame

 Yeah, that's your thang.


Notes carved in stone

these mysteries

just won't leave us alone

 It leaves me alone because I have my treasures in life.


answers don't come on a Label

nor out of Liars Mouth

 Answers are tricky, they can come from any place at any time - but you know that.???


Answers hide under the Table

when the Dark comes out.

 Yeah, sometimes answers do come from under the table.


Glad to be here

Glad ya got me in

 Me too.


glad to be of service

hope to see y'all again

 Me too.


maybe we can reverse

this mystery of lost refrain

 Refrain? Not me.


or,,, perhaps we'll just knit one

and pearl two

 Count me in, I'm a bomber gal.


sewing circle, bring out the Girls

let's gab and gossip, make a Shawl

 I've made a shawl in my knitting group for anybody who need to keep warm it in a hospice.


Circle for Jerks, yeah all the same

gossip never touches lips that love to brawl

 Talking shit about another is what causes brawls...what?

Ok bye

I'm on my way


tripping again, long distance t that far shore.


Knit one, Pearl Two


be sure to do what you do

be aware as you do

some one's watching you too.

 If all the world's a stage then we are all players - really good players, I must say.

~~~~ Bent Waters need no rules~~~




Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 10/04/2022 12:41 am
Prominent Member

which one of you left the door unlocked this time


Lisa and Roger
Topic starter Posted : 10/04/2022 1:43 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Posted : 10/04/2022 12:12 pm
Prominent Member




1982, flew out to bury my Dad after his Murder.


got to his house, it had been ransacked/robbed right down to the dinnerware by my half brothers and sister.


I walked outside, shot off a clip out of my pistol into the ground.


walked back inside, looked each of them in the eye, said: Enjoy the goods folks.


Left to the Airport, calm, got on the flight, as we came in to L.A. from over the Ocean, we hit the worst Turbulence gawd ever let loose.


Pilot pulled off the landing attempt, the fekkin wings were flopping like Rags on a line, the Plane was actually warping.


People were in a Panic, I sat smiling, watching them, EYES with fear on all of them,

Lady in the seat right in front of me screamed: PUT IT ON THE GROUND RIGHT NOW,,, as she filled her stretch pants with a Blob of poop

( gawd dam the stench!)


some put their heads in their Laps, I laughed out loud ( raff out roud)


Pilot took us up higher out of the Turb, we circled back out to Sea and circled out there 20 more minutes.


I pulled out an Old family letter form the 1930's to read through, Lady pee poo potty pants had dove for the head, taking

most of her stench with her.


Plane still wobbling, Pilot took us in again, Lady shittie kittie still in head tending to what I couldn't guess. heh heee


as we drop alt. wings and fuselage attempting to part company, other people began to scream, I saw a Rosary even.


I laughed,

another woman screamed;Take us DOWN


so I screamed: NO! take us for a few more rounds, can't get this shit at Magic Mountain.


looked back down at the Letter in my hand, to a sentence there,,, about my Dad as a boy Grandma wrote it: The Boy is just too Wild, I put

him on a Train to Quitman ( his other Grandma's house) hope Myrtle doesn't put a curse on me for it"


I laughed at that, dude two isles behind me yelled at me: Are you fuckin crazy, we're gonna die?!!!


I answered: that's right, we're all gonna DIE, that's exactly right Pussy Man, we're all gonna DIIIIEE!!!!

and most of you deserve it, so F__k You.


Never saw Lady pee poo potty pants again, I was the last off the Plane besides Pilot and crew, everyone else had run like Bunnies.

as I passed the Pilot, "Good thrill ride Brother, when's your next, I'll be here"


He actually smiled through ashen grey face, fear cure is what I gave him with that comment.


I made it home, went to my safe, found while I was busy getting my dad Buried, my f__ked up girlfriend had robbed me of $2,000 cash.


Moral of the Story?


Make one up for yourself.


there are no Morals. LOL





Topic starter Posted : 10/04/2022 6:14 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

I needed can't make up comedy that funny.

First time Octo and I met in Amsterdam, on the way back over the ocean... similar deal.

God as my witness, people were praying and crying.

I was flying Royal Dutch KLM with all the alcohol you could drink included so I was like... "a double shot of Cognac and a Heineken chaser and keep em coming".

I had to ask if it was unusual to keep serving drinks in this turbulence, She laughed and said I'm not putting this cart away...

Pretty sure she and I were the only people on the plane pounding drinks as everybody else was worried about a late night swim in the Atlantic in late January.

When the plane landed they all stood up and clapped and cried... by that time I was ready for that swim. Chuckle  



Posted : 10/04/2022 6:42 pm
Prominent Member



People frightened are so much fun to watch, some of the Earthquake stories I lived through are gut busters.

One of the best was in Seattle where they never have quakes,OMG it was funny. People vacated the Building, went and stood in the alley

right under swaying power lines,, LOL,


3rd floor, walked to the open Balcony stood watching them: yelled out,, we're having an earthquake,, Are ye skeered?" in my Baby Voice


Freddy ( a dweeb cake ass wrinkle) yells up; " Get out of the Building ya crazy bastard"


I laughed, I'm L.A. we wake to quakes, Um,,, don't worry about me, worry about you, look up, see those power lines about to fall on ya's?"


20 some odd people took 10 steps backwards in unison, like a stage dance, I laughed: "We're having a quake,,, YUM,,, are ya skeered?"


Mocked them, if they hadn't been so scared , they'd of been pissed.


quake still shaking, my Girlfriend calls: " Rog' we're having a quake, I cut in with: I just said that, are you watching me?"


"you ok Rog'?"


Laughing I replied: " No, I'm not ok, I hate it when we have a quake and nothing dies"



guess I have a natural switch to turn off fear or something,



Topic starter Posted : 10/04/2022 7:58 pm
Eminent Member

@cynicalabsurdance "guess I have a natural switch to turn off fear or something,"

Wish I had one of those. My natural switch is like JR's, give me something strong so I don't give f#ck all and keep it coming. I despise flying. I usually go the doctor with a sob story and get a few Valium. It makes my heart pound just to think of going to the airport.


Posted : 12/04/2022 6:28 pm
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