Kind of like a Japanese version of Pennywise the Clown.
Japanese rail companies pride themselves on making customer safety a priority, and if that means creating a monster to keep children from falling into the gap between the platform and the train, then so be it.
A culturally peculiar lot they are.
That's great! 🤣 Totally my kind of teaching method
That's messed up, but probably effective
Pink Bunny must be from France.
[postquote quote=836]
Why is that? 🤨
[postquote quote=838]
The pose on that giant lugi HaHaHaHaHa
Because there are only French gifs in France 🤭 you say... jif's mon chéri...
Le Jiffe
[postquote quote=847]
oui oui
Mental note. Never come back to this thread.
[postquote quote=832]
That's my half brother.
Did the other half already melt off?