Summer at its fines...
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Summer at its finest! Solstice time!

Member Admin

Solstice is tomorrow! It's peak summer and it doesn't get much better than this!

It's warm and dry and I have tons of pics that I haven't posted because it's too warm to do anything. 28C today again and no wind to speak of...

One more week of work after this one and I'll have the whole month of July off!! Woohoo  

Topic starter Posted : 20/06/2023 8:11 pm
Boomerang liked
Member Admin

And I rented my own cottage for a couple of weeks mid-July. Beach front and walking distance from my apt. 

Our family cabin is getting pretty crowded with a new generation of family popping up like mushrooms Huh!?  

Topic starter Posted : 20/06/2023 8:31 pm
Boomerang liked
Reputable Member

hot here too..88F at the moment,but do have a breeze

 beach front cottage sounds great Octo

no doubt you will enjoy it there

Posted : 20/06/2023 10:59 pm
Boomerang liked
Member Admin

Happy Solstice my friend! 


It's time to celebrate! Party  

It's going to rain tomorrow!! YAY It's bone dry everywhere so we really need it.

It's also cooling down thankfully.

Screenshot 20230621 221243 01

20 hours and 39 minutes of daylight, that's max for my latitude


Topic starter Posted : 21/06/2023 9:21 pm
Boomerang liked
Member Admin

We have an equally long day today and it cooled down to a wonderful 18C going on 10pm. I'm sitting on the balcony enjoying a cold beverage watching aerial acrobatics performed by swallows or whatever you call them.

I love them! They are amazing! My favorite summer feels bird!

Topic starter Posted : 22/06/2023 8:45 pm
Boomerang liked
Reputable Member

Posted : 24/06/2023 3:22 pm
Octo liked

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