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Squareheads at it again

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Prominent Member

Hey Tom, Hi.


I think we may know peoplein Finland maybe, let me check.

Posted : 13/04/2022 6:13 pm
Member Admin



I think you might...

Yeah I can't see any chance in hell avoiding joining nato. Sweden waits for Finland's decision.

Finland has, as opposed to Sweden, not dismantled its army or military conscription and has kept preparing for the worst since last time Russia invaded. In fact, and additional 2 billion was very recently added to the defense budget. That's big money. 

Posted : 13/04/2022 6:54 pm
Member Admin

If the worst fears of Europe are realised and the conflict in Ukraine spreads across the continent to other neighbours of Russia, then Finland will be ready.

It has supplies. At least six months of all major fuels and grains sit in strategic stockpiles, while pharmaceutical companies are obliged to have 3-10 months’ worth of all imported drugs on hand.

It has civilian defences. All buildings above a certain size have to have their own bomb shelters, and the rest of the population can use underground car parks, ice rinks, and swimming pools which stand ready to be converted into evacuation centres.

And it has fighters. Almost a third of the adult population of the Nordic country is a reservist, meaning Finland can draw on one of the biggest militaries relative to its size in Europe. “We have prepared our society, and have been training for this situation ever since the second world war,” says Tytti Tuppurainen, Finland’s EU minister. After spending eight decades living first in the shadow of the Soviet Union and now Russia, the threat of war in Europe “has not hit us as a surprise”.

Posted : 13/04/2022 7:29 pm
Prominent Member

Best defense is Finland's Ludifisk Catapult. the stench is killer.

Posted : 13/04/2022 8:21 pm
strigoi liked
Active Member

I have no doubt that Finland is much more and better prepared than the United States. We used to have a saying in the 60s don’t trust anybody over 30, now  the saying goes don’t trust anybody under 50.

Hello CA, always good to see you pop up.

Topic starter Posted : 14/04/2022 12:03 am
Member Admin

I can't help but notice that age trust ho ho is a moving target. Giggle  

Posted : 14/04/2022 8:33 am
Prominent Member
Posted by: @strigoi

I can't help but notice that age trust ho ho is a moving target. Giggle  

Ground Zero of 911 broke trust.


Make America great again almost restored it, then that failed, and then Limp Noodle Dick was installed,

and now?


well,,, HA!


Back Roads of America Hobo Style seems to be the Escape from it all.


heh heh heee


seriously though, as I thought about it, I figured if I got rid of everything I had invested in society, took off roaming unattached

to any paradigm, that I'd be much happier and a whole lot less aggravated.


ya know what, it worked.


People see my car plates here in Arizona, ask me, you're from Oregon?

I reply Nope, a Womb, before that, Heaven.


Borders and State lines create for them in their minds, a position to judge this World's members of humanity.


seems sane doesn't it?


well, try it this way, if those imaginary lines were never created by selfish people,

maybe the perpetual wars would've never came into existence.


Utopia is a Dream, that for this World, will never be Birthed.


However, Hell seems easy enough to obtain here.


I think we'd get better with life on this Planet, if just twice a year, we make our leaders engage in a Sewing Circle

to get to know each other better.


Sewing circles are Therapeutic ya know.








Posted : 14/04/2022 5:35 pm
Member Admin

It's starting to look like all this pandemic shenanigans, war, inflation and whatnot are planned by the same assholes. It's a good idea to be able to get off the grid at any point in time.

Posted : 14/04/2022 9:01 pm
Member Admin
20220414 161410
Posted : 14/04/2022 9:53 pm
Prominent Member

LOL Octo. snipers matter.


it's obvious this is all manipulated

whats going on doesn't just spill out of the bag of fate.


pan dem, as I've said, thousands of miles of travel outdoors, I never caught a sneeze.


signs of it being a "Trauma Based" manipulation, was how hard they were pimping, non stop constant FEAR pimping

is tell tale in mind control.



Posted : 14/04/2022 10:28 pm
Member Admin

I agree. Only I would call mind control on the global level we're witnessing right now social engineering. Moral engineering? Socio-moral engineering? 


Posted : 14/04/2022 10:39 pm
Prominent Member

Mankind's selfishness, always leaves them Vulnerable to offers of free shit, those who voted the Slither into office

deserve the Empty Promises.

the same people, will always stab you in the back as well.


Cynical standpoint of mine was built on observing those people, forged, I can say, I have no pity for them.


11 months to go, and it'll all trigger.

March 2023. 



Posted : 14/04/2022 11:50 pm
Jay Rodney
Member Admin

All the crazy shit happens around muh birthday.

Posted : 15/04/2022 11:23 am

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