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Next pandemic could be this "new" deadly Ebola-like monkey virus they say

Member Admin

How is it new when it was first sequenced in the 60s? Huh!?  

Simian hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV) causes devastating Ebola-like symptoms including internal bleeding and death. It hijacks the immune system, disabling key defense mechanisms and breaking the body down cell by cell.

No cases have been detected in humans yet but it is 'poised for a spillover', according to US researchers. By developing tests and monitoring the virus now 'the global health community could potentially avoid another pandemic', they said.

Experts at the University of Colorado Boulder are raising the alarm due to SHFV's 'compatibility… with humans'. 

In a lab study, they found virus is able to latch on to a human receptor with ease and make copies of itself.

Senior author of the study Dr Sara Sawyer said: 'This animal virus has figured out how to gain access to human cells, multiply itself, and escape some of the important immune mechanisms we would expect to protect us from an animal virus. 

'That's pretty rare. We should be paying attention to it.'



Topic starter Posted : 30/09/2022 6:14 pm
White Ribbon
Honorable Member


Posted : 02/10/2022 12:23 am
Member Admin

Night Of The Living Dead Horror GIF by filmeditor
Topic starter Posted : 02/10/2022 10:35 am
Estimable Member

Just as we are easing a bit on going maskless. Covid is here to stay. Monkey pox and any other viruses will continue to invade. There will be a lull in new cases. Making people think its over. Dont let your guard down

Posted : 03/10/2022 6:21 pm
Reputable Member


..was no reason for masks (or the forced vaccines) in the first place & people should be pissed about this:

If sanity and intellectual honesty still existed, these estimates would be front page news for every major media outlet in the world.


Posted : 30/10/2022 8:57 pm
Octo liked
Member Admin

Just the other day in our local paper it said they're (Finland) changing how covid deaths are reported. If you had covid when you died, even if it was a car accident or unrelated to covid it was listed as a covid death. 


Topic starter Posted : 30/10/2022 9:16 pm
Member Admin

I'm not saying covid is harmless, it killed my gf 😭

Topic starter Posted : 30/10/2022 9:17 pm
Reputable Member
Posted by: @octo

I'm not saying covid is harmless, it killed my gf 😭

how sure are you that that was why..

& if you are sure.. just like the flu it prob did get a few

however ..overall it was less dangerous than the flu..ffs

Posted : 30/10/2022 9:24 pm
Member Admin

I'm not sure it wasn't the hospital treatment that killed her, no

Topic starter Posted : 30/10/2022 9:26 pm
Reputable Member

..on the other hand..will there be a killer virus worldwide down the road?



good rule of thumb:

when you see people dead in the streets it's time to freak out

(& even then i wouldn't take one of their vaccines)


Posted : 30/10/2022 10:28 pm
Estimable Member

I beleive virus like covid and others like it will stick around for 2000 years and then lie dormant

Posted : 31/10/2022 3:43 am
Member Admin

There will always be viruses and pandemics

Topic starter Posted : 31/10/2022 5:39 pm
Member Admin

I don't even know how many rounds covid made around here, but seems a lot of my coworkers and others have it again, many for the second time.

Topic starter Posted : 31/10/2022 5:45 pm

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