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Are there people in your neighborhood who could be cast in a horror movie?

Member Admin

For being a very small town there's quite a few originals, but especially one woman triggers my imagination in a sinister direction. She could be a surveillance bot or worse walking around town all the time damned  

She's an unremarkable, petite woman in her 60's maybe, but I get sometimes think she's younger and uses makeup to look older Scream  

She never stops to talk to anyone, she doesn't say hi, which is unusual for this town, but she sometimed gives you the side eye. Last time I met her she eyed my snow pants. damned  

Thing is she's doing Nordic walking which includes walking poles that have metal ends. 

She always walks in the same pace, never ever have I heard her walking at any other pace and you can hear the "click - click - click..." from the walking poles as the metal hits the asphalt like a freaking metronome.

And you can't tell which direction it's coming from Panic!  

As you can tell there's not much going on in my neck of the woods 


Topic starter Posted : 09/03/2023 8:49 pm
Member Admin

My next  door neighbor could be in a sequel of the Hills Have Eyes.

Posted : 10/03/2023 1:58 am
Member Admin

Hi Kreeper Hug  

They're everywhere damned  

There's also a guy around here, he has some real issues, possibly cerebral palsy, but he's functional, lives on his own and talks to everyone. Everyone here knows who he is. 

But when we first moved here I wasn't aware he was humming while walking. And it's not any humming, it's just one tone and on a frequency that cuts through everything and travels far, it's so loud.

When I first heard that hum one early morning I freaked out a little, I had no idea what it was or where it came from. It was scary.

JR and I named him The Hummer. He could have his own movie. Maybe he would be humming infrasounds... Batboy  

Topic starter Posted : 10/03/2023 11:02 am
White Ribbon
Honorable Member

There is a government housing block near me and most of the guys there could be in a horror movie. I talk to all of them, nice people. One of them punched someone at the cafe across the road last week, lol. One of the neighbours I was chatting to as we walked our dogs told me. 


Posted : 13/03/2023 3:31 am
Member Admin

I ran into the Hummer the other day. He asked what Mason's name was. He always asks that and JR used to give him a different name every time Chuckle  

Topic starter Posted : 13/03/2023 6:06 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member

This one lady calls my dog the wrong name every time, I’ve stopped correcting her. Huh!?  

and this other woman calls me the wrong name every time, it’s always a different name. She called me Jason last week in front of the woman who calls my dog the wrong name. Now that woman thinks my name is fucking Jason. 



Posted : 16/03/2023 8:39 am
Member Admin

That's awesome!! 😂

Topic starter Posted : 18/03/2023 4:00 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member
Posted by: @octo

That's awesome!! 😂

She called me David yesterday. 

I haven’t been able to post for a week because captcha wouldn’t load and I keep getting logged out. Just did a reboot and cookie clear and it now works.



Posted : 23/03/2023 10:15 pm
Member Admin

O hai David!


Glad to hear you got your site issues sorted out Phew  


Topic starter Posted : 24/03/2023 9:56 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member
Posted by: @octo

O hai David!


Glad to hear you got your site issues sorted out Phew  


My friends call me Davey. 


she used to be in your face friendly, like way too close for comfort, now she is distant. Maybe Davey upset her?




Posted : 25/03/2023 3:03 am
Member Admin

Maybe you're David Wilcock?



Topic starter Posted : 25/03/2023 8:32 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member
Posted by: @octo

Maybe you're David Wilcock?



Posted : 25/03/2023 11:37 pm

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