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check it out


how to read it

The Man's Torso and Butt are actually two boulders as you view them from the profile
Red is Torso

Black is Butt

Blue is Belt Line

lets see if there any boulders that match this glyph in the area.

Note, the Belt line is dotted, those dots are Rocks.

[attachment file="1948"]

Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 9:50 pm
Prominent Member

Check it out

The formation as depicted in the Glyph

red boulder is Torso

Blue is Belt Line to denote piled Rocks

Black is the Butt



[attachment file="1952"]

Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 9:52 pm
Member Admin

[postquote quote=1947]

Looks like he is fishing. I guess you go deep for the big fish? Or is that gold fish?

Posted : 11/02/2022 10:00 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

So it's not just the glyps, it's the glyph rock combo and knowing what to look for?

Posted : 11/02/2022 10:04 pm
Prominent Member

see it?

The Belt line area is dotted, the dots mean Rocks piled

[attachment file="1966"]

Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 10:22 pm
Prominent Member

check this Glyph out

can ya read it?

[attachment file="1969"]

Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 10:25 pm
Prominent Member


there's always more

trip on this

Guide Stone to a Treasure, if ya can read it, you can find it.

[attachment file="1972"]

Topic starter Posted : 11/02/2022 10:28 pm

That bird has an "x" marks the spot on it's body.

Posted : 11/02/2022 11:04 pm
Prominent Member

[postquote quote=1984]

earlier I pointed out that a Circle with Cross hairs, is one of the symbols for Treasure.

The Torso of the Bird is a Rock Formation situated above this Marker top of the Slope.

You can see the Boulder from this Marker
and the Profile of the Boulder Matches the outline of the Falcons Body.

The Treasure it directs us to?

It was still buried when the photo was taken.

I could move on it, the Gov.'t had Drones, Aero-Stats and Boots on the ground all around me.

True Fact that.


call em, ask em , I'd say it's because I'm smart about Treasure they always want to steal from me.

Again, in this one as well, The Body is a Boulder as seen as a Profile from the side.

The head

The Head is another Boulder that the profile looks exactly like the depiction, an Open Mouth, forehead, Chin, everything

Note the legs

those depict a Tunnel dug down below the Boulder


ok, see the Man's Hands?

what is he holding out?

this Treasure was still in-situ at time of Photo.

[attachment file="1996"]

Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2022 12:19 am
Prominent Member


as you climb the slope to where those Boulders are located

at a point, at first sight of them, You'll see the Torso Boulder sits before the large boulder shaped like a man's

again, pay attention to arms and legs
in many of these

the arms and legs denote vertical shafts under the Boulders.

try this one now

see if ya can cypher it, keep in mind that shapes depict shafts, tunnels , mines, Boulders.

circles are used with several different messages depending on what is added to the Circle.

Introducing "Cuco Man"

[attachment file="2000"]

Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2022 12:27 am
Prominent Member

[postquote quote=1956]

that part of the Glyph represents what he is Reaching for, the Deposits contents.

3 of them, one above the other with flat stone floors between each.

the shape of the squiggle can be seen a bit away from the Glyph.

note the symbol has three connected shapes, one below the next.

that is how it was buried, deposit item, fill a bit of dirt and rock
set flat stones over that, set next deposit
fill again
set another layer of flat stones over it.

if ever you uncover a Treasure, your Mind is blown and forever changed.

it is an Experience that ignites all of your Mental Capacity and all of your Emotions at once.

I can imagine that being hit by a Bolt of Lightning would be the closest thing to the feeling.

Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2022 12:46 am
Prominent Member

here, a pilfered treasure cache, open and raided. They stacked the Flat Stones on a ledge of the Formation

Inside Red Circle are the Flat Flag Stone that are set between each layer of the deposit.

Get it? whew, tired now

[attachment file="2004"]

Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2022 12:54 am
Prominent Member

Wiggy on this one,,,, ever wonder? ever wonder why we wonder?

I wonder what these are

Wonderful, are they not?

Know why I wonder about these?


Well,,, alrighty then, I just tell you

These are Nautical Genre ,,, 800 miles from the nearest Coast Line, in a Narrow Gap Between Huge Boulders
Stylistic of what we may think of Ancient Atlantean Symbology..

and,,, Coast to Coast Radio Show last night, Had my Buddy "Marco" on, Subject was his Book
on Atlantis.

today, and to Marco Ciao
copy the Pic
it's for you.

[attachment file="2049"]

Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2022 8:05 pm
Prominent Member

~~~~~~~ The Seeker ~~~~~~~

From the Dawn of Eden

Unto the Last Thought on your Mind

Like a Wind Blown Seedling

Flying through the Window of Time

You Wander ,,
Leaving on your Journey

in search of your endless Dream .~~~~~~~~~~

The drive of learning ,,
Keeps you always seeking ,,

Alive with yearning ,,
Constant Curiosity ,,, grows to Peaking ,,

The Flame within you ,,
stoked by desires ,,,
to find the answers ,,
Drives you ever onward ,,
Like a high wind ,,, to a Wild fire ~~~~~~~

Growing ,,,
Like a Flame ,, into a Wild Fire
Dreaming ,,, flowing full of desire ~~~~~~~~~

And so by Tomorrow
you'll be Sailing
and you won't even hear these
words I'm speaking ,,

But I know you'll find them somehow

Yes , by tomorrow you'll be Sailing
Meanwhile , my heart will be sinking ~~~
Unknown to me how to mend it now

I can't make you stay
and I can't see my way to go

but I know , if understanding
would just open within us

we'd see our way somehow
to stay together ,,
and be together right now ~~~

" in search of your endless dream "

Like a Wind Blown Seedling

Flying through a Window of Time

You Wander ,,,

is search of ,,,
That perfect dream ,,, ~~~

Tell me what your eyes seek
in all those long miles ,,,

Please just let my Heart Speak ,,,
allow us both ,, our sweetest of Smiles

if I can't love you ,,,
then Love I guess for me ,,,,
just won't ever be ~~~~~

and Yes ,,,

Like a Wind Blown Seedling ,,,

Flying ,,,

Flying through a Window of Time ,,,

You Wander ,,,

in search of your Perfect Dream ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Each Wave slides into nothing
on this Island's Shore ,,

Like our love ,, it's there

and then it's no more ,,

Swells just to disappear ,,,
On this Island's Shore ,,,

I can't hold you back ,,

if you want to Leave
and I guess I can stand the Pain

but still ,,, it's killing me ,,,

To Face this departure ,,
once again ,,,

and I shall search my Very Soul
try to find inside , What I have to give you
cause you to not want to go ,,,

Wanderer , listen to me
it's not enough , just to get yourself Free ,,
there's a condition handed down from above
we're afflicted with addiction to love ,,,,

Do you want to try
and live without it

I can't see you living like that

Can you give us a Try
must you doubt it

I can't live a one Man Act

I can't see us without us

Wanderer ,, Listen ,,,

is where both of us wish to be

I understand ,,

but that old Road can hold
two as easy

Listen ,,,
shsssshhh ,, quiet now ,,

Listen ,,,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End . ~~~~~~~~~~~

Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2022 8:44 pm
Prominent Member

( Snowsongs 2018 )

~~~~~~ The Prophets of War ( or the "Fall" at hand) ~~~~~~~

There's always somebody
trying to out think another
there's always a wedge driven
deep between sister and a brother

there's always some Grief
being laid on shoulders
of a Priest ,,,

there's always some hate
in every state of relief

and there's you
and then there's me

and now you can look away

but I'm still your brother
and that ain't ever gonna change

And so ,,
it's Bridges we built between
and as they collapse
we see a change in our dire machine ,,,

I can't understand
if you can't make sense

a Border around the land
and 4 story fence

but you want cheap labor
where does that come from ,,, ?

it's money you savor ,,
while you toss pennies
at your favorite Bum ,,,

So tell me ,, what the hell makes sense

You bomb Iraq and Afghanistan
without Justice in mind

destroy another Man's Land
The Preach your Freedom
at the same damned Time ,,,

I think it way past time to Reflect
are you the Good Guys ,,,

or a Freight Train headed for a Wreck ,,,,

You the Citizen concerned
about your Vote ,,,

while you fund death across a Globe
by Rote ,,,

oh yeah , you make perfect sense ,,,

now build your Bridges
and 4 story Fence ,,,,

You have a $1000 phone
but to a Hungry Child ,, you bomb
and won't even throw them a Bone ,,,

oh yeah ,,, you're making more sense
than I can Stand ,,,

Is it any wonder
why the people of the World
can't understand ,,,,

If your Souls aren't Dark by now ,,,

give you ten minutes ,,

you'll figure a way somehow ,,,

You wage War on Drugs Guns
and Poverty ,,,

while losing every time
cause your making money off them
like rented out Property ,,,,

Yeah Man , WTF !

Talk that Tripe
up and down your
Justice Halls

while you set a distance between
you with 4 story Walls ,,,,

~~~~~ Reflections read in the Stains of our Souls ~~~~~~~~~

ever look into your own Mind ?
give it a Try ~~~~~~~~

Topic starter Posted : 12/02/2022 8:57 pm
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