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What Is Wrong With Me?

Reputable Member

So here I am trying to re-engage with reality, what I mean by this is for the past 3 years I've really tried to get my head around people and the whole world, like watching telly, listening to people that never think they have ever done anything wrong, and just say when I question this, 'don't worry, it's my fault, I'm just to caught up in the Bs moment, so it's my fault lol'. Pathetic right!

Living in the Bs world is so hard. Cuz that's all it really is. Bs


The whole world is so brainwashed, not just the people in it, but nature including all of the insects/plantlife and I'd even go so far to say the weather, though by weather I mean the atmosphere.


Am I starting to sound mentally deranged?




Topic starter Posted : 05/08/2022 6:21 pm
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Member Admin

I gave up on trying to get my head around other people a long time ago. I don't miss it.


Do you really think plantlife is brainwashed? Blonde  

Posted : 05/08/2022 6:42 pm
Reputable Member


The plantlife I'm looking at is.


The vegetable garden I'm keeping has turned into a jungle. 


Topic starter Posted : 05/08/2022 8:04 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member
Posted by: @boomerang


The plantlife I'm looking at is.


The vegetable garden I'm keeping has turned into a jungle. 


It’s a jungle out there.


Posted : 05/08/2022 10:51 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member
Posted by: @boomerang


The plantlife I'm looking at is.


The vegetable garden I'm keeping has turned into a jungle. 


It’s just the old world that disintegrating. If you weren’t noticing these things something would be wrong. We all see different things in different ways. All that dirty, shitty energy, is all leaving. Enter the new. Welcome to the spiritual ascension process.



Posted : 05/08/2022 10:55 pm
Boomerang liked
Honorable Member

I would think that nothing is wrong with you or me and you are just having a moment of self-doubt. Do something for yourself or others that will bring positivity and rise you above that negativity.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 06/08/2022 2:49 am
Boomerang liked
Reputable Member



I've spent my life trying to help others but 'enough is never enough'


They're all too far gone, and then crap themselves if they get ill or think they are going to die from some complaint they made up in there heads. 


I don't get it?


I don't have money, I never have, I've just quite happily given it out because someone close (family/friends) have wanted something, I don't see the point of money?

I can't put a price on my time, and I'm nothing special, but how do you put an hourly rate on your time? 

How do you price your life based on doing something you don't really like anyway for an hourly rate.

There is no amount of money I could put on an hourly price of my time , doing something that in my eyes is pretty pointless anyway.

All I need is food, water and oxygen, shelter is everywhere.

I have no money, therefore I have no home. I'm looking in the Outer Hebrides for somewhere to live at this moment in time.

Miles and miles from everything and everyone, might build a treehouse, might dig an underground house, might do both and slide from the treehouse into the underground house.

And croak around this planet for another 500 years because knowing my luck my heart will never stop beating lol




Topic starter Posted : 06/08/2022 3:03 pm
Member Admin

Sounds like you had your illusions broken. Good! Everybody should experience that once in a while.

I found the best way to help someone is to be your optimal self and do you!

Posted : 06/08/2022 4:39 pm
Reputable Member


They were broken 30 seconds into being born lol

Topic starter Posted : 06/08/2022 5:20 pm
Member Admin


I remember when I was about maybe 10 or so wondering what type of experiment this was that put me here with these people (my family) who were so "normal" compared to me LOL damned  

Posted : 06/08/2022 6:20 pm
Boomerang liked
Member Admin

My other family is here

Posted : 06/08/2022 6:22 pm
Boomerang liked
Honorable Member



You yes you are special. Given the view of humanity from the ground level. You, yes you to realize what to do. What to do. You know. Only you the most experienced. Go for it.

Power without abuse loses it's charm.

Posted : 14/08/2022 4:13 am

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