OMFG Elon Musk Laun...
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OMFG Elon Musk Launches Hostile Takeover of Twitter!! TEOTWAWKI!

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Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Elon Musk, after making waves when he became Twitter's largest shareholder with a 9.2 percent stake and rejected an offer to join the social media company's board, is charting a different path in order to change the way Twitter works. 


Calling it his "best and final" offer, Musk is seeking to buy 100 percent of Twitter at a price of $54.20 per share for a whopping $43 billion price tag in a move that calls the bluffs of those who claimed Musk was just trolling Twitter with his comments about ways the platform could be improved. Now, he's literally putting his money where his mouth is. 

Musk explained in a letter to Twitter's board that he believes the company "will neither thrive nor serve societal imperative in its current form" and therefore "Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company.”

Chris Pratt Mind Blown GIF by Omaze
Topic starter Posted : 14/04/2022 2:30 pm
Member Admin

Agent Smith

Posted : 14/04/2022 3:33 pm
Prominent Member

Pardon me while I run outside and Puke.

a bit amazed that a spam platform could absorb the attention of so many people.


but then again, not so amazing when I look at people around me.


at a stop light, Sign at side of curb: Hands free operation only ( means Phones)


Woman with a Chin larger than her head, no Neck, no body it's a Cellulite Hatchery,

Poodle on her lap staring out the window at me,


She's plucking away at her phone with Fake Nails that make her jelly roll snatchers look like Claws

on a Buzzard,,,,


Green light, I roll on,


Horns Honking like a Chorus from Hades,,,


the Fat Bag of Kidney Stones punches gas pedal,,,, dude making a right turn in front of her

thought her hesitation was to let him slide into the lane in front of her,,, WRONG




Doggie wished at that point the he had a Car Seat.


Was it Twitter?


Maybe Facebook?


Shopping Amazon?


maybe all above, but prime cause was Ignorance and indulgence in irrelevant media.


Be mindful, that these personality types have the right to Vote,


then, apply that to current events around you, and you'll understand why it's all gone to shit.





just tweet wikipedia for answers.



Posted : 14/04/2022 4:58 pm
Member Admin

BREAKING: Saudi Shareholder of Twitter Declines Musk’s Offer – Twitter Stock is Tumbling

Could that have been his plan all along?

Also mentioned in the article: "Well this is awkward: TWTR board hired Goldman to "advise" it that the @elonmusk $54.20 offer is too low. Only problem: Goldman has a SELL rating with a $30 price target. Oops."

Posted : 14/04/2022 8:26 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin
Posted by: @kreeper

BREAKING: Saudi Shareholder of Twitter Declines Musk’s Offer – Twitter Stock is Tumbling

Could that have been his plan all along?

Also mentioned in the article: "Well this is awkward: TWTR board hired Goldman to "advise" it that the @elonmusk $54.20 offer is too low. Only problem: Goldman has a SELL rating with a $30 price target. Oops."

Bob Drive the price down by half and buy it for Scheiße, gotta love a businessman meets woketard.

Topic starter Posted : 14/04/2022 10:07 pm
Member Admin
Posted by: @jayrodney
Posted by: @kreeper

BREAKING: Saudi Shareholder of Twitter Declines Musk’s Offer – Twitter Stock is Tumbling

Could that have been his plan all along?

Also mentioned in the article: "Well this is awkward: TWTR board hired Goldman to "advise" it that the @elonmusk $54.20 offer is too low. Only problem: Goldman has a SELL rating with a $30 price target. Oops."

Bob Drive the price down by half and buy it for Scheiße, gotta love a businessman meets woketard.

Or just cause the price to crash until either the share holders demand changes at the top or it folds.

Posted : 15/04/2022 12:03 am
Member Admin
20220415 095723


Posted : 15/04/2022 9:09 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Clap Rofl2

Climate Change Earth GIF by CTV Comedy Channel

 The fucking stupid hurts.

Topic starter Posted : 15/04/2022 9:47 am
Member Admin
Member Admin


Posted : 15/04/2022 4:43 pm
Member Admin

Read 666 replies!! Scream  

Screenshot 20220415 182430
Posted : 15/04/2022 5:26 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Musk scores win exposing elitist orthodoxy — even if he loses Twitter bid


He's exposing the shit disguised as chocolate.

Topic starter Posted : 16/04/2022 6:18 pm
Member Admin

Not too much corn in that poo.

Posted : 16/04/2022 10:01 pm

The Look Chocolate GIF

 the poo looks like bunnies

Posted : 17/04/2022 9:00 am
Member Admin
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