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We have many of them.

I snapped these on my late afternoon walk, or a bit past 5. The light was wonderful.

This is a crack willow, Salix fragilis 'Bullata', native to Finland. I love them! 

IMG 20230213 171527 4CS

These are maples, not sure what kind, but I love the way they look naked against the evening sky.

IMG 20230213 171923 1CS 01 01



The study indicates that Finnish forests are the densest to be found in comparison to the rest of the world's countries, with some 72,000 trees covering the average Finnish square kilometre. 

Globally speaking there are 420 trees towards each person on the planet, while there are nearly 4,500 trees for each Finn – putting the number of trees in Finland at around 22 billion.

Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2023 10:10 pm
Boomerang liked
Reputable Member

According to FIA, currently, there are nearly 300 billion trees in the United States. 

Tree Census and a Wealth of Public Data | US Forest Service (

Posted : 17/02/2023 10:38 pm
Member Admin

I wonder what the job of counting trees would pay... Hmm  

Topic starter Posted : 18/02/2023 1:57 pm
Reputable Member

considering the possible bear/cougar etc factors..prob pays pretty good

Posted : 20/02/2023 9:24 pm

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