The Future Naturall...
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The Future Naturally

Prominent Member



So I wrote a Poem for the Video after watching it.


Inspiration begets Inspiration, and that my friends, is the Base Element of creating Heaven on Earth.


~~~~ The Nature of Life ~~~~

Though the Ice would melt eventually
bringing new and forbidden Seas

and the Sun would recede into anomalies
never before seen

The Species known as Humanity
would grow and live for eternity ,,,,

Solace found in an empty Space
bringing wonder and smiles to their face

Man Would Dance ever on
seeking the essence and meaning
of life lived solely on

the grain he'd find spun within his soul

Answers and complex questions as well,
would prove that there is no Hell

it was always a figment
of a demented mind

let loose upon Mankind

Heavens exist in Multitudes

To Hell with Negative Attitudes

Life is meant to be LIVED not spent
Your mind,, you alone own
and it's not for rent

So live life like any second is your last
seek truth in your future
never your past.

( Penned in situ for this thread )

Inspire all that you have contact with
and inspiration will find and lead you.


Topic starter Posted : 24/10/2022 7:56 pm
Member Admin

Thank you! And spot on for this moment when I was sitting and thinking about these things...

Communication happens when you drop the bullshit and connect to the real source

Posted : 24/10/2022 8:01 pm
Prominent Member

They split the Streets

toppled the scrapers too


City of Sin melting away

Run Little Man, run you fool


Came the Higher Mind to explain

All Psychotics were driving the game.


So come on back Colorado

find me standing alone

come on back, I've cleared their Storm


Whisper me a Melody

I'll try to play it for you

long as we can sing, we can't ever lose


So I traveled farther than I meant

but believe in this,, I have no regrets


Blues makes you feel

Rock and Roll keeps it all too real

and Jazz is Chaos tamed

why is it, we're never blamed

for creation in total? ~~~~~~~~~~ Simply strike that Match and Toss it ~~~~~~~~~

Bunny Coffee for Easter



Topic starter Posted : 12/11/2022 9:51 pm

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