Nordic countries dr...
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Nordic countries dropping all restrictions 🇫🇮 🇸🇪 🇸🇯 🇩🇰

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Prominent Member

My Mama told meeeeeeee,,,,

I better Rock and Roll

Posted : 06/02/2022 10:58 pm

Control via fear is a time honored tactic. It's unfortunate.

Posted : 07/02/2022 12:02 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

RGG, been a while. Nice to see ya

Posted : 07/02/2022 6:34 pm
Prominent Member


is that the REAL RGG?

good morning

quote: A Country Locked Down
is an Insult to a Nation’s Pride.

Posted : 07/02/2022 7:02 pm
Member Admin

Hello Random German Guy (who is not THE German Guy from doom threads of yesteryear)

Topic starter Posted : 07/02/2022 7:20 pm
Prominent Member

It's Cancel Culture
in the City by the Sea

it's another scare tactic
designed for you and me

Round and Round the games go
up and down, Time for the next show

all the Theatrics and Latex too
tell me Man, is this your Zoo?

Gang Stalking Cyber Scene
earth ain't dark, it's freaking Green

On the Moon
where the Sun never Shines

is an Ancient Project
at the Alien Mines

I've seen this
back in '59

It's another Crisis
another worry of the Day

Even Goddess Isis
has knelt and prayed

Oh Please, give it a break
it's all Theatrics

that's not just my Take

Run to the Hole
you Hide within

the Master's of Misery
are at it again

Soak up the fear
it's good for you

Soak it up
what else can you do

Walk like a Man
during the day

come the night

you cower and pray

What is life to you
to duck and hide
from just a Flu?

Yeah I know
words disturb you
and offend your mind

but WTF Man
do you expect a Critique
to be Kind

I live here among you
what you are reflects on me

hell yes I'll offend
until it breaks your fear
that offends me

Insecurity was just a word
until you gave it Life
and ruined your World.

I live among you

the Blood on the hands of another
is by extension, Yours my Brother

Man killing man
is that the best you can do?

WTF ! all the blood on your Hand

and run from a Flu?

Kill or be Killed
steal all you can

wipe out the children
every woman and man.

But be advise when the Blood
Stains your Sun

from your heinous Crimes
you cannot Run.

Always Karma
always a Price to pay

what you sow
you must Reap

did you know your actions
make your life
just as Cheap?

Yeah, Evil smiles
every time you awake

for Evil knows you

and what you forsake
comes back to bite you

Virus and Horror

just came out of Nowhere

Excuse me,
just out of thin Air?

Life is for Living
Fear is for Death

Give up on Giving
see the Blood on your Breath

Dark are the words in this Poem

but WTF should it do
remain in it's Home?

Life has a reason
a purpose and season
a rule to abide
a Place to be

But your Experts kill it
and doing that now
to even your seed.

~~~~~~~ When the Curtain Closes, and the lights go down, will there be any Actors left to Carry on?~~~~~~~

I live among you
what you are
reflects on me

The Crushing of your Pride
is designed

Rebel against it

Posted : 07/02/2022 7:43 pm

Bump! It's getting ready to happen in the US, there's still a fight with schools. Some groups are not following the science clearly demonstrated in Europe.

Posted : 10/02/2022 2:24 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

There's never been a vaccine or mask mandate here and there's been no real probs.

Schools closed for a short period initially, and there's never been masking.

Just lucky I guess yup...

Posted : 10/02/2022 4:03 pm
Honorable Member

So 2058 (covid) + 2058 (flu) if masks were not my math correct? I just have to say I got the flu and serious complications with it every year until two years ago when I started wearing a mask...haven't been sick one day in two years and guess what? I will continue to wear a mask no matter what.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 10/02/2022 6:56 pm
Member Admin

You should do it if it works for you. We've been wearing masks and also not been sick

Topic starter Posted : 10/02/2022 7:50 pm
Prominent Member

can I be allowed to not wear a Mask?

My Bod, My Choice?


I don't wear Panties,,, EVER

why would I wear Bikini Bottoms on my Mouth, unless some Hottie was in those?

Want to be confused?

Adhere to the Mandates created by under-thinkers, and when they flip flop those
10000 times back and forth,,,

get it?

Posted : 10/02/2022 8:01 pm
Member Admin

During this pandemic there have only been recommendations about wearing masks, but you never had to.

Topic starter Posted : 10/02/2022 8:24 pm
Honorable Member

What's next? Ebola? Keep safe everyone any way you can.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 10/02/2022 8:31 pm
Member Admin

My bet is on the Nipah virus 50 - 75% mortality...

Topic starter Posted : 10/02/2022 8:55 pm
Honorable Member

It's from fruit bats, to pigs, to humans. Bats again?

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 10/02/2022 9:01 pm
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