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Phil Schneider UFO Material ( Video inside thread )

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Jay Rodney
Member Admin


Enter " Virus Buddy" The programmed Monster that was the perfect Ghost, couldn't prove it real, couldn't prove it wasn't.


uh huh. On the endless "war on terror"... the terror wore off... politicians have to have some gimmick to make the sheep say "please save us".

The division they sow with their well rehearsed racist rhetoric to take peoples eyes off their dirty deals can only go so far, and only with a small vocal group of idiots.

The Russian gig is perfect cover for the big guy.

Lottery odds.

None of it's real... it can't be.

Posted : 02/03/2022 11:05 pm
Random German Guy
 Random German Guy
(@Random German Guy)

The other thing in common is they are all multi millionaires.

Posted : 03/03/2022 1:09 pm
Prominent Member

and I bet they all own Homes up in the Hamptons with George Soros,


but what really is the point in knowing these things?


I walk this Turf as well, and it isn't that people are clueless.


it's that they are Selfish. cowards as well, and deny complicity.


So the point is clear, F__K IT!


In any World where the population lives not for what is Good, but instead lives to eat shit procreate

and hide their heads in a device.


f_ck em.


I didn't accept anything in this World as my duty, I owe it nothing.

Let the so called Sheep who feel they have something invested in this World, eat the shit that they are.


If they can't care, that's cool, their children should be reason enough to care, The future for those kids

should be a concern, but obviously, FAT FOOD and PHONES Matter, it's the Dope that makes their lives livable.


again, I walk this Turf, I am in a Tourist Town, I  observe people on their vacation time, and you don't want my take on them.


now,,, "The Files"



2210 Rockefeller Lane

Redondo Beach Calif.


My Home at the time.


Enter N.S.A. Agents

STOP, for a Start, as I get into this, best to point out that these Files were Compiled from my own personal tapping into the Stream

( read Edgar Casey Reading to understand tapping the stream)


so, all files classified that I have reviewed, were created off of my personal Readings of the stream.



sO, FOR ANY OF THE f__ks that seek to f__k with me with the thought I'm releasing info that's illegal to reveal,

again, fuck you, I own this info, against my will, I was forced to give it to the N.S.A. PERIOD.


The agents ran some test to find if my so called Paranormal Abilities were Valid


I passed on all levels, for I do indeed own the "Keys of Solomon" as they are Biblically  referred to as.


first test

We were told by your sisters that you can levitate items and yourself. (Note, some of this shit sounds like shit in movies, for a fact, C.I.A. does indeed

feed info to Movie and T.V. script writers, and the C.I.A. has openly admitted those facts)


Male agent set a pen on the Coffee table, can you move that, I willed it to stand on end and twirl, it responded and did so.


Next was locating  Telepathically  hidden coins and objects they would hide in the next room.


Passed that


Next was events in the past, could I tapped into Telepathically , minds or events of the past.




after about 3 hours of testing, the Female agent said: You're like Edgar Casey.

I had to ask her who that was.


ok, a Stenographer was brought in, and as I went into the stream and asked question of what I was Viewing, The Stenog recorded it on her cryto device, Typed it out.


think of the device as a Court Stenographer recorder.


a Zerox Machine was brought in, 4 copies of every document were made,


The first copy was to remain with me under agreement or I would stop the operation, and that was agreed upon by highest level of their agency. PERIOD!


the other 3 copies went to agencies.


There's a Point to be made here, I was a Kid held by U.S. Agents against his will, and forced to perform.


a Kid of 5. this would be done to me over the following years of my life, anytime any agency wished to discover anything they could not find on their own

or through other means, they came and took me from my home and used my abilities. I recall many  times, agents would knock, That bag of

shit that people called my Mother would answer, they would say: We need to borrow the Boy again" she would say: Take him, you don't have to

bring him back either.


if the reader is not sick of shit being done to kids by deranged adults, then you deserve what you suffer. PERIOD!


Ok, from the first, the agents decided that I should be Hypnotized and my abilities Blocked with an Azrael Memory Block, a Trigger set to unblock

me when they wished to use me again.


so, just like the verse in Phil Collins Song "Take me Home"


" They can turn me off and on like a light switch"


That is how they set it up, fucking with a Kids Mind,,, think about it.


Why do that?


answer is simple, in my readings, I discovered how evil these agents and agencies are, The agents, KNEW for a Fact,

that I could easily expose all of their criminal intentions and planned events, both forward and backward in History.


They wouldn't want to face Justice for that shit now would they?


Ergo the Azrael Memory Blocks set.


Turn me on, use my ability, turn me off, hypnotize me to forget all I'd just Viewed and reviewed and set a Trigger to drop each block

as the Information  may once again required by other agents or agencies in the future.


How does this play into the UFO occupants and visits?


Read old testament Kings I and Kings II, Chronicles I and II


King Solomon was given the Solomon Keys by God and his angels,,, right?


Dig this: The so called aliens implanted a tiny device up my Nose, Tracking was one reason, keep track of me in the future.


But, what if, this device could as well activate a Higher Percentage of Brain Power and allow me to Tap into that Higher level?


again, and this is YOUR Science: Humans only use 10 to 15% of their Brains.


THAT, is YOUR Science, not my words, even though I know it for a fact.


What do YOU call Paranormal?


anything you cannot understand with using that 10 to 15% ?


Answer: EXACTLY!






Topic starter Posted : 03/03/2022 8:03 pm
Prominent Member

Once said to me: you can get in trouble for telling the Truth


I replied: Unlike you, and more like Christ, I don't FEAR results of Telling a Truth to save others, unlike you,

Fear does not control my Life. all your problems on this Earth, are born out of YOUR fears.


Fear, is the tool used to Kill the Love of living Life.


2 years ago, Showlow Arizona, I stated to some folks: " this covid bullshit is full on lies, and people are being DUPED,

People are gonna be pissed when the Info is released with evidence that they've been DUPED, but alas, they'll

grudging accept it all.


That was in the Beginning, before any questions were raised, as a Lab Rat, I can spot the elements of controlled

Orchestrated Theatrics a lot easier than most people.


Know what happened when I revealed that to those folks?


They got angry at me, I looked each in the eye, stated: Hate me, in time, it'll be exposed and YOU will indeed

recall this conversation and my admonishment word for word, even the look in my eyes.


2 years later, one of them admitted: Dude, you made us THINK, and as time went on and the lies exposed a piece at a time,

Just as you said man, You and your words came to mind and I KNEW you KNEW something and we  did hate you

for what you were saying, but,,


Ok, Mind Control was the experiments YOUR Intelligence agencies were using us kids for.


Each of us Lab Rats through personal experience, NOT shit we read or saw on T.V.,,, can detect the elements of directed Mind control.


I doubt seriously that any of us survivors failed to see it.


The reader can find my Post online from those days, Paragraphs I wrote depicting each  element they'll use next

in the Scare Scam known as "Covid 19"


I stated: Book mark this page, when it's done(as now) click the link, read it again.


A Lady member said she'd do just that, I can imagine now, if she re-read it, she's THINKING.


no brag this, not yet, I may later.


In that Thread I stated: Biden will Win, 2023 the U.S.A. will be in Twain ( said that a lot on many platforms)


You as Americans have witnessed the division so far, right?


ok, can you as well see that what I stated years ago, just may be in Process?


I'm not a fucking Prophet, simply, I can SEE what I have already seen decades ago..


I am not a John Titor, nor a meme. I do not require doubters to believe a damned thing I reveal.


"Where no Monster exist for you to Fear, they'll create one for you"


was covid-19 one of their created Monsters?





if I advise anything, The most important would be what I said about the U.S. Oil reserves that are meant for Wartime use.


That Pres. has twice now, said he was releasing those to lower Gas Prices, TWICE, what if War hits the U.S. Soil and those ,

oil reserves are gone?


The U.S. will need those to operate defense weapons and vehicles,,,, right?


stage 2

How do you confirm any of the reserves are actually trickling down to U.S. Consumers?


answer: You can't confirm it for yourselves

just as you could not confirm Covid actually exist.


NONE of you checked on either, did you?


did you drive by crematoriums and check for bodies?


How many drove by Funeral Homes and checked for body counts?


I'll state what YOU did and didn't do, and this should reveal to you, how your Pig Asses are.


YOU, left it up to so called Experts and Authorities to fact check the Lies that they themselves sold you. PERIOD!




BULLSHIT, you sure as hell sat down on yourselves and your CHILDREN.


Reader, did you let the slime of this World inject your Child?


without you even KNOWING what was being slammed into their Veins?


well? did you?


without valid evidence that it was Safe?


You did that to your Children?


How I feel about parents like you


My Mother was as evil as Snake Shit, If I go by her Grave, I'll Drop a Shit on her headstone, piss in her flower pot


and leave a Marble Plaque that  states: The Skank buried here, forced her Children into Child Pornography,

she forced her Babies into a C.I.A. Brainwashing experiment, This Bitch, deserves the Hell she now resides in.


How many reading that Plaque, would want to dig her ass up and burn it at the stake?


In time, any heinous side effects of that so called Vax may come to full awareness.


If your kids eat shit from it, YOU, just like my Mother, are the Full Blame for what they may suffer.


YOU, out of FEAR, put your Kids at Risk.




Topic starter Posted : 03/03/2022 10:13 pm
Prominent Member

quote myself from above: "That Pres. has twice now, said he was releasing those to lower Gas Prices, "


Did we witness gas prices falling?




right, the prices keep rising, releasing reserves to lower gas prices is bullshit.


See it?


do you care enough to get up, stand up for your Children?




pffft.. carry on then.

Topic starter Posted : 03/03/2022 10:19 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

@cynicalabsurdance: "Enter N.S.A. Agents

STOP, for a Start, as I get into this, best to point out that these Files were Compiled from my own personal tapping into the Stream

( read Edgar Casey Reading to understand tapping the stream)"

One of the best practical things we learned from you is your technique for "tapping the stream" I use it... So does Octo.

Once you start, it's with you...there is much to be seen.

I came to the realization the Ed Dames types are doing it all wrong.

Both Octo and I have seen some pretty far out things using the Alpha waves technique.

Reminds me... I wanted to pick your brain about this...

That black UG pyramid supposedly located in Alaska ala Linda M H... Ever get a hit on that?

It's either fantasy or I'm blocked from visualizing it.

I get nothing. 

Posted : 03/03/2022 11:29 pm
Prominent Member

first I've heard of that Black Pyramid , and yes, Ed has never to my knowledge made an actual hit on anything.

Odd that technique those guys use, like through a glass darkly, a few steps further and they might have plugged in.


Mostly, when i indulge, I'm letting through what ever comes.

it's a matter of more relaxed viewing where as a "Target" can sometimes frustrate and that throws disturbance

into it for me.

Important elements come through when I just let go and allow them.


case: One Eve, not even trying, a Large Boulder with a hollowed out cave in it, and the entrance was

sealed with cemented stones ( year 2000)


2017, Petro site, I looked up the slope, there the Boulder set, all the stones from the sealed entrance scattered around.


In the View, The stones were dropping out of the entrance, I looked inside, treasure, all kinds.


I posted a Picture of that boulder I think here or the old KB.


So I think the night I viewed it, was when it was breached, just makes sense to me, that is why it came through at that time.


see if I can retrieve that pic, be back.

Topic starter Posted : 04/03/2022 5:50 pm
Prominent Member

Found my photo of above mentioned Boulder, the entrance into it was sealed with the rocks that

are scattered around on the Ground.


El Chato Script 029
Topic starter Posted : 04/03/2022 6:26 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Yes! I recall that.

Would make a great summer cabin here.

Posted : 04/03/2022 11:44 pm
Prominent Member

Quote: "Both Octo and I have seen some pretty far out things using the Alpha waves technique."



that's cool that you guys went into practicing it.


many just watch T.V. or something, with their minds.


others like you guys, work their minds.


Targets: focused at something to create a starting point, in my case, it's better I just let come what comes

at the start, then move to the target.


know what I mean?


Interesting, the agents brought Ingo Swann to my home, purpose escapes me, but I think it was for us to

work teaching him to get pass a few jumps so he could tap properly. a lot of stories to tell about those prime

days back then.


ok, imagine you just click on, say a youtube video, and it starts anywhere along the video instead of the beginning which was

your target, once into the streaming of the video, now you can scroll to the target.


enough of that practice, and at some point, you will just hit the target when you tap in.


so, when first starting out, first few times, purpose is to figure out how to tap, later, as you improve, it's then

that you can easily hit target.


Like learning to play drums, you start conditioning a beat by slow practice, once your hands are tuned, you can increase speed.


enough practice and it becomes automatic.


The mind is like this muscle you want to increase the power of, the power is present, but using it this way often, keeps it toned.


Worse thing people do with their minds would be to use it watching, reading, any activity that focuses on

the patterns of somebody else's creativity or productions.


other words, take the stance of creating instead a dumb down witness of other peoples creations.


like, read a story in a Book and your mind can create the scenes in the description the author presents, get

a picture in your mind through their illustrative verbal delivery.


However, if instead, the reader engages creating their own story line, the work the mind is doing is greater exercised.


That's the gift the mind exist to experience, it wants to, in fact Needs to, be used for creative productions.


Watchers become dull users ,


doers, artist musicians, creators, designers, have higher level waves.


If you wanted to watch me squirm, easy thing to do is put me in a Room full of people talking about Trends as though

those were the most important thing in their reality.


shallow minds are agitating to be around.


Tuning the Mind, paying attention to urges to create, can and does smooth peoples path in life.

almost all positive moods are when we are around other creative minds.


all Creative People generate positive thought energy.


The Zen Vassals of Life. 







Topic starter Posted : 05/03/2022 6:14 pm
Prominent Member

Tubes in a Rectangle shape, some blue, some white, none are red, none black, a Pink one and a Purple One

but none yellow green or orange.


Looking down the end of the tube, light fades a little and sight of the object clears into view.


A Halo perhaps, maybe just a ring of simple light, develops around the far end of the Tube, centered in the ring is a single shape

alone and motion of it begins only when the viewer wills it to move.


step back from that Tube, step into another tube, and the Object centered may animate on it's own.


each tube and color, conceals it's own solitary Object of importance.


none are the same, none mean the same.


Each a Category of separate consequence, each a repository of thoughts on the cause of the consequences that were created

by the "Thoughts" and choices of Minds.


The Stream is like a Ribbon stretching from the very first thought to have been created,

to the very last  thought of your mind. within the Stream, is every thought ever

created anywhere across the Multitudes of Universes.


We can select a time line visit, by using a contemporary thought in that time line.


Famous Last Words work well for selecting time stamp. Obituaries are catalogued by dates.


That makes a window in, next is to travel the stream and watch for the emotional/Psychological track of the target.


Say like this: your viewing a light blue emotional/thought stream of an individual,

you are watching for a change in color along that stream, the change in color denotes a change in emotions and psyche of the Target Individual.


On Objects as Targets, you are going to tap into the thought stream of the individual that handled the Target Object.


That persons thoughts while in touch with the object, is your Encyclopedic Menu.


anything that person knows, is open to you now.


You can enter their mind and you are now a part of their mind, everything their mind experiences , your mind

now knows the experiences as well.


You can cause their mind to bring up the subject you wish to know about, they will focus on the subject, and everything their mind

has stored for experiences with that subject will open to you.


 no matter how far back in time that they witnessed something, it's recorded in the mind, and you can see through their

eyes in real time of the event, just as it happened, just as they saw it happen through their eyes.


The Tubes

I do believe the various Tubes are like tunnels to their own dimension.


Parallel or alternate, """"either or"""" suits the definition just as well as anything could.



to begin

rest on back

focus on muscles at the top of head, relax those, feel them relax.

move now to forehead, feel those tensed up Muscles in your forehead????


feel 'em? relax those, all tensions should now leave your head.


Move focus down,, Neck Shoulder Muscles, relax them.


now chest, stomach, groin muscles, relax them,Legs and Calves relax them.


feet and out the end of your toes.


OK, the body by now should be limp as Biden's d,,,ooops


we're going to the mind now, body is out of our way for now.

eyelids should be relaxed, almos6t can't feel them,


begin to drift down now, you're going under to a point.


eyes closed, think less, let any image that begins to come to you, let it come.

Hold the image while you focus on your feet, imagine them falling away from you,,, melting away, until no weight can be felt of them.


Work this up the Body, in the end, stop behind the third eye, focus on the image that came to mind at the start,


Imagine your head slipping away down, down down,,, away from you,,, last ounce you feel of it, DROP IT.


you're free now, go, walk, glide to whatever your interest may have been.


you are now in the stream.



Topic starter Posted : 05/03/2022 10:35 pm
Prominent Member

quote myself: focus on muscles at the top of head, relax those, feel them relax."""""""""""end quote


it works in the opposite as well, you can start the muscle relax from the feet working your way to your head as well.

either way, the idea is to relax all muscles, release all tension, then,,,,,,, Feel by imagining, your body slowly receding down away from you,

into the mattress, and away until you are free of it.


at that point, imagine with all your might, that you are lifting up and away.

imagine the tunnel or tube, head for it.


the mental image/vision you held during this release of the body, can if you wish, be your target and go to it.

or just scan the stream from your perch.


The entire Idea is to get your mind to a state that you are just about to fall off to sleep, and then stop and hold, then

work on the Muscle relax exercise until it falls away and you now travel out of it.


DO NOT FREAK OUT, you will return to the body.


maintain your cool, otherwise you'll pop back in and blow your journey.


practice often, every night at bedtime is good, once during the day is also advised.


as JR stated: There are a lot of COOL sights to see, you may vision artifacts and events from all Venues ( Time/place )

Topic starter Posted : 05/03/2022 11:49 pm
Prominent Member

this is what it can look like


Various levels, Various timelines, various sites.

thumbnail Tree dreams
thumbnail Tree dreams


Topic starter Posted : 05/03/2022 11:53 pm
Octo liked
Member Admin
Posted by: @cynicalabsurdance

all Creative People generate positive thought energy.

Don't make me go Namaste on your ass, but you're somewhat right

Posted : 06/03/2022 12:05 am
Prominent Member

the non-creative consciousness can emulate, imitate, as an echo chamber of the creative, they cannot however, spot the Objective

in the works, they cannot "Vision" out of nothing and create something, they have to have a known model to copy.

The creative are always empathic, emotional, connected, sensitives, so being around a negative energy can effect them and cause

them to get a Grump.


but, they can always cure that easily by engaging in their art ( creating)


after a scene of Crowds, they always have to take a spell of isolation to drain off that mass of other peoples disruptive energy.


They can seem a Bitch while suffering the effects.


left alone to regroup themselves, they make it back.


I pick sites like this for that reason, and, with conditions getting worse lately, it's now a matter of longer isolation periods.

Scene of Solace


Topic starter Posted : 06/03/2022 12:35 am
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