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Group: Admin
Joined: 2022-01-17
Title: Member Admin
That's tragic. I hope she's ok.

In forum General Discussion

6 months ago
Sweet! 😍

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
This cold spell is coming to an end finally. It's of course ...

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
Around 1pm yesterday

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
It's warming up, it's only -28C now

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
This morning

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
RE: Baby it's cold outside

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
Yeah the low position of the sun creates some magical moment...

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
Baby it's cold outside

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
Welcome to the future!

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
Happy New Year! I slipped into 2024 without even leaving the...

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
I'm not a photographer, but I do have a degree in arts and v...

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
I'm glad 2023 is almost over

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
What tests? You mean covid test? I did get nothing of the...

In forum General Discussion

7 months ago
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