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The Earth Only Has A 3 Month Supply Of Food – If Production Stops Humanity Has Nothing To Eat “In 90 Days”

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What we have witnessed so far is just the beginning of the story.  The global response to the COVID pandemic during 2020 and 2021 created the most epic supply chain crisis in modern times, and now “black swan events” such as the war in Ukraine and the bird flu pandemic are making that supply chain crisis even worse.  Unfortunately, more global difficulties are coming.  There will be more war, there will be more pestilences, there will be more natural disasters, and even the United Nations is admitting that we are heading into the worst global food crisis since World War II.  So if you think that global supply chain problems are severe now, just wait until you see what is coming next.

If you go into most major retailers today, you will notice that stock levels are lower than usual and there are some empty shelves.

But most items are still available most of the time, and that is good news.

Of course there are certain product categories that have been experiencing chronic shortages for an extended period of time.  For example, supplies of canned pet food have been extremely tight for months on end

The next time you go to the pet store don’t be surprised to see some empty shelves.

Many pet stores are facing a shortage on canned pet food.

Right now, there just aren’t enough cheap sources of chicken and turkey due to the bird flu pandemic, there is an ongoing shortage of aluminum, and there is a shortage of factory workers.

So the canned pet food shortage is not likely to be fixed any time soon.

Another shortage that is going to affect much of the country as we head into the summer months is the growing chlorine shortage.

I was not even aware of this shortage until a reader alerted me.  Apparently this shortage was originally caused by the destruction of a manufacturing facility in Louisiana by Hurricane Laura…

While the pandemic takes its share of the blame, the even larger reason for the current chlorine shortage is that a major chlorine manufacturing plant in Louisiana was destroyed by Hurricane Laura in late 2020. A fire on the premises leveled the facilities and took nearly 40% of the country’s chlorine tablet supply with it.

The manufacturing plant is being rebuilt and is currently under construction; it was due to reopen by mid-to-late 2022, but those plans could be pushed back due to the ongoing construction material shortages.

I find it ironic that the nationwide chlorine shortage could be extended thanks to the nationwide construction material shortage.

Anyone that is trying to build a home knows how painful the construction material shortage has become, and I anticipate that it will only become more severe in 2023 and beyond.

Meanwhile, the nationwide baby formula shortage just continues to get even worse

Janis Burnson is one of many parents having to work around a national baby formula shortage.

“Go around in our area, St. George, any stores I can, can’t find anything around here. I have friends in northern Utah, they’re having to send me stuff, so I’m having to pay even more,” she says.

One local reporter in southern Utah decided to check this out for herself, and when she visited local stores she discovered “bare shelves where baby formula should be.”

What a nightmare.

But at least we can be glad that things are not as bad here as they are in Europe.

Over there, widespread rationing of certain products has already begun.  For example, it was just announced that Tesco is now limiting each customer to three bottles of cooking oil

If record-high food prices weren’t enough. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has choked off the world of sunflower oil supply, forcing the largest supermarket in the UK to begin rationing.

The Guardian reports that Tesco, with more than 4,000 retail stores, placed buying limits of three cooking oil bottles per customer. It follows Waitrose and Morrisons, other supermarket chains that set limits of just two per customer.

This particular shortage is directly related to the war in Ukraine, and David Einhorn is warning that this war is making a whole host of our ongoing problems even worse…

The common refrain about COVID was that it sped up changes and trends that were already happening. We believe the same is true of the war. Inflation, supply chain problems, and shortages of energy, food, raw materials and labor were already issues that the war has now accelerated. 

Sadly, he is quite correct, and at this point there appears to be no hope that this war will end any time soon.

Russia and Ukraine normally account for approximately 30 percent of all global wheat exports, and we were already facing an unprecedented global food crisis even before the war erupted.

When U.S. Senator Roger Marshall was recently asked about this, he openly admitted that a “worldwide famine” is definitely going to happen…

The rest here


Stock up kritters! Group hug  


Posted : 28/04/2022 4:16 pm
Guest Towel
 Guest Towel
(@Guest Towel)

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Famine

A detailed summary of the fires and explosions that have lately cut the US food supply:

Food shortage—by design—by-design/article_3fada3f4-c4bd-11ec-be1a-a3c822925ee5.html

The impact of such sabotage has been augmented by the ongoing massacre of poultry all around the world, to “slow the spread” of “bird flu” (a drastic step based on another criminal misuse of PCR for diagnostic purposes):

Bird Flu Has Led to Over 22M Chickens, Turkeys Being Culled in U.S.

“President Biden” is now paying farmers not to farm (while Bill Gates snaps up ever more farmland in the US and elsewhere).


Meanwhile, Klaus Schwab’s “young global leaders” also do their bit to starve the world:

Justin Trudeau takes the bread out of Canadians’ mouths (and not just theirs), to “save the planet”:

Read the rest@

Posted : 29/04/2022 12:10 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

In South Dakota, over 85,000 turkeys have been killed so far after an outbreak was found at two animal-feeding facilities. Since the beginning of April, more than 190,000 turkeys have been affected by outbreaks at four different facilities in the state, according to the data.

damned Frightening AF.

Posted : 01/05/2022 4:19 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Firefighters Respond to Industrial Fire at Perdue Farms Facility

Another day, another fire at a food processing plant.

Chesapeake, Virginia – Firefighters responded to an industrial fire at Perdue Farms Saturday night.


This is a coordinated effort.

Posted : 02/05/2022 9:56 pm
Member Admin

An investigation is underway to determine what sparked a fire at a food processing plant in northwest Fresno.

The fire broke out at the Saladino's plant on Shaw Avenue and Golden State Boulevard Sunday night.



Posted : 02/05/2022 10:06 pm

Food Shortages In Six Months – The Globalists Are Telling Us What Happens Next -

A week ago there was a torrent of press releases from global institutions all mentioning the same exact same concern: Food shortages within the next 3 to 6 months. These statements line up very closely with my own estimates, as I have been warning regularly about impending dangers of inflation leading to food rationing and supply chain disruptions.

The IMF, the BIS, World Bank, The UN, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bank of America and even Biden himself are all predicting a major food crisis in the near term, and it is not a coincidence that the policies of these very institutions and the actions of puppet politicians that work with them are causing the crisis they are now predicting. That is to say, it’s easy to predict a disaster when you created the disaster.

An interesting read.

Posted : 03/05/2022 1:27 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

World Hunger to Worsen After Spiking 25% Before Ukraine War

The number of people going hungry surged by 25% last year and the toll is rising as the war in Ukraine sends food prices ever higher.

Conflicts in countries like Ethiopia and Afghanistan have worsened crises there, and economic shocks from the Covid-19 pandemic curbed food access in almost two dozen nations, the Global Network Against Food Crises said. Extreme weather, like severe drought in Madagascar, is also exacerbating the problem.

Almost 193 million people across 53 countries or territories suffered acute food insecurity in 2021, meaning their lack of meals posed an immediate threat to their lives or livelihoods, the international alliance said in a report. That’s up from 155 million in 55 countries for the prior year, and a record in the six years since the report began. The outlook is expected to “deteriorate further” this year.

“The war in Ukraine is supercharging a three-dimensional crisis -- food, energy and finance -- with devastating impacts on the world’s most vulnerable people, countries and economies,” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in the report.

Read more:

Posted : 04/05/2022 4:54 pm
Member Admin
Honorable Member

Did you guys get together with a doom connect?

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 05/05/2022 12:00 am
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

US egg factory roasts alive 5.3m chickens in avian flu cull before firing almost every worker

Laborers worked for a month disposing of birds killed in a gruesomely inhumane manner. Then they found they too were disposable…

Labourers at the one of the world’s largest egg factories arrived at the plant in Rembrandt, Iowa, early one morning in March to discover they were about to work themselves out of a job.

As they gathered at the huge barns housing stacks of caged hens, the workers were told to forget about their usual routine of collecting eggs and feeding the birds. Overnight, the factory had begun slaughtering more than 5 million chickens using a gruesome killing method after detecting a single case of avian influenza. Even supervisors were assigned to the arduous task of dragging dead hens out of packed cages as Rembrandt Enterprises raced to contain the spread of the virus, amid the largest bird flu outbreak in the US in seven years.

The culling has been repeated at chicken and turkey farms across Iowa and 28 other states from Maine to Utah. More than 22m birds have been killed in an attempt to contain the outbreak – the majority in Iowa, the US’s biggest producer of eggs. The slaughter of 5.3m hens at Rembrandt is the largest culling at any factory farm in the country.


Workers spent nearly a month pulling the dead poultry from the cages and dumping them in carts before they were piled high in nearby fields and buried in huge pits. The killing over, about 250 people were summarily thrown out of work with just a few dozen skeleton staff remaining

Posted : 05/05/2022 10:34 pm
Member Admin

Nationwide Baby Formula Shortage Hits "Shocking" Levels, Sparking Panic Among Parents

At retail locations across the United States, about 40 percent of the top-selling infant formula products were not in stock for the week ending April 24, said Datasembly. The company said that it tracked baby formula stock at more than 11,000 stores nationwide.

“This is a shocking number that you don’t see for other categories,” Ben Reich, CEO of Datasembly, told CBS News.

 “We’ve been tracking it over time and it’s going up dramatically. We see this category is being affected by economic conditions more dramatically than others,” Reich added.

Previously, drugstore chains like Walgreens and CVS have announced they would limit how many baby formula products each shopper can purchase at a given time.

In a statement, Reich cited inflation, product recalls, and supply chain shortages as why there is “an unprecedented amount of volatility for baby formula.” And he believes that the shortages will continue in the near future.

damned Targeting the young now.

Posted : 07/05/2022 6:38 pm
Member Admin
Posted by: @uniquestranger

Did you guys get together with a doom connect?

What? Obviously you don't know we met on glp Chuckle  

Posted : 07/05/2022 6:57 pm
Reputable Member


for anyone there..

nobody could have missed that..

twas blaringly obvious at the time to all 


Posted : 07/05/2022 9:50 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

Baby formula shortage is getting worse: 40% of the top-selling products out of stock

Baby formula is getting even harder to come by at retailers across the U.S., amid a nationwide shortage of one of the most important products for new parents.

At retailers across the U.S., 40% of the top-selling baby formula products were out of stock as of the week ending April 24, a new analysis from Datasembly, which tracked baby formula stock at more than 11,000 stores, shows. National out-of-stock levels jumped nine percentage points, from 31% to 40% between April 3 and April 24. That's up sharply from 11% in November.

"This is a shocking number that you don't see for other categories," Ben Reich, CEO of Datasembly told CBS MoneyWatch.

The supply of baby formula was already so constrained that retailers have been limiting the number of products consumers are allowed to purchase in order to preserve their inventories.
Rationing at stores

Drugstore chains Walgreens and CVS Health, and department store Target in April put limits on how many baby formula products consumers can purchase at one time.

A spokesperson for Walgreens told CBS MoneyWatch it is limiting customers to three infant and toddler formula products per transaction, citing "increased demand and various supplier issues."

More on this baby formula shortage... 

Apparently getting worse by the day.

Posted : 08/05/2022 8:48 am
Reputable Member

Posted : 09/05/2022 7:58 pm
strigoi liked
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