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Group: Admin
Joined: 2022-01-17
Title: Member Admin
Oh I love Pasha, it is very rich and yummy. I'll find you a ...

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
Here's a word from Canterbury travels: The most traditio...

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
They made some amazing horror movies in the 70s and 80s and ...

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
Hello! I know who you are. You need to register a new accoun...

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
We used to do that too

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
Well that was weird. And a lot of text

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
Yeah that would be cool

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
Russia doesn't have any resources to invade Finland at the m...

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
I read an article in the local news this morning about Highl...

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
I've not seen it. I have to put it on my watch list

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
I should not have said that I love movies, I enjoy good ones...

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
The swans are back!! That's a good sign 😍

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
I had to do a double take on my thermometer the other mornin...

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
Finland cleared to join NATO

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
That's an interesting point of view regarding films. Thanks ...

In forum General Discussion

1 year ago
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