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Donald Trump is suing Hillary, DNC and everybody else over Russian collusion allegations

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Honorable Member

My political leanings -

“Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”

― Mark Twain (Author)

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 26/03/2022 3:46 pm
Prominent Member

Nice "Feminist" Perception. 


Point something out that most of already know.


Threads like this, with a Title as this one has,


Can,,,, I said can,,, be construed as Bait for "Thought" Traps.


How it works


say I post a thread entitled: Pelosi is the Daughter of a Mafia Don"


then I sit back and just read the replies, Each poster that falls to my Scam of "Thought" Gleaning, will

placate my scam by fronting out their opinions.


Say that some are Ultra Right and Hate Pelosi, and Rant about her, guess what they just revealed for me to profile them.


Say other side of the Mental Patients chime in with support for Pelosi,,, guess what they just provided for me to

add to their profile.


Point is, as stated, threads can be Thought Catchers, posted to gain access into your mind.


I can then Gauge the passion in responses and from the amount of Passion, I can Psych them and analyze them.


Ok, Passions are something all creatures should attempt control of, Jan. 6th Capital Fiasco is perfect example.


We are all aware that this is done, freaking Gov.'t wage earners are all over the Web doing exactly that,

in some cases, Agencies can use the Data to set up and entrap the most Passionate into Committing Crimes.




Using the Capital Chaos, and the amount arrested, something like 600 people,


how many of that 600 people were Manipulated using their Passions Profile?


Let's do Qanon Psy-ops as an example of Brainwashing population.


I watched Ashley Babbit get shot through the Lung, hit the Floor,


Cough up a Puddle of Blood and I thought "FUCK MK ULTRA BRAINWASHING"


Was Ashley an Acolyte of the Qanon Base? if so, I'd say we can thank the

 Qanon Psy-Ops for influencing

her into doing something that got her Murdered.


Ok, I just added to this Weak Ass Subject a few of My Thoughts, should I care that those end up

at a Data Bank to be used in an analysis operation?


try this thought on that"as Jayrodney said: "Zero Fucks"




advice, this is the Web World, it is a sneaky little Virtual World, full of Traps and Tricks.


always maintain forefront in your Mind, that everything is a possible Trap of some sort.


and then


when you are about to Die, shit on your Keyboard as a Goodbye to it.

IMG 0349






Posted : 26/03/2022 5:23 pm
Honorable Member

@cynicalabsurdance - I just don't get it why they love to lick the boots of that elitist, it boggles the mind.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 26/03/2022 5:31 pm
Prominent Member

left a sentence out


quote: "

Point is, as stated, threads can be Thought Catchers, posted to gain access into your mind.


I can then Gauge the passion in responses and from the amount of Passion, I can Psych them and analyze them.````end quote


add this sentence : Psych them, analyze them, and use their passions as they revealed to Manipulate them. """"


Agenda Much?


isn't that something a Feminist is all about? running Man Hating agendas?



see what I mean?


cracks me up to watch Passions spew out of people, Best when watched from a UFO, ya get

the BIG Picture from up there.

Posted : 26/03/2022 5:32 pm
Member Admin

It's probably gonna be thrown out, only if you're on the right team you can get away with murder

Posted : 26/03/2022 5:50 pm
Honorable Member

@ Cyn, by the way, if calling out suspected pedophiles and rapists is Feminist, where do I sign up?

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 26/03/2022 5:56 pm
Member Admin

I don't think this thread is about pedophiles? Did I miss something? Huh!?  

Posted : 26/03/2022 6:07 pm
Honorable Member

@octo Yes, I just brought up his other rape court cases.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 26/03/2022 6:14 pm
Member Admin


Posted : 26/03/2022 9:16 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

It seems this isn't what I'd term debunked.

To each his own, not gonna' sit around fact shaming anybody.

cow love GIF
Posted : 26/03/2022 10:45 pm
Member Admin

Discovery is going to be interesting.

Posted : 27/03/2022 2:49 pm
Member Admin

If we even hear anything more about this Huh!?  

Posted : 27/03/2022 5:49 pm
Honorable Member

@octo They still have to go over the Trump's tax returns for last year, if they find something that will stand up in court, then, yes, if not, then no.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 28/03/2022 2:59 pm

Great thread. Coffeetime  

Posted : 29/03/2022 3:45 pm
Prominent Member
34e5d7a14393894db0aab16a05414980  dark hallway writing inspiration


pffft,,,, Jane and John Q. Public attempt to go down that Dark old Rabbit Hole,,, armed only with a Candle,,,



somehow,,, for some reason,,, I don't think that's enough light to see shit.

Posted : 30/03/2022 10:40 pm
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